Vincent Kassel and Tina Kunaki became parents. A new love story of Monica Bellucci's ex-husband


Recently, an incredible couple - the popular French actor Vincent Cassel and the promising model Tina Kunaki - became parents. Kassel has become a dad for the third time.

The news attracted and pleased everyone who watches this couple, and there are many who are interested: these are fans of Kassel himself, who, despite his 52-year-old age, is considered one of the sexiest men due to not appearance, which would seem to be unremarkable, especially given the inexorable years, and special charisma, admirers of his former official wife - the standard of femininity Monica Bellucci, and simply connoisseurs of everything beautiful and sincere. After all, watching this couple is a pleasure.

30 years difference? Not felt!

Kassel and a very young Tina with a difference of more than 30 years look so organic and positive that it is difficult to come off. It is impossible not to believe, it is impossible not to succumb to charm.

As he had with Monica

Kassel definitely knows a lot about special women. It is significant that he was able to conquer one of the main beauties of the world Monica Bellucci. Moreover, it was she who had to conquer it. This happened on the set of the movie "Apartment", where they played a couple. The whole crew recalls the sparks that flew between the actors. Everyone understood perfectly well that on the site, not the heroine seduced her hero, but Monica conquered Kassel. After this, however, he already had to conquer it, although he was known as a noble ladies' man.

In general, there were passions and everything that could be between a recognized French sex symbol and a hot Italian beauty, but he still managed to bring Monica to the registry office. This was one of the most beautiful and stable couples in the cinema, the marriage lasted about 20 years, but it seems that Monica Vincent was not able to get to the end. The marriage was passionate, but basically had a guest format. Everything settled down only after 15 years, when the couple finally decided to have children. Monica suddenly became home and household, Vincent, presumably, finally waited for a standard in his understanding of family life. And then this divorce. Fans, of course, were upset.

Pretty Tina

However, it does not seem that the participants in the events themselves were particularly upset. As for Vincent, somehow, while relaxing in Ibiza, he met a charming creature named Tina Kunaki. “It’s just that we were at the right time in the right place, it happens,” Tina simply commented on the beginning of their novel. She was only 20. And, it would seem, all comparisons with Monica legend should not be in her favor. And here it is. They are just completely different. And Tina, with her stupid energy, inner strength, or something that splashes even from photos, without a drop of pathos and with this disarming smile, turned out to be a worthy and strong personality, despite her young age.

“Never forget to smile,” signed one of Kassel’s joint photos on his Instagram page. Perhaps it was Tina’s positive, which, apparently, would be enough for ten, was attracted by Kassel. Next to her, he is getting younger, it catches the eye.

The birth of amazon

The actor reported the event a bit unconventionally. He posted on his page a photo of the Amazon River and signed: "The Amazon was born." So the couple called the girl. Tina became a mother for the first time, and Vincent's daughters from Monica Bellucci were 8 and 14 years old. (By the way, Monica is also in order, she is in a relationship.)

Here she is, Kassel’s second youth.
