Women's love for jeans from A to Z. How do men relate to women who are constantly in jeans?


Such an element of a woman’s wardrobe as jeans is taken for granted and universal, however, with this thing is not so simple. Take, for example, that women have no less reason to adore jeans than diamonds. And it is also very curious how men relate to this.


 Jeans entered the mass market in the 70s of the XIX century, but for a long time, of course, women could not even think about wearing them. And those who dared to do this first, were guided by practicality - durable pants with pockets, for example, were very suitable for labor on coal mining on a par with men.

Naturally, no one thought about fashion - the economic situation of such workers hardly allowed them to see margarine on bread on weekends!

And only in the 60s of XX, clothing designers and store owners seriously thought about giving jeans a certain, significant place among other varieties of clothing.

The first wave of popularity of new clothes was due to two reasons:

  1. For a relatively low price it was possible to purchase a durable, practical and practically suitable thing for all seasons.
  2. Wearing jeans meant following the spirit of the new era, being bold, open to opportunities and not afraid to look for yourself in a vast world.

Today, jeans in their stunning variety are one of the connecting links between haute couture fashion and the style of most middle-class residents of modern cities. Indeed, if the difference between a lynx fur coat and a rabbit is similar to the Mariana Trench, then jeans for $ 1,000 and $ 50 often turn out to be practically identical except for the "big" name of the former.


 Fashion critics and those who dress royal houses admit that jeans can become part of almost any style, from casual and country to glamorous and classic.

Moreover - the same jeans can be worn in the morning with a blazer and ballet shoes in the office, and in the evening - with stilettos and a bright top - to meet friends in a sushi bar.

Good jeans do not require styling and smokey ice, but they will not be inappropriate with curled curls and gold bracelets on the wrist.

Despite the fact that the basis of the entire global jeans variety is made up of models based on the best examples of this clothing item, created in the middle of the last century, fashionistas can easily find models for every taste.

And this still needs to be multiplied by the fact that there are denim shorts and overalls.

But this, of course, is far from the only reasons why women love jeans. The main reasons for their adoration is also worth adding:

  1. Ease of care. Many stains can actually be removed without washing, and to maintain cleanliness it is quite enough to load them into the machine much less often than, say, linen Bermuda. Plus, no specific products are required, like "for black natural wool with an antistatic effect." Jeans dried after washing (or getting wet in the rain) do not need to be steamed / ironed - you can just put them on right away.
  2. Wear resistance. High-quality products do not stretch their knees and even mobile people do not have to pull their socks in a couple of months on the go or sadly hide the stretched belt under the belt. Jeans are not afraid of the sun, sometimes combining colors with fabrics and persistent natural colors of grass, which you can end up playing with a dog in the park. They will not be torn there by a hurt branch.
  3. Climate compatibility. It is comfortable when the same jeans do not have a chill, say, on an August morning, hinting at a good fall, but not hot on the next afternoon, generous with the last sun of the slipping summer.
  4. The ability to hide flaws and emphasize advantages. A well-chosen model allows you to visually improve the figure below the waist. For example, hide extra centimeters on the hips (there are tightening ones) or add, where necessary (with a push-up effect), lengthen the legs.
  5. Style matching. Once you have fallen in love with jeans as an element of your wardrobe, for example, at age 18, you can not part with them even at 50, which cannot be said, for example, about leather mini-skirts. They can be worn, as already mentioned, regardless of the direction chosen as a whole in the image.

It is believed that in the wardrobe it is enough to have from 3 to 7 different models. Plus - another 2-3 are required for residents of countries where there are very cold winters (pantyhose under jeans will not save from the cold, but the insulated “pants” themselves will allow you not to think about Antarctica).

Specialists who have chosen personal advice on shopping as their profession insist - if you find something suitable flawlessly (first of all, look at the landing, then at the design) - it’s better to take a couple of copies of these jeans in reserve, and you can buy them for the future more size-less just in case.

 According to the average current (over the past 1-1.5 years) data, the men's look at jeans on a female figure can be described as follows:

  • belly-stripping models good with a perfect sports press and a beautiful belly button;
  • jeans with such a low rise that noticeably underwear - it's not a bit sexy;
  • light blue fabric rejuvenates the whole look, allows a woman to look fresher, rested;
  • with some completeness and if a woman is shod in sneakers / ballet shoes, it is better to prefer a narrow, tight-fitting model jeans are loose, straight;
  • blue jeans are better white, black and generally multi-colored;
  • torn models are cute only in the summer, and in cold weather it seems that you are freezing, along with their owner;
  • jeans with low rise in the winter season are also doubtfully effective;
  • not one jeans leggings can not be compared with jeans real;
  • jeans usually go to women more than trousersunless the latter is a luxurious business suit.

It is also worth noting that representatives of the older generation (over 40 years old) believe that no sexy jeans can be compared with the soft charm that gives the female figure a loose / fluffy / flared skirt.
