Celandine for warts, gastritis and constipation: recipes for water and alcohol tinctures. Tips for use and contraindications


Celandine tinctures - the pearl of traditional medicine in Russia and Europe for more than a thousand years. And most importantly, science has confirmed the unique qualities of the plant, and also accurately indicated in which cases it will be of the greatest benefit.

What makes celandine unique for tincture recipes

Celandine, warthog, swallow grass, brambleweed - the names describe this herbaceous unpretentious, ubiquitous perennial with modest yellow flowers (it’s interesting that the juice on the stem is yellow), referring to its property to heal, to cleanse the skin, and to legends ( that swallows treat them chicks, Avicenna believed).

The only kind of the same genus (Celandine is large) is valued as a medicinal plant, but in its pure form is rarely used today, tinctures are another matter.

Hundreds of elements of the composition were found in the celandine, but to describe its benefits in general, it is enough to mention only a few of them.

So, alkaloids (about 20 species) to some extent make the plant poisonous, but on the other hand - and healing as well. In the sphere of their influence, such properties as:

• pain medication;

• calming and tonic for the nervous system (depending on what it needs at a particular moment);

• choleretic;

• bactericidal;

• antispasmodic;

• anticonvulsant.

A wide group of flavonoids provides the property of the celandine to be a regenerative agent, heal severe wounds, and prevent tissue necrosis.

In addition, the plant contains organic acids (citric, malic and succinic), resins and essential oils, retinol and carotene.

The merger of their qualities celandine is required properties:

• strengthen immunity;

• relieve migraines;

• cleanse blood and lymph;

• delay the age-related changes in the musculoskeletal system (as an external remedy, tinctures are effective even for the treatment of the spine).

What health problems can be solved by taking recipes for celandine tinctures

In confirmation of its name, the plant is effective for the treatment of skin integument:

• acne;

• eczema;

• warts;

• scabies;

• ulcers.

However, it is not recommended to inflict burns and frostbite on tinctures - there is a risk of disrupting the healthy formation of new tissues in these places.

But if you lubricate only the herpes noted on the lips, it will soon disappear without a trace.

Without directly possessing the properties of fat-burning products and without affecting appetite, celandine in tinctures, however, may be useful for weight loss, because:

• normalizes and speeds up the metabolism;

• improves the functioning of the kidneys and bladder, not only preventing the formation of stones in them, relieving inflammation, pain and cramping, but also acting as a diuretic;

• helps to increase endurance and adaptation to muscle loads, as a result of which, of course, training will most likely affect the figure;

• heals the respiratory system (can relieve chronic bronchitis and stuffy nose), increases the person’s ability to breathe more air during breathing, and then normalizes its transportation throughout the body.

Celandine tinctures are recommended for women to level the hormonal background, to reduce the onset of symptoms of PMS or menopause.

Brightly, the properties of the plant are manifested in relation to the digestive tract for the following purposes:

• restoration and normalization of intestinal microflora;

• treatment of gastritis with low acidity of the stomach;

• normalization of stool with constipation (delicately enhances intestinal motility).

Celandine can also prevent pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas).

Popular recipes for celandine tinctures

Despite the fact that folk medicine means from all parts of the celandine are known, for modern home tinctures it is worth using only the ground part of the plant.

The best time for collecting and harvesting greenery is considered to be the periods of its flowering (stretched from May to September), ideally - the beginning of June in June.

Naturally, celandine can be taken only from ecologically clean territories, remote from road exhaust gases and all kinds of environmental pollution from production.

For drying, the celandine is laid out in the sun, in the access of fresh and freely circulating air, plus, it is supposed to stir it all 10 days so as not to rot.

To obtain juice, the stalks with leaves are crushed (if you do not mind, an old meat grinder can be allocated for all kinds of herbal medicinal preparations) and squeezed carefully, then they are kept in the refrigerator for 72 hours and filtered through cheesecloth.

Vodka and 70% alcohol in each recipe for celandine tincture are interchangeable, thanks to them, the active elements from the chemical composition of the plant penetrate the body as quickly as possible and act on it with all the biological effectiveness available to them.

The simplest recipe for celandine tincture looks like this:

• fill a jar of 0.5 l with herbs for about 2/3 of the volume;

• pour vodka to the top and close the jar;

• clean it in a dark, cool place for 3 weeks, shaking it every 5-7 days;

• at the end of the period - strain, discard the used grass and add vodka to the missing volume.

To prepare tinctures from celandine juice, you need:

• pour 2 parts of juice and 1 part of vodka into a jar (or 4 parts of juice and 1 part of alcohol);

• put the container in a dark, cool place for 14 days;

• after readiness - strain.

Tinctures are bitter, therefore, dissolving their drops in warm water, many prefer to mix a little honey there.

Water tinctures of many plants are a good alternative to alcohol-containing products, but in the case of celandine, they will not be so effective by half.

Therefore, it is recommended to prepare a kind of “kvass”, notable for the fact that only he can restore the epithelium of the stomach as soon as possible with erosion.

To prepare the tincture, you should:

• place in a gauze bag half a glass of fresh or dry grass and, weighting it with a small weight, lower it to the bottom of a 3-liter jar;

• dilute in 3 l of whey (always fresh) 1 cup of sugar and 1 tbsp. l natural fat sour cream;

• pour liquid into a jar, cover it with a cotton rag;

• leave at room temperature, out of the sun for 7 days;

• it is not necessary to shake the mixture, but be sure to ensure that mold does not occur, if this is noticed, harmful particles must be carefully removed in a timely manner;

• after this period, get a bag, pour the top of the tincture into the dishes, and rinse the jar from the precipitate formed;

• return clean liquid to the container and pour a little more serum to the top;

• set to ripen for another 7 days (the moment of readiness can be determined by the fact that the liquid foams slightly);

• Store the finished product in the refrigerator, tightly closing the lid.

When you need to exclude the presence of celandine in tincture recipes

Due to the potential high toxicity of the plant, medicines from celandine are used with great care and not for prevention, only for treatment.

Externally or internally - even if an allergy test is required - lubrication of the inside of the arm at the elbow or the first dose in a couple of drops, diluted as fast as possible and on an empty stomach.

If after 30 minutes there is no suspicious reaction, the celandine is approved by the body.

And all the same, it is unacceptable to exceed the prescribed dosages (according to oral, written instructions of a specialist) or to delay the duration of the standard course (2-3 weeks of daily intake plus 2 weeks of break and repeat).

At the end of the intake, it is recommended to adjust the diet for the presence of the greatest number of natural prebiotics and probiotics (you can also drink special additives), since prolonged use of celandine can cause the development of dysbiosis.

Signs that the celandine overdone are:

• dizziness;

• confusion;

• nausea and diarrhea;

• unsatisfied feeling of thirst;

• trembling limbs.

Such reactions require immediate medical attention.

In order to avoid unknown and bad consequences, celandine is not recommended to be combined with the use of any synthetic drugs (it often combines well with other plants and even enhances their therapeutic effect).

And it is also important to note contraindications for celandine tinctures:

• bronchial asthma;

• angina pectoris;

• tendency to low blood pressure;

• most neurological diseases;

• pregnancy and lactation.


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