A tooth hurts after nerve removal - causes and treatment, folk remedies. How to prevent toothache after nerve removal


In dental practice, there are cases when the tooth hurts after removing the nerve. Unbearable pain is delivered by a seemingly already “dead” tooth.

Basically, such pains appear with pressure on the tooth and are a response of the body to the procedure. Sometimes the pain is so severe that you have to take painkillers for several days.

Dentists believe that to prevent such pain, it is necessary to remove all elements of the dental pulp, thoroughly disinfect and fill the dental canal.

Toothache after nerve removal - causes

All pains that arise when cleaning and filling the canal, dentists call "post-filling pains". The opinion of experts regarding these pains was divided. Some consider this a complication, despite the fact that the x-ray shows that the channel is sealed without errors. Another part of the doctors explains that this the norm, in case the pain symptom lasts no more than 5-7 days.

The procedure of tooth depulpation at the time of its implementation can not be painless. The nerve endings in the pulp are intertwined into one node, which is responsible for the sensitivity of the jaw and face. Almost all patients experience such sensations after the procedure. When a nerve is removed, microtrauma occurs throughout the column. Therefore, discomfort and pain arising after removal of the nerve are the norm. Manipulations can provoke pain in the ear, temple, forehead. In addition, it is possible:

• the appearance of sensitivity to sweet, cold, hot;

• the occurrence of sharp pain during closure of the jaw;

• the development of intense dull pain in the tooth and nearby tissues in the evening or at night;

• deterioration of general well-being: worried about severe weakness, headaches, fever.

The maximum duration of pain after depulpation is 5 to 7 days. If the soreness continues even after the specified period has elapsed, we are talking about a developed inflammatory process.

Therefore, if the tooth hurts after removing the nerve, the causes may be different.

The main, most common:

• partially removed nerve tissue - this leads to a severe response of the body: the temperature rises, there is a sharp pain in the tooth;

• poor-quality cleaning of the dental canal - in such cases, active reproduction of pathogenic microflora under the filling occurs, leading to an inflammatory process;

• removal of filling material at the apex of the root;

• the formation of voids under the seal - this is fraught with severe complications: the formation of fistulas, abscess, complete destruction of the tooth; the cause of the defect is the incorrect calculation of the dental filling material;

• poor visibility: there are cases when one of the four roots, for example, for some reason is not visible; and then the remaining nerve causes a lot of trouble.

Factors Affecting Toothache After Nerve Removal

In addition to the main reasons, there are certain factors that further have a significant impact on the postoperative period and general well-being:

• allergic reactions - in the presence of individual intolerance to materials for filling. There is severe pain, skin rash, itching. The best way out is to re-fill the tooth with another hypoallergenic material;

• gum tissue disease - if the manipulations were carried out in the presence of an inflamed gum, which the dentist might not have noticed. After some time, pain and swelling occurs. In such cases, antibiotic therapy, local antiseptics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed;

• The root may also be damaged when the nerve is removed. If the dentist does not notice this on time, inflammation of the roots and nerves will begin;

• Too small channels that are difficult to clean.

Often a tooth aches after removing a nerve with trigeminal neuralgia. Signs of the disease are sharp pains when chewing and biting products, numbness of not only a diseased tooth, but also of the surrounding tissues. If you don’t see a doctor on time and start treatment, you can lose your tooth.

Toothache after nerve removal - treatment

If the tooth hurts after removal of the nerve, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor after the cause is clarified. Self-medication is not recommended to avoid complications. If the pain after removal of the nerve lasts more than three days, you need to urgently consult a specialist.

1. With ongoing pain, you can take pain medication, for example, Ketanov (Ketorol)whose therapeutic effect is observed 20 minutes after its administration, and the duration of the analgesic effect is 5 hours. Ketanov has many contraindications and has serious side effects, so you need to familiarize yourself with the annotation before using it. Often taking this medication is not recommended. Ketorol is contraindicated in children and adolescents under 16 years of age, as well as in pregnant women. It belongs to the NSAID group.

2. Novalgin - a drug with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. It begins to act 30 minutes after consumption.

3. Pentalgin - A drug that relieves moderate-intensity pain. It has not only analgesic, but also anti-inflammatory effect. It is contraindicated for minors.

4. Analgin can be used for moderate toothache. It is not as effective as previous drugs, but safe, relieves mild pain within 30 minutes.

5. Baralgin acts similarly to analginum, suitable for minor pains, its effect begins after 40 minutes.

6. But - shpa - An antispasmodic that can relieve mild pain, is allowed for use by pregnant women.

7. Nurofen - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, anesthetizes well for unexpressed pains, in small doses it is allowed to use children from 6 years old. It is contraindicated in drivers and people with severe renal failure.

If at the time of a toothache no medicines were at home, you can use folk remedies. One of these is mouthwash, which includes / per one glass of water / salt (1 teaspoon) and iodine (5 drops). You can wipe the sore spot with a cotton swab dipped in the solution.

For the purpose of anesthesia in the absence of other means you can use sunflower oil: rinse their mouth until the oil turns white. Oil can be diluted with water.

Another of the available ways to relieve toothache at home: apply a little vodka or brandy to the sore spot. As you know, alcohol relieves pain symptom well.

Can be used at home ice cubes from decoctions of herbs (chamomile, oak bark, sage), which are applied to the inflamed gum in a sore spot before they melt.

Toothache after nerve removal - prevention

To prevent complications that often develop after depulpation, it is necessary to observe simple but effective rules, provided that they are respected.:

• regular hygiene measures: thoroughly brush your teeth after eating and at bedtime;

• the first day after dental procedures to take pain medication, which the dentist recommended;

• within three days after a dental intervention, rinsing the oral cavity with antiseptic solutions is mandatory.

In order to protect yourself from toothache, you need to adhere to the recommendations of the dentist, which the doctor after treatment gives each patient.

The main ones and very important for dental health are the following:

• do not eat excessively hot or cold food;

• spare the sealed tooth, try to chew food with your teeth on the healthy side;

• exclude very hard foods from the diet;

• limit smoking.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations for at least 10 to 14 days after the nerve has been removed and the tooth has been filled. If moderate pain continues after the indicated period, you need to follow the advice of a doctor until the pain disappears completely.

It should be remembered that dental procedures are unpleasant in sensations, but after visiting the dentist the worst problems will remain in the past, and soon the toothache will disappear completely.

You need to carefully choose a dentist, carefully monitor your well-being and sensations. In any incomprehensible situations and increased toothache after surgery to remove the pulp, you need to contact a specialist.


Watch the video: Dentist Uses SPECIAL NERVE BLOCK To Prevent The Need For A Root Canal! (June 2024).