Pin from the evil eye: how to pin and wear a talisman


At-hand household items have long been used in magical rituals, conspiracies, inducing corruption, as well as in protective magic. A pin is one of the most common. At first glance, this is the most common item used for domestic purposes. However, many generations have used a pin for energy protection.

Surely you often saw someone from a friend pinned to clothes, somewhere in the house, for example, on a tablecloth, a pin. She really can protect the owner from the evil eye, damage, malice. However, it is important not just to attach a pin and wear it with full confidence in its protection. Like any protective amulet, the pin must be charged, properly attached.

The magic properties of the pins

Usually, body talismans, amulets, jewelry, etc. are worn for protection. At the same time, special symbols and signs are often applied to them, special materials for manufacturing are used. In this regard, the pin is ready for use in its original form, it only needs to be charged.

The pin can be made of any metal, other materials are not suitable. With proper preparation, she will become a reliable defender against negative influences, starting from a bad promise, if someone just wished bad, ending with damage or a curse.

INTERESTING! The shape of the pin allows you to pass through a bad and good energy. Therefore, it is often used not only for protection, but for inducing damage.

The shape of the spiral not only absorbs the negative, seals inside. It is believed that bad energy will move in a vicious circle without harming the owner.

Pins and needles are spoken and hidden in the house of the one they want to jinx or curse, they are stuck in the threshold of the house, put under the bed or simply put in a secluded place. Thus, it can be very harmful. If you find a pin or a needle in an unusual place at home, you know that you definitely didn’t put it there, you found it stuck in the threshold of the house - you have a serious ill-wisher.

Important: do not touch such a pin or needle with your bare hands. Put on gloves, sweep out a broom and preferably burn immediately.

Ideally, you should read a protective prayer, then conduct an energetic cleansing of the entire house.

As we see, a pin is a powerful magic item used for various purposes. We will understand in detail how to protect ourselves and our family with the help of this subject and simple actions.

How to choose a pin to protect against the evil eye

As mentioned above, a pin can be made from any metalfor example gold, silver or steel. Cost does not affect the protective properties, so you can be guided by your taste and financial capabilities. However, the durability of the material depends on the selected material.

For example, if you use steel pin, it will have a small energy resource, it will need to be cleaned more often of the accumulated negative. Or it will just need to be thrown away - in what cases it needs to be done, we will tell a little below.

Silver - An ideal material for protective amulets, it has been used for these purposes since ancient times. Silver is especially effective against energy vampires and the evil eye.

Concerning of gold, its advantage is only in appearance, this material does not possess any additional properties.

How to wear an evil eye pin

This protective amulet can be worn in many ways. In the old days, a pin was fixed on the inside of the garment, away from prying eyes. At the same time they tried to pin closer to the hem, did not remove until the end of the lunar cycle. Also, the pin was attached to the shirts on the inside, where the heart is located. It was believed that a protective amulet should not attract other people's attention, cause a desire to break through this defense.

Sometimes a pin is decorated with beads, beads, pendants, threads or even ribbons. In this case, they wear it outside of clothes or pin it somewhere in the house in a conspicuous place. In this case, the amulet specifically attracts attention, as if taking the evil gaze from the owner to itself.

For example, you can attach such charms as: Nazar, Hamsa, he is also the Eye of Fatima, the Palm of Fatima, it is called the Palm of Miriam among the Jews. It can be any known small amulet worn on a pin. Slavic talismans, Celtic, pagan, Muslim, are perfect, depending on faith and preference.

The traditional way is to wear inside clothes, away from the eyes of others.

It is very important to attach the pin correctly. Usually it is worn in a horizontal position, but this is wrong, this method is completely unsuitable for protective purposes. A pin becomes a guard against the evil eye only when fastened with the head down. Only in this way will she rid her owner of all the negativity that she has taken upon herself and preserved.

Interesting: the Slavs believed that everything bad, accumulated with a safety pin, goes down into the ground, and remains there.

When the pin needs to be thrown away

While wearing the amulet pin, you must periodically check it, carefully evaluate the appearance. If you notice that the tip of the needle has darkened, then it's time to remove the pin - it has accumulated too much negativity in itself, it may not be able to cope with its function.

This usually applies to steel and silver pins. It happens that a very strong negative effect was exerted on the owner, then the pin can darken very quickly. We remove it, then bury it in the ground or burn it.

If your pin is made of precious material or you just feel sorry for throwing it away, clean it with salt.

Put the object in salt so that it is not visible, leave for three days. Then rinse with running water, and bury the salt. In this case, in order to pin the pin again, it is necessary to reactivate its protective properties.

How to activate a safety pin

It is very important to properly activate the protective properties of the pins with the help of a special ritual and conspiracies. Special words are pronounced when a pin is purchased or before it is used as a talisman, also to clear negative energy accumulated after prolonged use or darkening.

The very first conspiracy is to activate protective properties, programming according to your goals. There are a lot of conspiracies, we will consider the most common.

The first two are an appeal to the Guardian Angel.

You can also use this version of the plot:

These two conspiracies can be called universal, they are suitable for people of all ages, men and women. Some prayers and conspiracies can only be used by adherents of a particular faith. Some are for specific purposes or situations. There are conspiracies aimed at helping on an important day, protecting against evil people. For example, you can protect the bride on her wedding dayjoking a charmed pin in a secluded place on the dress, saying the following:

You can protect both newlyweds using the following words:

Yet most often pins use for personal protection, protection of family and relatives. In such cases, you can use the following conspiracy:

These words are repeated three times, then the pin is hidden on the table, a chest of drawers with personal clothes or attached to the curtains so that it is not visible.

A pin can be said for good luck:

There is an interesting plot suitable for married women. It helps to maintain good relations in the family or vice versa to improve them, remove problems and misunderstandings.

The most powerful protection is obtained when reading "Our Father" and "Psalm 90". Texts can be found in the source or on the Internet.

So, we figured out the properties of the pins, how to choose, wear and activate. The main thing is not to forget to monitor the state of the amulet, conduct energy cleaning or throw it away, replacing it with a new one. May the protection be powerful and help you in all matters.


Watch the video: Evil Eye Amulets - How to Use (June 2024).