Dry sponge cake is the simplest basis of wonderful cakes. Recipe and technology for baking dry biscuits


Dry sponge cake is a universal cake cake. Such pastries are ideally combined with any cream, and its dryness is easily smoothed out by impregnation.

By itself, the biscuit tastes quite simple, but if it is soaked and well-oiled, supplemented with fruit or berries, you will get a wonderful dessert that is in no way inferior to a purchased treat.

General principles for the preparation of dry biscuits

• The dough for biscuit cakes is made on eggs, sugar and flour. Standard proportions of products: for three medium eggs - 100 grams of wheat flour and 90 grams. fine sugar. Baking powder, as a rule, is not added to such a dough, the exception may be the preparation of chocolate baking, if melted chocolate is used. Fats, namely butter, are rarely added and in small quantities to only slightly soften dry baked goods.

• In the preparation of biscuit, the most important thing is air, so you need to beat eggs well. Whether it is yolk or protein, when properly whipped, it should increase approximately threefold. Still, you should not interrupt, otherwise the biscuit will turn out to be difficult.

• In beaten eggs, flour should be mixed with utmost care so as not to precipitate a lush mass. Usually it is administered in parts and interfere from the sides to the center, movements from bottom to top.

• To change the taste, the biscuit dough can be seasoned with vanilla or chopped zest of any citrus. Chocolate color is achieved with cocoa powder or the addition of melted dark chocolate. In the second case, biscuit cakes have a more saturated color and a bright chocolate flavor.

• Bake biscuits in square or round shapes in the oven. The optimum temperature for baking a biscuit is 170-180 degrees. A slow cooker can easily replace an oven; any recipe can be adapted to it. In order for the biscuit to bake well, it is cooked on the “Baking” option for one hour, after which it is left in the “Heating” mode for another 10 minutes.

• Forms are recommended to be prepared before the preparation of the dough. Their bottom and walls are covered with vegetable oil, and in order to facilitate the extraction of finished baked goods, the oil layer is sprinkled with flour or the bottom of the mold is laid out with parchment. It is enough to process a bowl of multicookers only with oil.

Dry sponge cake: a classic recipe for eggs


• 160 grams of wheat flour;

• eight eggs;

• a glass of sugar;

• citric acid, crystalline.

Cooking method:

1. Choose two small bowls. Rinse thoroughly with hot water, wipe dry with a towel. There should not be a drop of moisture on the containers.

2. In one of the bowls, pour the squirrels, in the second - the yolks. Break the shell carefully so as not to damage the yolk. Even a small amount of it, once in protein, will prevent whipping.

3. The container with proteins is placed in the refrigerator, and the yolks are thoroughly ground with half the sugar prepared. For aroma, in the already ground homogeneous mass, you can mix a little chopped citrus zest. For taste - walnut broken in a blender or in a coffee grinder.

4. Pour the flour twice sifted with a fine sieve to the yolk mass and mix well in it. There should be no lumps.

5. The whisk of the mixer is degreased with hot water, wipe dry with a towel. At low speeds, we begin to whip the chilled proteins. Having achieved uniformity and easy foaming, add a few crystals of citric acid. We continue the process, gradually increasing speed and adding a spoonful of the remaining sugar under the corollas.

6. The main thing is not to rush, the next portion of sugar should not be introduced until the crystals of the previously added sugar are completely dissolved. We stop whipping, when with a slight tilt of the bowl, a dense mass of proteins will not leak.

7. Spread the proteins to the yolk mass. Enter in portions, two tablespoons. We interfere gently, and in order not to precipitate the proteins, we interfere from the bottom up.

8. When the biscuit dough is ready, transfer it to the form grated with vegetable oil and place it in the oven, heated up to this time, to 150 degrees. Bring the temperature to 180 degrees. Cooking sponge cake for about 45 minutes. We check readiness by piercing a wooden skewer.

The classic recipe for Genoese dry biscuit


• creamy, preferably 72% butter - 80 g .;

• eggs - 6 pieces;

• fine sugar - 190 gr.;

• 130 gr. high-quality flour.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare a biscuit mold. We cover the bottom with parchment, apply vegetable oil on it with a thin layer. If there is no parchment, simply grease the form from the inside with oil, lightly sprinkle its layer with flour. We remove the excess flour by turning the form upside down.

2. Reseat the flour several times, melt the butter.

3. Fill the pan halfway with water, place on an intense fire.

4. We select a bowl according to the size of the pan. It will need to be placed on top so that the bottom does not touch boiling water.

5. Pour sugar into a bowl, pour eggs into it. As soon as the water begins to boil, slightly reduce the heat and place a bowl of eggs on the pan, begin to beat at low speeds. Warming up the whipped mass to 38 degrees, remove from heating and continue to whisk for about a quarter of an hour. The mass by this time should double in volume, and traces of brooms should not spread.

6. In three passes, carefully mix the melted and chilled butter and flour into the air mass.

7. Pour the dough into the prepared form. Bake a biscuit for half an hour.

8. We do not get the finished biscuit right away, let it pause right in the form.

Dry sponge cake with butter and white chocolate


• white non-porous chocolate - 50 g .;

• 130 grams of flour;

• a spoon of the finished test ripper;

• butter - 50 grams;

• six eggs;

• 160 gr. sugar, preferably fine;

• potato starch - 15 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Melt white chocolate and butter separately from it. It is advisable to use a steam bath for this. We mix both liquid masses, cool.

