VVD - is treatment possible at home? Some ways to treat VVD at home


Vegetovascular dystonia is the most common pathological condition: its symptoms, regardless of gender and age, occur in every third person in the world. To date, there are no absolutely effective medications or other treatments for this syndrome. Not a single remedy can cure a person of VVD completely.

Significantly improve the condition for VVD at home is possible if you change your lifestyle and follow all the doctor's recommendations. But such treatment is usually very long - from several months to 1.5 - 2 years.

What is VSD

VVD is not an independent disease. This is a symptom complex that occurs when there is a violation of the functions of the autonomic nervous system - sympathetic and parasympathetic. The autonomic nervous system regulates the state of internal organs, vascular tone, affects the secretion of hormones. Therefore, dystonia can manifest itself in the form of a wide variety of symptoms, which, with the physical health of organs and systems, are similar to the clinical picture of diseases of certain systems. Organic changes during its development in humans do not occur, but the patient’s complaints may coincide with those that appear with many somatic diseases.

Since vegetovascular dystonia does not cause organic changes, it is possible to treat VVD at home using a variety of methods, including the use of traditional medicine recipes.

Causes of VSD and General Treatment

The causes of VSD are diverse. It is often not possible to establish exactly the etiology of dystonia, since several factors can cause it at the same time. It is believed that a sharp increase in the frequency of occurrence of cases of this pathology in the world in recent decades is associated with a change in lifestyle, its rapid pace and high information load.

Risk factors include:

• existing chronic diseases;

• pathology of the nervous system as a result of injuries or other influences;

• hormonal disorders;

• chronic and acute stress, fatigue;

• smoking, alcohol and drug use;

• hereditary predisposition.

Therefore, in the treatment of VVD at home or with traditional medicinal methods, it is necessary to influence not only the symptoms of dystonia, but also the cause of its development. Only with long-term comprehensive treatment of VVD at home can success be achieved. Diet, exercise, or drug therapy, taken alone, will not lead to a complete cure.

Types of VSD

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult a neurologist, endocrinologist and therapist and exclude somatic, endocrine or other neurological pathology. For the correct use of even non-drug methods of treating VVD at home, it is necessary to understand the form in which VVD occurs:

• hypertonic type (with a decrease in blood pressure, bradycardia, dizziness, impaired coordination of movements, short-term loss of consciousness);

• hypotonic (with episodic rises in blood pressure, accompanied by palpitations, sweating, severe headaches, nausea, sometimes vomiting, fear of death);

• cardiac (disturbance of the general condition, headaches, weakness, discomfort in the atrial region or painful sensations of a different nature - stitching, pressing, aching, the rhythm of heart contractions is violated, the numbers of blood pressure change);

• mixed (accompanied by a mass of various complaints from not only the cardiovascular and nervous system, but, possibly, from other organs and systems).

In addition, the permanent course may be accompanied by unexpected crises of various kinds:

• vagoinsular;

• hypertonic;

• mixed in nature.

Then the IRR acquires a permanent - paroxysmal course, which aggravates the condition, since crises can occur frequently and under the influence of sometimes insignificant factors.

VVD treatment at home

After clarifying the diagnosis, you can begin therapy with VVD, which at home comes down to:

• normalization of the regime;

• change in diet;

• physical therapy and the expansion of physical activity;

• the study of various methods of relaxation and stress relief;

• the use of traditional medicine recipes at home.

Sleep and rest

When diagnosed with VVD, treatment at home involves, first of all, a change in sleep and rest.

First of all, you need to establish a dream. It should be full and in duration - at least 8 hours a day.

It is very important to go to bed and get up at the same time in the morning.

In order to achieve a good sleep, it is necessary to create certain conditions for this: low comfortable pillows, a relatively rigid mattress, silence in the room, walks before bedtime.

This will help you fall asleep quickly and have a good rest.

Bad habits

Getting rid of bad habits and drinking alcohol and coffee in large quantities affects the nervous system, causing excitement and overexcitation.

When smoking, nicotine and other toxic substances contained in tobacco smoke damage the walls of blood vessels.

They become brittle and are not able to respond to fluctuations in the level of hormones in the blood. This leads to crises during the IRR.


For the treatment of VVD at home, an important role is played by the increase in fruits and vegetables in the diet, since they contain a large amount of minerals. It is also necessary to limit the content of fatty, spicy and fried foods.

Physical exercise

Physical education exercises contribute to the training and strengthening of blood vessels, heart and nervous system, relieve stress due to the release of a large number of endorphins into the blood.

Any physical activity, including walks in the fresh air, elementary physical exercises will improve the condition.

Medicinal herbs

The most common treatments for VVD at home are medicinal herbs. They are widely used in the form of fees, but individual plants are also effective for certain clinical symptoms. Despite the fact that such treatment can be carried out at home by everyone, it must be remembered that herbs are not completely harmless. Only in the case of careful adherence to recipes, taking into account the dosage, frequency and duration of their use, can success be achieved. Uncontrolled intake of tinctures, decoctions, infusions and teas from medicinal herbs, their improper preparation can lead not only to the lack of the expected result, but also to serious consequences. They can cause allergies, individual intolerance or contraindications to the use of individual plants are found.

The effect of herbs on the body

All medicinal herbs and fees from them according to their effect are divided into:

• antidepressants;

• possessing a nootropic effect;

• having a sedative effect.

In addition, they regulate blood pressure - reduce it or have a tonic effect, thereby increasing it, affect the state of the nervous system, hormonal levels, thereby eliminating the risk factors for the development of VVD.

Many of the medicinal plants have several properties at the same time, while having a sedative effect and acting as an antidepressant. In this case, with the prolonged use of some of them, a nootropic effect can also occur.

Herbs - antidepressants include the well-known and widely used for this purpose:

• valerian;

• lemon balm;

• peppermint;

• motherwort;

• hawthorn;

• St. John's wort;

• nettles.

Plants with a sedative effect include the same valerian, lemon balm, hawthorn, as well as:

• passionflower;

• thyme;

• oregano.

Herbs with a nootropic effect on blood vessels that improve brain activity:

• ginseng root;

• Maakiya Manchurian;

• Rhodiola rosea root.

General rules

It is best and most convenient to use ready-made tinctures of these plants at home. Decoctions, teas and infusions can be prepared independently.

When selecting herbs, it is important to consider blood pressure figures so as not to aggravate the situation.

With increased pressure, the composition of the charges must include hawthorn, valerian, peony, motherwort.

With a hypotonic type of VVD for treatment at home, it is better to use tinctures of ginseng, Schisandra chinensis, Helichrysum sandwort, and temptation. Dosage is selected individually. Start with a minimum, gradually increasing if necessary.

Vegetovascular dystonia is not a serious or fatal disease, but it is a symptom complex that causes a lot of discomfort and sometimes causes a significant violation of a person’s usual condition. Therefore, when treating VVD at home, you need to remember that this is a longer process than traditional therapeutic treatment. It is important that all methods used are carried out regularly, treatment is not interrupted. The end result will depend on the time and effort spent.


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