What to do if overeating: urgent help to the stomach and intestines. What to do if you overeat and have a stomach ache: ambulance


Almost everyone is familiar with overeating. Heaviness and pain in the abdomen, nausea, depressed state of mind - these are the main symptoms.

What to do if overeating? The rules of first aid to the body.

What to do if overeating: reasons for overeating

Quite easy to overeat during a festive feast. Family feasts for the New Year or birthday are a real stress for the body. A lot of delicious food plus alcohol, which removes the prohibitions and stimulates appetite, and overeating is very difficult.

There are other reasons for overeating:

• if a person overeats constantly, we are talking about a psychological problem. To resolve it without the help of a professional psychologist is unlikely to succeed;

• if a person does not overeat constantly, but is prone to this, most likely some physiological processes in the body are violated. Perhaps endocrine disease, hormonal disorders, lack of vital trace elements, vitamins;

• increased appetite due to certain circumstances. For example, it will melt a stay in a hotel on the All inclusive system, for some it is difficult to refuse free food;

• the habit of seizing problems and a bad mood with delicious until the feeling of overeating becomes painful.

In general, in order to get rid of the problem and not to think about what to do if you overeat, it is important to analyze the reasons and make some kind of decision. If it comes to psychology, then you need to adhere to certain rules. For example, do not keep at home a lot of delicious food, or take a habit before reaching for the first cake, eat half a cup of iceberg salad, etc. If overeating is accompanied by other symptoms, it is necessary to undergo an examination with an endocrinologist.

What to do if you overeat once: help the stomach

A single overeating happens with everyone and, as a rule, does not lead to serious consequences. However, a person’s condition is terrible. My stomach hurts or tormented by a feeling of heaviness, fullness, I do not want to move, think. And still troubled, and conscience gnaws. In general, urgent help is required.

Let's take a simple situation: a New Year's feast with an abundance of delicious food and, as a result, overeating. What to do if overeating?

The first thing is to stop. Even if overeating has already begun, you have the right to choose: say stop yourself or continue in the same vein, reassuring your conscience with the cowardly thought "Anyway, this happened, there will be no more harm, so at least we’ll sing from the heart."

And here it is not: everything can be even worse, both in terms of short-term and in the sense of long-term consequences. So you need to pull yourself together and stop the unhealthy feast. Continuing to fill the stomach with food, you complicate its work, create an incredible burden on the digestive organs. All this food will have to be digested, assimilated and, excuse me, evacuated. It will not be possible to do this in the usual mode, which means that one should prepare for poisoning the body with toxins.

The stomach needs urgent help. What to do if overeating? Here is a plan of action.

• Brew herbal, green or regular black tea and drink - but not more than 150 ml, so as not to stretch the stomach even more. Sugar and honey should not be added, but a spoonful of lemon juice, a leaf of lemon or a slice of ginger root will come in handy: they will speed up digestion.

• Instead of tea, you can make a digestive stimulating drink by dissolving in a glass of clean drinking water a tablespoon of natural apple cider vinegar. Drink can be flavored with half a spoonful of natural honey. Such a drink stimulates the production of gastric juice, eliminates spasms of the stomach and intestines.

• For stomach pain, take the enzymes in tablet form: pancreatin, mezim, creon, festal. Enzymes facilitate digestion, accelerating the breakdown of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. An important nuance: you can not drink such pills constantly. In this case, the body will cease to synthesize enzymes on its own, and digestive problems will become permanent.

• By the way, drinking a pill of festal or another enzyme preparation in the middle of a feast is a reasonable decision. Just do not need to take it as permission is everything in an unlimited amount. It is simply much easier to cope with the first signs of overeating, than then it is painful to decide what to do if you over-eaten thoroughly and feel disgusting.

• Instead of enzymes, you can simply take chewing gum to stimulate excessive salivation. Together with saliva, the same enzymes will be produced, and it will be easier for the body to digest food.

What is by no means worth doing is to drink plenty of water, and even more so to take alcohol. From water, the stomach stretches even more, which means that there is a high risk of injury to the delicate mucous membranes of the stomach. Well, alcohol can provoke secondary gluttony, that is, exacerbate the problem.

It is important not to let yourself lie down with a full stomach. It is very harmful to the body. Fermentation, rotting, intoxication are guaranteed. So, having given the stomach first aid, you need to force yourself to move a little. If you're at a party, try dancing, but only if you have the strength. You can’t bend sharply, jump, so as not to harm the crowded stomach and not cause inversion of the intestines.

Well, if you can go out into the fresh air and just walk a little. Cardio loading will help burn excess calories, prevent food from being deposited in fat, and stimulate the metabolic process. Stagnation can be avoided.

