Constipation in children: why not wait too long?


Constipation - a decrease in the frequency of bowel movements (less than 3 times a week) and a change in the consistency of the stool. The main causes of bowel movements are mental or organic diseases. Chronic stagnation of feces not only causes discomfort, but sometimes for the life of the child.

How common is constipation in children?

5% of all children aged 1 to 5 years suffer from chronic constipation. The Society of Pediatrics, Gastroenterology and Nutrition believes that constipation is an underrated global problem.

Parents come to a specialist too late. However, only early treatment helps to cure and prevent the possible consequences of the disease.

What symptoms indicate chronic constipation?

The main manifestations of constipation are prolonged sitting of the child on the potty, hard and large stools, constant changes in mood. Loss of appetite and fatigue are other symptoms that parents should pay attention to.

If a child can only go to the toilet with pain, he will of course try to avoid it. The kid deliberately holds his back, holds the anus with his hand and tries to prevent bowel movements. Symptoms are complex and not always clear. Involuntary defecation is a sign of paradoxical diarrhea with constipation.

Can a dangerous disease be the cause?

In 95% of all children, constipation is not caused by a serious illness. There are many causes of stagnation of feces. Harmless factors - loss of familiar surroundings, pressure at school, separation from parents, death of a loved one and unfamiliar events. Genetic predisposition is a rarer cause.

Constipation is a painful process for every child. Parents are not sure and often do not know what the baby is missing. They increase the amount of fluid unknowingly or rely on more exercise.

At the first sign of bowel problems, you need to find a specialist in gastrointestinal diseases.

The expectation of spontaneous disappearance of constipation is not the best solution, since it can develop into a mechanical obstruction of the intestine.

More dangerous symptoms that require immediate medical attention are fever, dizziness, hallucinations, and sleep disorders. If the above symptoms occur, you should immediately visit a specialist.

Constipation significantly reduces the quality of life and causes difficulties in social and intimate contacts. This vicious circle can only be broken with early treatment. Parents need specialist support.

How to treat constipation?

On examination, the anus is scanned very carefully by a proctologist. An unpleasant procedure for a child helps to exclude more dangerous diseases. Then the child receives medicines that must be taken with a small amount of liquid.

For every child who has constipation for several weeks, this is an incredible relief. However, treatment, especially for chronic constipation, should take place within a few weeks.

Laxatives mix stool with water and increase bowel movements. The result of treatment is complete bowel movement. In difficult cases, a consultation with a psychotherapist is recommended.

How useful is it to plant a child in a potty after eating?

The Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition recommends that parents regularly plant their child in a potty pot after each meal. A simple workout in a calm environment should be carried out sequentially, because it is a kind of bridge to a normal life.

A reward program for successful bowel movements is also important - certainly not with cookies or chocolate. Staying on the pot is also a problem for the child: it may take months until the digestive system begins to function normally.

What role does nutrition play?

Healthy dietary fiber found in fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes improves digestion. However, practical experience shows that the effectiveness of dietary fiber is often overestimated. In addition, they are often not accepted by children.

Experts recommend a normal mixed diet and adequate physical activity.

Daily should take the amount of fluid needed for a child at a particular age. It is always recommended to seek professional support from a pediatric gastroenterologist for unclear symptoms.


Watch the video: The Poo in You - Constipation and Encopresis Educational Video (June 2024).