Do we need two liters of water per day? The opinion of scientists diverges from the popular point of view


Extremely interesting news appeared recently on news sites. It turns out that drinking water in liters is not necessary.

Scientists have not found any evidence of the exceptional benefits of water "refueling" the body. Is the requirement to "comply with the drinking regimen", measured in 8 glasses a day, turned out to be a mistake?

We carefully studied the issue.

Is two liters of water a day the norm?

I must say, disagreements among professional and homegrown nutritionists, fitness trainers and adherents of unofficial health theories have been outlined for a long time. Someone said that 2 liters of water per day is a mandatory norm, and without it, a person is simply nowhere. And someone, perplexedly raising eyebrows, claimed that drinking water on such a scale is kind of stupid.

A healthy lifestyle is in fashion today, so every second in a bag, car, pram or on a treadmill must have a bottle of drinking water. For those for whom 8 glasses a day is too much, they look askance. It is necessary - it means it is necessary! Go ahead, but drink. Life hacks are created to facilitate the process.

Where did the "two-liter norm" come fromhard to say. Most likely, this is an excerpt from the Web propagated from the publication of the American National Council on Food and Nutrition due to the Network. The document said that the norm of daily fluid intake per adult is 2.5 liters. Note: the publication date is 1945, and the norm is not water, but liquid in general, that is, food and drinks.

What do modern scientists say

The benefits of water are undeniable. The body really needs it, if only because the human body contains up to 70 percent of water: 85% is in the blood, 80% in the muscles, 75% and 25% in the brain and bones, respectively.

But and here two liters of water per day, no one knows. In any case, not a single scientist has yet proved that such a quantity of water is necessary for a person to ensure normal functioning. Even the publication of American experts does not say that you need to drink it in bottles. It was only about proper nutrition.

By the way, the popular recommendation for those who lose weight is "drink 2 liters of water per day, otherwise you will not lose weight" is also a misconception. The saturating ability of water is doubtful, it is unlikely to relieve hunger, unlike chicken broth, for example. Scientists have not found a direct relationship between longevity and the amount of daily water consumed.

Moreover, cases of water intoxication are known - death from an excess of waters. So drink or not drink - decide for yourself. But too much to reckon on the special benefits of a water diet is not worth it. And therefore, if water is not a joy, then choking on it is useless.


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