After the first symptoms of overeating have been removed, you can lie down and help digestion mechanically. It is necessary to squeeze a palm into a fist and stroke the stomach clockwise around the navel. Describe a large enough circle, including the lower abdomen and the space of centimeters 7-8 above the navel. In no case can you push hard.

Stroking will improve digestion, stimulate peristalsis, really helping to advance the food lump in the intestines.

Helps relieve the condition and breathing exercises. You need to get up, stretch, then straighten your back, relax your stomach and slightly bend your lower back. Breathe deeply and slowly through the nose, filling the air not with the chest, but with the stomach, feeling it protrude. On the exhale, draw in the stomach, trying to "pull" it as close to the spine as possible.

Breathing exercise really stimulates the digestive tract, accelerates the digestion of the food lump.

What to do if overeating: radical methods

What to do if you overeat and feel nauseous? Can artificial vomiting be induced? Specialists and non-specialists approach this question differently. Artificial vomiting is undesirable in the sense that a food lump can injure the mucous walls of the stomach and throat.

In addition, there is a great risk that a regularly overeating person will resort to such a simple method all the time. And this is a serious psychological illness - bulimia. Here you need not to think what to do if you overeat, but to be treated.

However, one cannot fail to admit that, getting rid of excess weight in the stomach in an unconventional way, you will feel a sharp relief. So in extreme cases, once, soberly assessing the situation and recognizing that you do not suffer from bulimia, you can resort to the method of artificial emptying of the stomach.

After all, Indian yogis see nothing wrong with that. Although, in fairness, at the time of release, their stomach is not full of olivier and dumplings, but filled with water.

By the way, if overeating is accompanied by alcohol, vomiting is highly desirable. This is a quick way to stop the absorption of alcohol through the walls of the stomach. If alcohol poisoning is evident, it is important to immediately take the sorbent. The simplest penny drug is activated charcoal from a pharmacy (one tablet is needed for ten kilograms of weight), although there are more effective drugs. It is important that the sorbent and enzymes cannot be taken simultaneously, since enzyme preparations will not work in this case.

What to do if overeating: important nuances

Having provided the body with first aid, it is important not to harm it in the future. What if I overeat the next day? The stomach needs unloading, but artificial starvation is unacceptable. It’s normal if you don’t feel like eating after waking up. And to force yourself to have breakfast, of course, is not necessary. It is enough to drink a glass of clean water at room temperature. It is very good to add a slice of lemon to the water or squeeze a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice.

Hunger can only wake up for lunch, or even dinner. This is a signal that the food has been digested. Now you can eat, but neither fatty, nor salty, nor smoked, or even heavy food are unacceptable. Ideal after overeating porridge, rich in fiber. Buckwheat, oatmeal - this is what will help restore the digestive tract. It’s very good to add bran to the porridge to cleanse the intestines faster. Serving size can not be more than 250-300 grams.

After 2-3 hours, you can eat an apple, nuts, natural yogurt, dried apricots. The second meal should also be small in volume and easy to digest. Chicken broth or a piece of lean fish will do.

But with raw vegetables you need to be extremely careful. Yes, they contain fiber, but rough. And if the stomach is not used to digesting it, then after overeating it will be very difficult to do. Perhaps the appearance of discomfort in the abdomen up to pain.

Eating the day after a hearty meal is a must. The fact is that overeating in itself was stressful. But starvation is also stress. So do not aggravate the problem, so as not to cause an even more severe disorder. In addition, any fasting is perceived by the body as a signal to the accumulation of energy, that is, fat. So instead of preventing weight gain, on the contrary, you will contribute to this.

As for physical activity, they are not required.. If you are used to training daily and have strength - please, there is nothing wrong with sports. But if you try to get rid of excess calories in this way without sports training, then training will not work, it will just become another stressful factor.

An enema is not worth cleaning, as well as use laxatives. It will be possible to get rid of only processed food, but not from excess calories and fat, so there is no sense in loosening or enema. But harming the body is easy. Both the one and the other method deprive the intestines of the natural microflora necessary for normal digestion. So instead of relief, you can get a severe disorder and subsequently treat dysbiosis for a long time.

And the last one. A single overeating will not harm the waist and will not cause a sharp weight gain. Of course, after 2-3 days on the scales you can see the gain, but it will not be associated with the accumulation of fat, but with the retention of water in the body, that is, with swelling. Non-nutritious proper nutrition will help to quickly solve the problem.

But if you overeat constantly, then you won’t have to rely on maintaining harmony. At the same time, eating disorders will not allow you to lose weight, as diets will be constantly violated. That is why it is important to analyze the causes of overeating and take the necessary measures in a timely manner.


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