Is it possible to give cat food to a dog? What happens if the puppy ate cat food


Many people are sure that the food for cats and dogs is the same, no matter how to feed your pet. But, unfortunately, this statement is not true. Feeding a dog with cat food is not recommended. A set of vitamins and minerals is specially selected for a particular pet.

What is the difference between cat food and dog treats

Cat food from dog treats is distinguished by its composition. For cats, manufacturers try to fill the food with taurine and high protein, when for dog treats these components are reduced. In cat food, the protein content is about eighty percent, and for dogs, thirty. A tangible difference affects the health of a four friend. Obesity, liver disease, and many other diseases can overcome a dog just because she ate a simple cat food.

Manufacturers try to fill cat food with vitamin B as much as possible, when vitamin E is added to dog food, without which the four-legged just can not do.

In order to prevent the kidney stones from appearing in cats, manufacturers fill the food with additional acidifiers, which have a detrimental effect on the digestive system of puppies.

Taurine is a substance that is added to cat food so that the kitten’s digestive system does not suffer when it is not required for dogs. A puppy just eats unnecessary trace elements.

Some manufacturers are trying to balance the food, so that it suits both cats and dogs, but for healthy, nutritious nutrition, it is recommended to use exclusively separate food.

Why do dogs eat cat food

It is impossible to say unequivocally why cats specifically like to eat cat food. Many pets are simply attracted by the smell and appearance of the feed. In addition, dogs are very fond of protein-rich foods, but such foods are detrimental to the health of their fourth friend.

The owners themselves are guilty of the fact that the puppy is getting used to, there is food prepared for the cat. Some people simply do not understand that it is impossible to feed a puppy with cat food and give the same food for food to one or another pet. The dog eventually gets used to the food offered, and it is very difficult to wean it.

Accessibility is one of the main signs why a dog has cat food. Usually, the owners put a bowl of food for Murka on the floor, and the puppy, sensing aromas, finds it and eats it. This is not due to the fact that the dog is hungry, most often the pet eats food simply because it exudes an attractive aroma.

But you need to feed your dog on time. Otherwise, she will look for food that can fill her stomach. It is not uncommon for puppies to get to a bowl of cat food simply because they are hungry.

The danger of feeding a dog cat food

The dog is not recommended to be fed cat food. Of course, nothing will happen from once, but if a puppy regularly eats several grams of cat food for six months, his body aggressively reacts to the content of harmful trace elements and the lack of necessary vitamins, including vitamin E.

In addition to a violation of the digestive system of a dog, a pet may have problems with the liver, kidneys, as well as the musculoskeletal system.

1. The pet may have an allergic reaction to the high protein content in cat food. In addition, the food becomes very high-calorie, so obesity can occur.

2. Otitis and asthma, purulent rashes, ulcers on the skin of a pet indicate the development of a serious disease leading to death due to a simple allergy.

3. The dog can be tormented by heartburn, indigestion, since cat food is usually specially acidified.

4. A four-legged friend from cat food begins to recover quickly, due to the high calorie content of food. In addition to obesity, a liver disease called hepatosis can develop.

5. The dog's immunity is reduced, as there is no vitamin E in cat food, as well as zinc, which is very necessary for any small or large puppy.

6. The dog becomes tired, inactive, which is observed due to the low content of carbohydrates in the feed. Typically, cats produce foods rich in protein and fat, and carbohydrates are not needed for affectionate cats.

7. Many dogs begin to suffer from diarrhea, or vice versa, simply because they used cat food, which has virtually no fiber, necessary for comfortable digestion of food.

Thus, you should not feed your four-friend with cat food, otherwise big dog health problems may arise.

How to wean a dog to eat cat food

Weaning a dog out of a cat lump is very difficult if the puppy eats such food for a long time. It is better not to allow the pet to eat food intended for the cat.

There are several methods that will help to wean a dog, eat cat food.

These include:

1. It is necessary to feed the dog on time so that the pet never feels a sense of hunger, which is the first reason for eating unhealthy food. You can just feed your pets at different times.

2. It is necessary to feed the cat and dog separately so that the puppy does not "steal" more appetizing and high-calorie foods from its neighbor.

3. The bowl for feeding the cat should be raised to a level where the dog simply lacks it. As you know, cats are good climbers, so they can easily get their food, and the puppy will not be able to get to junk food.

4. Do not let the dog eat the food for the cat. After the cat has eaten, it is necessary to wash the bowl well so that the dog does not lick it, which will protect the pet from harmful microelements entering its body.

5. The dog should be trained in such commands as "Fu", "It is impossible", which will help to wean the puppy on an instinctive level to eat cat food. When the pet is once again engaged in the absorption of harmful food into food, just tell him the command data.

6. Do not encourage the puppy with pieces of cat food. Although they like this kind of food, frequent consumption leads to addiction and, consequently, to digestive system disorders and many dangerous diseases.

If the dog sometimes eats cat food, then this is not scary. But this behavior can be addictive. Therefore, it is better to avoid the puppy eating food intended for kitties.


Watch the video: STOP Feeding RAW Food To Your Pet!! (June 2024).