A child's face swells: common causes. How to treat puffiness at home?


Puffiness of the face in babies, especially if it does not appear due to crying, should seriously alarm parents. Very often, swelling speaks not only about malnutrition, but becomes a sign of pathological processes and a number of diseases. Treatment of tumors should be carried out under the supervision of a pediatrician so as not to aggravate the situation.

The child's face swells: the causes of the pathological process

There are many reasons that provoke a swelling of the face in children. If a child’s face swells, the reasons may be as follows:

1. Allergic reaction. A rapidly progressing allergy is a danger to the baby's life. It is characterized by the appearance of a feeling of heat, itching, and respiratory disorders and impaired consciousness are also possible. In this case, swelling is observed on the lips, eyelids, cheeks. The swelling spreads very quickly and increases in size. Edema becomes dense and does not change when pressed. Sometimes swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, tongue can occur.

2. Kidney or Cardiovascular Disease. With kidney diseases, a swelling is pronounced in the morning under the eyes. By evening, puffiness slightly passes. In the case of cardiovascular ailments, everything happens the other way around. Not only the face is subject to swelling, but also the legs, hips and other parts of the body. In case of kidney disease, the baby begins to urinate more often. In diseases with the heart, the skin becomes bluish, and the child becomes very weak. If high temperature is added to all these signs, then this indicates the progression of a kidney infection.

3. Features of the development and formation of the body. In newborn babies, edema appears due to an incorrect position of the body at bedtime. The head should not be even slightly lower than the body.

4. Teething. This cause also leads to swelling of the face. Swelling of the gums, cheeks, nasopharynx, lips, and mucous membranes of the mouth occurs. Typically, teething is also accompanied by profuse salivation and high fever.

5. Piggy. Mumps also provoke swelling of the face and parotid salivary glands.

Some swelling of the face may occur due to cirrhosis of the liver or viral hepatitis. Diseases are often accompanied by jaundice, weight loss, an increase in the tummy due to accumulation of fluid, a significant expansion of the veins. Swelling of the eyelids can occur due to infectious eye diseases such as conjunctivitis or nasopharynx, such as sinusitis, adenoiditis, or sinusitis. Whatever the reason, treatment should be strictly timely and competent.

What to do if the child’s face swells: preventative measures

If the baby’s health is all right, but the swelling appears from time to time, then in order to get rid of the problem and not to face it more, you need to follow some rules:

1. Do not give your child too salty foods. Refuse completely from its consumption or limit the consumption of white powder to at least three grams per day.

2. To maintain natural hydrobalance in the body, the baby should drink a sufficient amount of fluid per day. It is enough for children to drink a liter of water per day, excluding tea or juice.

3. Adhere to a healthy diet. It is not necessary to include in the child’s diet preservation, carbonated drinks, smoked meats, purchased ketchups and more.

4. It is imperative to include foods with a high fiber content in the baby’s diet.

5. It is recommended that parents conduct contrast shower procedures.

6. It is not recommended to feed the baby before bedtime or at night. The optimal time for the last meal is three hours before bedtime.

7. Every morning in the morning wipe the skin with an ice cube. This method will not only help to cope with puffiness, but also will lead the dermis to tone.

If all the tips are followed, you can save the baby from an unpleasant symptom.

What to do if the child’s face swells?

If swelling is provoked simply by lack of sleep, improper body position during sleep, or teething, then there is no need to use special methods of therapy. It is important to be in the fresh air with your child every day, go for a walk, ventilate the room, and give enough sleep. It is equally important to diversify the diet and eliminate harmful foods. The child should consume as much vitamin, fruits and vegetables as possible.

At home, to eliminate puffiness, parents should resort to such measures:

• use vasoconstrictor drops up to 7 days such as Nazivin, Xymelin, Otrivin;

• resort to the use of antibacterial and antiseptic sprays and drops such as Miramistin, Bioparox, Isofra;

• glucocorticosteroids should be used for irrigation of the nasal cavity;

• rinse the nasal cavity with the addition of sea salt;

• do hot foot baths before bedtime;

• In hospitals can be inhaled with the addition of anti-inflammatory and antiseptic compounds.

Vasoconstrictor drops are used to combat symptoms, so their use should not be permanent. With allergic edema, it is necessary to give antihistamines and anti-allergic drops for the nose.

If puffiness is treated in infants, then vasoconstrictive drops should not be administered for more than three days. With swelling with endocrine ailments, it will be necessary to use hormones that are prescribed only by a specialist. As soon as the hormonal background is brought back to normal, the swelling from the face of the baby will go away.

A child's face swells: what to do with heart failure?

If swelling occurs due to internal problems, then it is necessary to treat the underlying disease, which provokes swelling. In the treatment of heart failure, the most important thing is to get rid of stagnation of venous blood, not only in a small, but also in a large circle. It is equally important to increase the contractility of the heart.

If the disease is at an early stage of its progression, then physical activity should be reduced, fluid intake should be reduced. Also reduce the dosage of drugs that increase the nutrition and tone of the epidermis.

The cure of the disease necessarily includes the use of diuretics. Nutrition in diseases causing puffiness plays a very important role. After the baby is discharged, foods rich in potassium must be included in his diet. This can be dried apricots, cottage cheese, apples, baked potatoes. It is also important to eat only boiled meat and chicken.

What to do if the child’s face swells: alternative methods of therapy

In some cases, parents can use traditional medicine. But it is highly recommended to use them only after consulting a pediatrician. It is possible to get rid of swelling at home not only with the help of tablets and ointments. If edema in children is temporary, then it is recommended to use such recipes:

1. Natural birch sap. Juice should be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. This juice can even become part of the treatment of cardiovascular pathologies and renal failure.

2. Parsley root. You can use both fresh and dried product. To obtain a healing composition, take a thermos, add two large spoons of raw materials and pour hot water. Leave the composition to infuse for three hours. After this time, filter the product and give the baby a drink. The last appointment should be a couple of hours before bedtime. This drink can replace the intake of regular tea. The duration of therapy can reach five days.

3. To cope with swelling, eliminate the feeling of discomfort will help aloe leaves. The pulp of this plant must be applied to the affected area. After the leaf is heated it should be replaced with a fresh one.

4. Onion. Two onions must be chopped, and a large spoonful of sugar should be added to the resulting slurry. The product is left to stand for a couple of hours, after which the juice that has appeared is filtered out. Syrup to give the child a drink in the morning on an empty stomach. Only two of these tricks will be enough to fix the problem.

5. Potato against puffiness. To obtain a therapeutic agent, boil the vegetable in a peel, then grind it and attach it to a sore spot for a third of an hour. After this time, rinse the composition with cool water.
