Apple jam tart - soulful tea party. Surprise your family and friends with apple jam tart recipes


Of course, you can treat your friends with tea with cake or pastries bought on the way home, at the nearest pastry shop or bakery - this will be an ordinary warm welcome, with a delicious dessert, observing all the rules of etiquette and the laws of hospitality. If you serve a tea cake prepared just before the guests arrive, then the warm welcome will be remembered for a long time, along with the taste of a freshly baked cake. The aroma of homemade pies, palpable even outside the front door, will tell guests how the owners cherish them, how diligently prepare for their arrival. Even if the cake is the simplest, tea drinking will be sincere and unforgettable.

Apple jam pie - basic technological principles

There is hardly a larger assortment of baked goods than cakes. They are open and closed, large and small, for holidays and weekdays, with simple and complex filling, from different types of dough. Home baking is good because it does not require strict adherence to a strict recipe.

You can bake a delicious pie even half an hour before the guests arrive, if there is some apple jam, eggs, sugar, a little butter, and, of course, flour in the house. You can make the dough from one flour and water, adding a little cinnamon and sugar. For homemade jam pie, the main thing is creative initiative and the presence of a minimum amount of fresh products.

Below are baking recipes from various types of dough, about cooking technology, which you can write a whole book and impossible to tell in one small article. But, if you cook it once, with your own hands, then no advice will be needed. The best teacher is your own experience.

Read recipes, choose, improve and change them to your liking. If you like an idea, write it down in your culinary notebook.

Recipe 1. Yeast cake pastry for apple jam pie


Flour 650 g

Cinnamon to taste

Vanillin 2 g

Sugar 120 g

Salt 8 g

Whole milk (3.2%) 250 ml

Eggs 3 pcs.

Margarine 100 g

Jam, apple 350 g

Pressed Yeast 50 g

Operating procedure:

Combine the eggs with sugar and salt, beat. Melt cream margarine or butter in a water bath; cool to room temperature. Heat the milk and dilute the yeast by adding a tablespoon of sugar and 200 g of sifted flour. As soon as bubbles appear on the surface of the mass, add the remaining liquid components of the dough to the bowl. Shuffle.

Make a dry mix. Add vanilla, fine salt, sugar to the sifted flour. Add the dry mixture to the liquid in small parts, kneading the dough until it stops sticking to your hands and dishes.

Cover with foil and place in a warm place. When it rises to the edge of the bowl, put it on a work surface, oiled, and proceed to cut it.

Separate? part and put in a bowl, covering with a film. Roll out a circle from the rest of the dough. Transfer it to a pre-prepared form. The edges of the dough line on the side of the form.

Add the cinnamon to the jam and mix. If the jam is very thick, add a little water and boil it over low heat. Cool and then coat evenly the bottom layer of the cake mix.

Roll out the second half of the dough and cover it with jam. Connect the edges of both layers of the pie. If desired, you can change the appearance of the cake, and make it open. In this case, from the second part of the dough, after rolling it out, you need to cut the strips and lay them crosswise on the surface of the product, and close the edge with a braided flagellum or pigtail. For better bonding of small parts with the base (bottom layer), grease the side with egg white.

After proofing, bake at 180-200 ° C. As soon as the product is browned, remove from the oven, with a brush, treat the surface with whipped egg yolk with sugar and melted butter. Transfer to dish after cooling.

Recipe 2. Sponge cake for apple jam pie

Grocery list:

5 eggs

Premium flour, wheat 125 g

Rum extract 4 ml

Vanillin 5 g

Salt, kitchen 7 g

Sugar 100 g

Jam 350 g

To decorate:

Powder 70 g

Squirrels 3 pcs.

Vanilla 4 g

Candied fruits 90 g

Operating procedure:

Separate the whites and yolks of pre-chilled eggs. Whisk separately. In proteins, add 5-6 drops of citric acid when whipping, and in yolks - fine table salt. Combine the protein and yolk mass, laying out the yolks one at a time and gently mixing the dough with a spatula.

Add the sifted flour a little. Finish the dough immediately and place it in a baking dish greased with vegetable fat. Bake immediately, in a preheated oven, over medium heat. Before the appearance of a golden brown crust on the surface of the pie, the biscuit dough should not be touched: at this time, do not open the oven, try to carefully handle the stove to avoid mechanical damage to the pie. Biscuit dough can lose splendor from hitting the oven door - it is very "moody." After about 25-30 minutes, the biscuit is baked. Remove the mold and place it on the grill for cooling. Remove the cooled cake from the mold. Divide with a thread into two identical cakes. Grease each of them with jam and connect with each other.

Beat whites with powdered sugar until stable peaks are formed by adding vanilla to the protein cream. Using a cornet or pastry bag, deposit the cream on the surface of the product. Put the cake on a baking sheet, put for 7-10 minutes in an oven preheated to 150 ° C. Turn off the oven and do not get the cake to cool completely, but open the door slightly. After decorate with sliced ​​candied fruit.

Recipe 3. Rice cake with apple jam and pears


Yolks, raw 6 pcs.

Soft butter 180 g

Sugar 200 g

Vanillin, crystalline 2 g

Flour 250 g

Lemons 300 g (2 pcs.)


