April 2014 lunar haircut calendar


If a girl is not indifferent to the beauty of her hair, she is surely interested in the lunar calendar. Inexplicably, the Moon affects many processes that occur on the earth and in the human body, and especially on the condition of the hair. The lunar calendar does not coincide with the usual calendar that we use in everyday life. The lunar month begins with a new moon - the first day, very short compared to others. The astrological day of the lunar calendar is slightly less - 48 minutes than normal, and therefore less days in the lunar calendar.

Some ancient civilizations used only lunar calculus - this was the case in the Mayan calendar, popular with its predictions. The first day in it is considered zero, then another 29 or 30 days pass, only two half-years of six lunar months. This April lunar month will begin on the 29th - the new moon. This means that the moon will grow in the first half, respectively, the second half of the month will pass under the waning moon. On April 15, Tuesday, there will be an important event - a lunar eclipse. Try not to go far from home, pay close attention to health these days, there may be different problems.

April 2014 lunar calendar for dogsticks - hair waving

It is difficult to say what motivates languid beauties with straight hair with enthusiasm to curl curls - coquetry, the variability of female nature or the desire to get something that you do not have. Most likely, the reason is the latter, as curly young ladies straighten their curls with irons and curling irons with no less enthusiasm. Life is a change, the same goes for hair.

It is important to consider when waving a lunar day, under what sign the moon is. The most successful days are Leo and Taurus, Virgo, (2, 3, 13, 14, 29-31). These days you can just twist your hair on curlers and enjoy the beauty of curls for a whole week. Add to these days the constellations of Virgo and Taurus. But it is better to exclude Scorpio and Aquarius (15,16,17) - it is unlikely that you will be satisfied with the image that can turn out.

By the way, during critical days, it is practically useless to curl hair - hormonal changes in the body lead to the fact that the hair does not hold shape. You will have to use a lot of varnish, mousse or other fixers hairstyles. Also, the form of curling performed when taking antibiotics does not hold. After bleaching, it is recommended to wait at least two weeks, and all this time to nourish and strengthen the hair.

Hairstyle lunar calendar for april 2014 - hair coloring

If you constantly dye your hair, trips to the hairdresser should be done every 4-5 weeks to at least tint the tips. Maintaining color is not so easy - updating, tinting, and changing color is now becoming a complex procedure.

Favorable days for hair coloring: the third quarter of the moon (16-21), at the beginning of the month almost all days, except for 3.4, 5, 13.14.

Hair coloring has an ancient history. In ancient times, the rich and noble Assyrians and Persians painted their beards, and this was considered a sign of human well-being. The Romans adopted this privilege from their eastern relatives, preferring to paint in light colors and even discolor. Perhaps they were pushed by the fact that the ideal of beauty in those days was milky whiteness and light hair tones of northern women. Could the Greeks have fought for them with barbarians, considering the northerners the standard of beauty? The Roman doctor Gallen left us a description of his paint and beard care recipes. To paint gray hair, he used a decoction of walnut.

Dyeing hair was practically forbidden in the Middle Ages - cruel manners and obsessive ideas about female chastity affected. The Renaissance ejected these prejudices, and again blondes entered the arena of popularity. Later, red-haired women of easy virtue seized the palm. Courtesans did their best to use henna - dried and powdered leaves of lavsonia. At the beginning of the 20th century, chemistry entered the arena - the first known mask of Loreal dyes appeared. Ammonia-free colors that gently and carefully dye hair are fashionable today.

April 2014 lunar haircut calendar - auspicious days for haircuts

From April 1 to April 14, hair after a haircut done in a beauty salon will grow faster. This time is favorable for those who grow their hair. For the usual short haircut, the time is the second half of the month. By the way, the widespread opinion about the influence of the frequency of haircuts on hair growth is erroneous, although in the press you can find completely opposite points of view. Wrong are those who believe that the more often you cut your hair, the faster it will grow back.

That is why the kids tried to cut their hair in a year - to start a completely new count of hair growth. Those who prefer not to cut hair, growing their length, are also mistaken. The truth, as always, lies in the middle - the very fact of cutting hair does not affect their growth. But the haircut time - quite. Therefore, go get a haircut under the signs of Leo, Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn, (3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14, 28, 30) and your hair will be shiny and healthy.

April 2014 lunar haircut calendar - bad haircut days

Remember the main thing - the Moon does not recommend cutting hair on the days of the full moon, new moon and solar eclipses. April "critical days" are also signs of Scorpio and Aquarius, which pass under the influence of Saturn and Uranus, and therefore will become adverse days - April 15,16,22,23,29. Relax yourself and let your hair rest, after winter stresses they will be grateful to you for this.

April 2014 lunar haircut calendar - conclusion

Analyzing cave paintings, scientists found that even primitive women paid more attention to their hair than to clothes. As soon as the separation of social layers occurred, people began to use hair to indicate their advantage, as well as their profession. The lunar calendar has no less time than the history of hairdressing.

To make our hair look like in pictures of glossy magazines, of course, good care is also required. Much attention should be paid to washing your hair and even drying it properly.

How to dry your hair

It is always necessary to prepare two towels - one get your hair wet, the other, after warming it up, wrap your hair to create a greenhouse effect and leave it overnight. Do not rub your scalp with all your might - just blot your hair easily. If time is short - massage your slightly dried hair at the roots with your fingertips. This is where air circulation between the hairs comes into play. The volume will be greater if you dry your hair, head down. And remember - it is strictly forbidden to apply a curling iron or an iron to wet hair!

To dry with a hairdryer, you also need to pat your head with a towel without rubbing it. Let them be slightly moist before applying the hair dryer - not wet or dry. Try to take your hair in straight locks and not to overdry. By the way, long hair is difficult to dry without combing - use a comb with very rare cloves. Drying should begin at the forehead, and finish at the back of the head.

Be beautiful with the lunar calendar!


Watch the video: The Lunar Hair Chart for Hair Cutting Explained. Morrocco Method (June 2024).