What is the dream of the store for? Basic interpretations of different dream books - what a supermarket dreams of


In a dream, you can see quite strange, and even frightening situations. You can travel, you can visit interesting places.

What is the dream of the store for? How to interpret such a dream?

What the store dreams about - basic interpretation

If you dream about a store, you will face an important choice. And, you may not be able to finally make it for obvious reasons. You just do not dare to change something in your life. But, it is important to pay attention to other details of sleep.:

• What kind of store do you dream about;

• What do you choose in it;

• Do you make purchases in it;

• How many people visited the store with you;

• What the store was like inside and out.

If you dream that you went shopping, such a dream promises you new things, pretty pleasant things. But, if you went shopping and forgot your wallet at home - financial troubles await you. Try to avoid them, do not allow the accumulation of debts.

If you dream that you went out to the store and it started to rain, you should expect disappointment and loss. You will hope for a speedy resolution of problems, but it will not come because you devote too little time to your relatives and friends. Also, such a dream can portend empty disappointments and empty tears. Be prepared for the fact that you are wasting your money in reality.

If you came to a huge supermarket, and you just got your eyes wide because of the variety of goods - you will be stunned by the new opportunities. They will be so diverse that you simply get confused and will not know what to do next. If in a dream you see how someone got lost in the store and cannot find a way out - you will witness other people's troubles. But the dream book does not advise delving into other people's problems, it is better to focus on your own affairs.

If you yourself are lost in a huge store - you will get confused and awake. You will not know what exactly you do with your life. How and where to move on. Perhaps you decide that it’s time for you to move. But will it be right? Will you find opportunities to relocate? The dream book advises not to make hasty decisions. You’d better stop at what has been achieved and not force events.

If you dream that the store is on fire, your hopes for improving the situation will not be crowned with success. You will try to establish relations with close people, colleagues, but you will come to the fact that you will simply be upset and disappointed with everything that will happen in your life in the future.

If you dream of a store where nothing is for sale, its counters are empty - those opportunities and options that you had great hopes for will not live up to your expectations. Better not try to get anything in return. Rejoice at what you already have now, otherwise you will lose what you have.

A dream in which you see a man carrying huge bags from a store promises you household chores. You have to do a lot on your own, and no matter how hard it is, you will do it.

If you dream that you cannot open the store door for a long time, although other people calmly open it, you will not be able to take advantage of the possibilities of life, you will not be able to take advantage of its options, new successes. You will just stand still and miss all possible chances to establish life. Why will this happen? You simply will not have time to follow the development of events in reality. Dream interpretation advises to be more efficient.

If you dream that you are buying beautiful dresses in the store, you will have pleasant meetings and communication. If you buy shoes - you are waiting for travel and all kinds of pleasant meetings. If a robbery has occurred in the store, you will end up in an unpleasant situation and will not know how to get out of it. You will try not to think about failure, but such thoughts will visit you. Try to get them out of your head.

If you dream that you have been standing at the checkout counter in a store for a long time, you will be wasting time in reality due to life situations. You can get into unforeseen situations without wanting it yourself. And you will have a lot of new problems that could be avoided. If in a dream you see someone starting to scream and curse in the store - you will witness a rather unpleasant incident in which you would not want to be drawn into.

The dream in which you hold the door of the store to let someone pass in - means that you will be so friendly and sweet that for your kindness you will receive a reward from life. You can quickly solve your many problems thanks to new connections after such a dream.

If you can’t see the price tag in the store, then you won’t be able to see obvious things and in reality. You will as if close your eyes to elementary and obvious things. You will deceive yourself.

If in a dream you are trying to bargain with a seller, you have the courage to defend your interests and in reality. You will try your best not to give up positions and do everything so that life turns as you need.

If you dream that you were kicked out of the store - you will miss the chance to improve your reputation. You will try to evade responsibility for your own misconduct. The dream book advises not to do so and always take responsibility for everything.

What is the dream shop for Freud's dream book

In Freud’s dream book it is said that the store dreams when you have no way to decide on a partner. You want him to be smart and beautiful, and do everything the way you want. But at the same time, you do not want to try for the sake of a partner. The dream book advises you to think. Are you doing the right thing. Maybe it would be worth it to behave differently, and those people who come to your life should be thankful for this.

If you have a dream in which you buy a child in the store - in reality you really want to have children. But you are not ready for such a step. It is worth the time. If in a dream you buy products in a store, you will be expected to do household chores and difficult conversations. You will not want to find out something. You will want to just shut up.

If you lose a wallet in a store in a dream, you will face big losses and in reality. You yourself will be to blame for the situation and you will have to complain only for yourself. The dream book warns not to be so gullible in a relationship. Do not let into your life those people who can harm you, who can play on your feelings.

What does the esoteric dream book dream about

In the Esoteric dream book it is said that the store dreams when a person is ready for changes in life. He is ready to invest effort and resources in achieving results. It may be that a person is ready for changes of any kind. And soon they will begin in his life.

If you see a dream that a new store has opened in your home, you will be ready for new life lessons, but you are not ready to change yourself. It will be easier for you to adapt to the situation than to change something in it.

If you dream that in the store you see a lot of dolls, toys and cars on a shelf, but you can’t choose anything from such a variety - such a dream means that you may not notice how life will give you the opportunity to change everything. You will be so obsessed with yourself and your own problems that you miss the opportunity to see the prospects of life.

If in a dream you leave the store and your hands are full of purchases - this means that you will learn how to enjoy even the most difficult life situations. You will be pleased as your ups and downs. And this is a very correct position in life.

What is the dream of the store for other dream books

In the dream book of Grishina It is said that the store dreams of a wide variety of choices in life. If you dream that you opened your own store, then you will get new opportunities that will delight you. The dream in which you see huge queues in the store indicates that you will be in a large company and you will feel uncomfortable in it.

A dream in which you will see how people are fighting over goods in a store promises you minor conflicts and troubles in reality.

In Aesop's dream book It says what the store is dreaming of - to new steps on the road to success. Try to achieve everything as quickly as possible. Try to manage your life as efficiently as possible. Do not worry or be upset if something doesn’t work out for you. You have everything ahead. You yourself can achieve a lot.


Watch the video: Dreaming of Shopping or Cooking (June 2024).