Thrush during pregnancy


Thrush is one of the many fungal infections that is caused by a fungus of the genus Candida, which is why it is often called candidiasis. During pregnancy (in the prenatal period), candida is allocated in about half of expectant mothers, during this period, immunity decreases, the woman's body becomes vulnerable.

With the normal functioning of the body, a certain number of Candida fungi are in equilibrium with other bacteria, however, when the immunity is weakened, the microflora is disturbed, the fungi multiply rapidly, which leads to thrush. Among the most common symptoms are itching, burning, unpleasant discharge. This disease requires prompt diagnosis and treatment, especially if it arose during pregnancy.

Causes of thrush during pregnancy

Thrush is often called a litmus test, which signals problems in the body. Among the causes of the disease are called infectious and oncological diseases, tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, dysfunction of the thyroid or genital glands, hypothyroidism, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, dysbiosis, elevated levels of female hormones, genital herpes.

In addition to dysfunction of internal organs, other factors often lead to thrush, for example, gross sexual intercourse, during which a woman receives microtrauma of the vaginal walls, abuse of sweets during pregnancy, and hormonal and other medications. There are times when the propagation of Candida fungi causes the use of synthetic underwear.

Symptoms of thrush

Among the main symptoms of thrush are severe itching, burning, characteristic curd discharge of white color, which have a pronounced sour smell. During urination, pain or pain may appear. All symptoms intensify after sexual intercourse, which brings the fair sex with a diagnosis of thrush not a very pleasant sensation. The listed symptoms make it possible to diagnose candidiasis in 90 percent of cases, but it is very important for the patient to undergo a comprehensive examination, since there are several diseases whose symptoms are similar to thrush.

Treatment for thrush during pregnancy

The symptoms of thrush are so unpleasant that they provoke the representative of the fair sex to constantly take a shower, relief comes for a certain time, but after 1-1.5 hours, itching and burning again come back. Therefore, we can conclude that high-quality personal hygiene is not a panacea for the disease, other means should be used to get rid of thrush.

Medical methods for getting rid of thrush

The use of medications during pregnancy is not recommended, and in some cases is contraindicated. At the same time, there is a limited list of drugs that are safe for the health of the baby and the expectant mother, in the case of thrush, we are talking about Clotrimazole and Miconazole. Safe but less effective is pimafucin.

Alternative methods of treating thrush

In the case where the use of drugs is contraindicated, traditional medicine comes to the rescue. Pregnant women suffering from candidiasis are advised to wash their genitals with a decoction of oak bark, saline, a solution of sodium tetraborate in glycerin, and also make baths of calendula.

For many decades, doctors have advised pregnant women to use the following recipe: mix 1 liter of water, a tablespoon of soda, a teaspoon of iodine, this solution should be poured into a basin and sit in it for 15-20 minutes. However, the relevance of this method today raises great doubts.

Diet for thrush

Doctors often recommend that the fair sex diet, in particular, to abandon spicy, smoked, fatty and pickled foods, as they increase the acidity of the vagina and promote the propagation of Candida fungi. Contrary to the popular belief that dairy products should not be consumed during the illness, doctors advise them to be included in the diet, it will also be good to dilute the menu with vegetables and fruits, multivitamins for pregnant women are relevant

Prevention of thrush during pregnancy

The following are considered preventive measures against thrush:
- a systematic test and routine examination will identify the infection at an early stage and quickly cope with it;
- eat properly and fully, do not forget about vitamins and minerals;
- if you suspect a partner has thrush, have sex exclusively with a condom;
- limit any medication;
- underwear should be natural, any synthetics during pregnancy are contraindicated.


Dilya 10/07/2016
I have all the symptoms of a small child, but I have not yet gone to the doctor to clarify the disease. There is a question ... is thrush transmitted to a newborn baby ???

Lyudmila 03/27/2016
Not when in life there was not any thrush before pregnancy. Already been at 18 weeks, this disease got out! Here it is asked - from where !!! Candles were prescribed, and now I gave birth, and I still put candles, they help a little and again!

Albina 03/03/2016
I recovered from thrush before pregnancy. The most pleasant thing, you know ... In general, I could not understand what was happening to me, and when I found out that I was a thrush, I could not understand where it came from! I always observe personal hygiene, nothing of which has been noticed for me))

Dina 03/27/2016
Here is another reason for pregnant women to monitor the diet! I probably now do not need to persuade, but until today it was impossible to drag away sweets))) And I also read that you can infect your newborn baby with a thrush!

Irina 03/27/2016
No matter how many causes of thrush! I had no idea that from simple synthetic underwear or busting sweets such a byak could arise! And on TV I heard about thrush so many times, and everyone thought what it was ...


Watch the video: Anti-Fungal Medication and Birth Defects (June 2024).