2. Add baking powder with starch to the flour and double-sift the mixture through a sieve. Loose components are mixed evenly, and the flour will be enriched with oxygen.

3. Pour granulated sugar into a thick-walled stewpan, pour eggs into it and put on a little heat. Actively whisking with a whisk, raise the temperature of the mixture to 30 degrees. Remove from the stove and continue whisking for about 15 minutes. Stop when the mass becomes lush and triple.

4. We mix in the third part of the flour, add part of the butter-chocolate mass, mix gently. We mix another third of the flour, pour the remaining mass from chocolate with butter, and, having well interposed it, we introduce the remaining flour.

5. Transfer the dough into the prepared (oiled) form, place in a hot oven. The first 20 minutes, baking is at 180 degrees, then lower the temperature by 10 degrees and bake another ten minutes.

6. We release the finished biscuit from the mold only after complete cooling.

Chocolate dry biscuit (with dark chocolate)


• six eggs;

• granulated sugar - 180 g .;

• 100 gr. bitter, high percent chocolate;

• sweet cream butter - 140 gr.;

• icing sugar - 40 gr.;

• 130 gr. white flour;

• a small bag of vanilla powder;

• one and a half teaspoons of test ripper.

Cooking method:

1. At least an hour, spread the oil from the refrigerator. A biscuit requires a soft, not melted, fat when heated.

2. Before starting the test, apply a thin layer of vegetable oil to the bottom and walls of the mold and line it with parchment. Paper does not need to be greased.

3. Break the chocolate into pieces, put in a bowl and melt by heating in a water bath. Stoke, stirring, so that the pieces dispersed faster. Set aside the hot chocolate, let it cool to air temperature.

4. Put the slightly thawed butter in a bowl, add powdered sugar and beat until smooth for two minutes. We add chocolate to the butter, add vanilla and be sure to pour a pinch of salt. Continuing to beat, one at a time we introduce the yolks, pour the proteins into a separate bowl.

5. Having beaten the chocolate mass well, we turn to the proteins. First, at low speeds, beat them until splendid. Then, gradually increasing the speed, we introduce sugar in small portions.

6. When the protein mass becomes dense, in three steps, carefully, intervene in the chocolate mass. Then, in the same parts, we also intervene the flour that was previously sifted with the cultivator.

7. We put the finished biscuit dough into the mold and carefully level its surface. Bake a chocolate biscuit at 170 degrees for approximately 40 minutes. Before turning off the oven, check the preparedness with a dry skewer.

Dry chocolate sponge cake with cocoa


• five eggs;

• 160 gr. flour;

• a 250-milliliter glass of sugar;

• three tablespoons of cocoa powder.

Cooking method:

1. Turn on the preheat oven, do the test. We wash the eggs with water, carefully breaking the shell, pour the squirrels into a dry bowl. Put the yolks in a separate bowl.

2. Take a container with proteins and start whipping them. Initially, we do this at minimum speed. Having achieved easy foaming, gradually increase the speed. Beat for at least 10 minutes - the more magnificent the protein mass, the higher the biscuit will rise. When tilting the bowl, properly whipped squirrels do not leak.

3. Without stopping the process, gradually, pouring no more than a spoon, we introduce sugar. Do not leave undissolved grains.

4. We turn to the yolks - like the squirrels, beat them with a mixer, but not for so long. Two minutes will be enough, it is necessary that the yolk mass only slightly increase in volume.

5. Transfer the flour and cocoa to a protein mass through a rare sieve, carefully pour whipped egg yolks. Mix with neat, leisurely movements from the edges to the center.

6. We shift the dough into a parchment-covered form, level it. Cook at 170 degrees, about half an hour. Only get out after checking the “dry match” test.

The easiest recipe for a fluffy dry biscuit for a multicooker


• wheat flour - 160 gr.;

• a glass of fine sugar;

• vanilla powder - 1 gram;

• eggs - 5 pieces.

Cooking method:

1. Pour sugar in a bowl, break eggs, add vanilla. Beat until smooth, and completely dissolve the sugar crystals. Pour the sifted flour into the egg mass - beat for at least 8 minutes.

2. On the bottom and walls of the cooking bowl, apply a thin layer of sunflower oil. Slowly pour the dough from the bowl into the bowl, level it.

3. On the multicooker panel, select the "Baking" program and activate it by setting the timer for one hour. After the end of the cycle, keep the biscuit, without opening the lid, on heating for 10 minutes. Cool slightly, remove from the bowl using a steam container.

Tips for making dry biscuit - useful tips

• When adding flour, do not stir the dough quickly - when baking, the biscuit settles and will be heavy. For the same purpose, it is not recommended to interrupt the egg mixture, as soon as it becomes homogeneous and all large bubbles disappear, the process should be stopped.

• Strictly adhere to the recommended product proportions. Excess sugar can cause the top crust to separate. The same can happen if sugar crystals do not completely dissolve in the eggs.

• Do not add baking soda or a cultivator to the dough; carefully mix the flour with the egg mass. Otherwise, the biscuit will have uneven porosity, poorly mixed components may be noticeable during the cut.


Watch the video: Easy Vanilla Sponge Cake Without Oven Recipe. How To Make Basic Sponge Cake. Plain Sponge Cake (June 2024).