Swelling of the lower jaw: causes of discomfort. How to cope with swelling of the lower jaw: therapeutic measures


Swelling of the lower jaw causes a lot of discomfort. A person experiences pain, difficulty chewing food, there is discomfort when drinking hot or cold drinks. If such a problem occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor who will determine the cause of the swelling of the lower jaw and prescribe treatment.

Possible causes of swelling of the lower jaw

There are many root causes that provoke swelling of the lower jaw. Most common:

1. Injuries. Sometimes head injuries cause not just bruising and swelling, but also a bone fracture. Such fractures must be diagnosed by a specialist, after which they will put the teeth on the teeth.

2. Infectious process. Swelling and pain often occur due to a dental abscess. Such a tumor increases in size over time, and the pain becomes pulsating. Such an ailment worsens the well-being of the patient, and reduces appetite. There are times when a doctor removes a tooth of poor quality, as a result of which acute osteomyelitis progresses. In addition to swelling of the lower jaw, there is a throbbing pain, difficulty in chewing and swallowing food. With actinomycosis, a sluggish inflammation can occur, but it is accompanied not only by swelling of the lower jaw, but also the upper.

3. Damage to the temporomandibular joint. The reasons for this pathology can be many. Most often it provokes grinding or fixation of teeth. Also, such a disease very often progresses due to illnesses caused by stress. In addition to an increase in the lower jaw, there are also clicks behind the ear when opening the mouth or chewing food. Pain can give in the ear. In an advanced case, edema can also occur in the upper jaw. The joint may be affected by arthritis. The movements of the jaw are painful and difficult.

4. Cyst. At the initial stage of cyst progression, it is very difficult to detect. Pathology is no longer accompanied by any symptoms. Most often, a cyst is detected with x-rays of the upper and lower jaws. Cysts are dangerous in that they can provoke severe pain and swelling.

5. Pathological education. Painful swelling can grow all the time, which indicates a giant cell granuloma. Such a dangerous formation destroys the jawbone and has a negative effect on soft tissues. With this pathology, the gum acquires a bluish tint and is accompanied by all this swelling.

6. Neuralgia. If the patient suffers from postherpetic neuralgia, then he develops pain and swelling of the lower jaw. It can be localized not only on the lower, but also on the upper jaw.

Whatever the reason, the process still requires treatment.

Swelling of the lower jaw: what to do and what treatment measures will be needed

What to do if swollen lower jaw? Therapy will depend entirely on the cause, which provokes swelling of the jaw and pain. To establish the cause, you will need to do an examination. Be sure to do an x-ray of the skull, analysis of urine and blood. Together with these procedures, doctors can resort to MRI and CT. The therapist will send the patient to a highly specialized specialist to eliminate the risk of neuralgia progression.

If the patient has a fracture of the skull, then surgical intervention is not excluded. With bruises, cold compresses are shown, the application of a fixative bandage. With a dislocation, the jaw must necessarily be set, but only by a specialist. Contact your dentist or traumatologist. Only after this event is a bandage applied.

Carotidinia involves analgesic therapy in combination with antidepressants. In acute purulent ailments, treatment should be carried out strictly in a hospital. The main method of therapy is antibiotic therapy. Abscesses are revealed and all pus is eliminated. In the case of swelling and pain due to myocardial infarction, the cure involves:

· Ambulance call;

· Constant ventilation of the room;

The use of aspirin;

· Calm.

The help of doctors is aimed at the appointment of thrombolytics, anticoagulants, beta-adenoblockers. Doctors should also normalize the pressure and relieve the patient from pain. In order to cope with pain, narcotic analgesics are prescribed. If the pains are odontogenic in nature, then a complete rehabilitation of the oral cavity will be required.

In more severe cases, with neoplasms and tumors, surgical intervention will be required, since it is simply not possible to cope at home.

What to do if the lower jaw is swollen: the use of traditional medicine

At home, you can try to relieve swelling and get rid of the pain syndrome, but it is worth remembering that such methods help to cope only with the symptoms. The true cause of the ailment will not be eliminated and after a certain period of time may again appear. This method of therapy is recommended to be used in combination with the traditional method of healing. Before using any prescription of traditional medicine, you need to consult a specialist. Otherwise, you can aggravate the situation and provoke complications. The most effective recipes:

1. In case of inflamed lower jaw, swelling and pain, it is recommended that before bedtime, gauze dressings soaked in echinacea alcohol tincture be applied to the affected area. Ingestion is also allowed. To do this, dilute the composition in a liquid in a ratio of 30 drops to half a glass of boiled water. It is also recommended to use a warm blueberry drink, ginger tea, garlic infusion.

2. Prepare a saline solution for rinsing the oral cavity. Add a small spoonful of salt, half a small spoonful of soda to a glass of liquid, and drop a couple of drops of iodine to increase effectiveness. Composition rinse your mouth up to 7 times a day.

3. Apply ice cubes to the sore spot for a quarter of an hour. Ice can be prepared from a decoction of chamomile.

4. Chamomile tincture will come to the rescue. It will help eliminate swelling, pain, redness. To prepare a healing tincture, a large spoon of dried grass should be filled with a liter of boiling water. Leave the composition for a quarter of an hour, then filter and use as a mouthwash.

5. At the initial stage, beetroot juice will come to the rescue. Take beets only fresh. Grate the vegetable on a fine grater and then squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Put the composition in the refrigerator. To obtain a greater effect, the juice can be diluted with carrot in a ratio of 1 to 1. Use the product in the morning before eating.

6. Garlic tincture. 2 heads of garlic will need to be chopped and pour warm liquid. Leave the composition for at least three days. Drink 2 small spoons between meals.

7. If the infectious process became the cause of swelling, it is recommended to use as much fluid as possible, which will help to remove the infection from the body faster.

Swelling of the lower jaw: what can not be done?

If the lower jaw is swollen due to damage to the gums, then there are a number of rules that should be followed. What can not be done with swelling of the lower jaw?

1. With swelling of the jaw, cheeks, gums it is strictly forbidden to resort to hot compresses. Such actions provoke an exacerbation and progression of the island-inflammatory infection process.

2. In the event that the lower jaw swells after tooth extraction, in no case should you use antibiotics or other medicines without the recommendation of a specialist. Such actions provoke a worsening of the condition and the healing process of the wound.

3. If swelling occurs after a toothache, then you do not need to resort to dressings, as there will be no improvement after that.

4. If the lower jaw is swollen, it is forbidden to use analgesics before visiting the dentist. In this case, when examining the patient, pressing on the affected area, the patient will not react in any way. It will be extremely difficult to make a diagnosis.

5. If an incision has been made near the wisdom tooth due to swollen lower jaw due to swelling of the gums, aspirin is prohibited. This will increase bleeding.

If you adhere to the rules, then the patient will recover much faster.


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