Apple jam 150 g

Rice 300 g

Water 600 ml

Milk or Cream 300 ml

Pears, fresh 2 pcs. (large)

Icing sugar 50 g

Order of preparation:

Pour the sifted flour on the table with a slide, make a deepening and put 100 g of sugar, 2 yolks, salt, grated lemon zest (1 pc.), Soft butter, vanilla.

Knead the dough, wrap it in foil and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. Boil the water in a saucepan, put the washed rice and salt. Cook on moderate heat. When rice draws water, reduce heat and pour in milk; continue cooking until milk is absorbed. Cool, add sugar, apple jam, zest of the second lemon, 4 yolks. Stir until smooth.

Prepare a head start and preheat the oven. Roll out the dough on the table to fit the shape, shift, lining the bottom. Put the rice mixture on top, bake at 180? C, about 50 minutes. Cut the prepared pears into thin slices. Put on a pie in a circle after it cools down. Pour melted butter (30 - 50 g) and sprinkle with sugar. Preheat the oven to 250? C. Place the pie on the top shelf to brown the fruit. Sprinkle with powdered sugar when it cools.

Recipe 4. Pie with apple jam and candied fruit

Product Composition:

Fresh lemons (medium size) 250 g


4 eggs

Sugar 300 g

Oil, softened drain. 125 g

Apples 1 kg (or jam - 0.6 kg)

Candied fruits, lemon 100 g

Candied Cherries 150 g

Dry cookies 8-10 pcs.

Flour (premium) 350 g

Cooking Technology:

Pour the sifted flour onto the table. Make a slide with a recess in which put 3 egg yolks, grated lemon peel, butter, salt and sugar. Make the dough and, wrapping it, put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Cut the peeled apples into slices or cubes (without skin), and put in a pan with sugar, zest of the second lemon. Pour a few tablespoons of drinking water, and cook on low heat for half an hour. Chill apples and mash.

If you use apple jam, then add lemon juice and zest to it, several tablespoons of water and boil until moderate thickening.

Roll out the dough in the form of a square with a side of 22-24 cm, the size of the form, and a thickness of 0.5 cm. Preheat the oven. Oil the inside of the mold and grind it with flour. Move the prepared layer into the mold and make a notch with a knife. Cover the dough with a layer of dry cookies, put apple jam on top of it, smooth the surface with a spatula or knife.

From the remains of the test, make flagella, and lay them diagonally. Brush with egg white. Bake for 30 minutes at 180? C. Fifteen minutes later, without removing from the oven, sprinkle the cake with icing sugar. On the chilled pie, between the flagella, diagonally lay candied cherries and candied fruits to decorate the product.

Recipe 5. Cottage Cheese Cake with Apple Jam

List of ingredients:

Ready dough, puff 0.5 kg

For toppings and decorations:

Cottage cheese (18%) 500 g

Canned apricots (halves) 350 g

2 eggs

Apple jam 350 g

Potato flour 30 g

Amaretto 100 ml

Sugar 150 g

Operating procedure:

Cottage cheese, povil, starch and liquor put a bowl of a blender and beat.

Preheat the oven to 160? C. Lubricate the demountable form with butter, sprinkle with flour through a strainer. Roll out the dough and shift into a mold. Cover the bed with parchment and sprinkle dry beans or peas on top of the parchment. Bake for 10 minutes. Remove the cake mix from the oven, remove the parchment with beans and fill it with the cooked cream.

Return the cake to the oven. Bake another 20 minutes. Cool the finished product, and then decorate with halves of apricots.

Recipe 6. Village pie with apple jam, nuts and dried fruits

Product Composition:

Flour 550 g

Yeast 150 g

Rum 100 ml

Homemade milk 200 ml

Raisins, dates - 100 g each

Butter 120 g

Jam 300 g

Honey, liquid 3 tbsp. l

Lemon zest - 2 fresh lemons

Cocoa Powder 30 g

Sugar 50 g

Hazelnuts, almonds - 100 g each



Wash dried fruits. Slice dates, add raisins and pour rum.

Pour warm milk into a bowl and dissolve the yeast. Add 150 g flour, cover the dough with a towel for 30 minutes. Combine the remaining flour with cocoa, sugar and salt.

Combine the resulting mixture with dough. Knead the dough to an elastic consistency. Cover with a towel or film, place closer to the heat, to lift.

Using a knife, remove the zest from the lemons and cut it into very thin straws.

Put dried fruit, lemon zest, nuts and softened butter in the risen dough. Grease a round shape with butter and sprinkle with flour. Transfer the dough into it, having previously rolled it into a ball, cover it with a towel and let it rise.

Preheat the oven to 180? C. Bake for about an hour. Mix a small portion of honey with rum and grease the cooked and hot pie. Cover it with a cotton towel for a few minutes.

Apple jam pie - tips and tricks

A good result in the preparation of the dough depends on the consistency of the butter. For yeast dough, the oil should be soft and at room temperature. For puff pastry and shortcrust pastry, the butter should be chilled and solid.

To save time on the preparation of the pie, take the frozen ready-made dough.

Thick jam for an open pie, boil it with a little water.

To chop nuts in a blender, add a little sugar so that it absorbs peanut butter. Then the nuts will not stick to the bowl.

To prevent jam from spreading over the surface of the dough during baking, pour a thin layer of cookie crumbs under it.

If the hot cake is taken out of the oven and immediately covered with a cotton towel, then the crisp will become soft and the cake will not crumble when sliced.


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