Zodiac signs that are constantly mistaken in choosing a partner


We all know the well-known expression “love is blind”, however we periodically manage to make stupid mistakes. We gain experience together with our failed romances and love stories, and then heal our broken hearts hard. And again we fall in love, again ignore the alarming signals and reasons for doubt, close our eyes to mistakes and do not want to see their bad features in people, simply because we love them. Alas, this is a difficult lesson from which to draw appropriate conclusions. What to do if your chosen one in reality turns out to be rude, manipulative, aggressive or just mean? Let's see which zodiac signs are most likely to fall in love with the “wrong” person.

1. Aries

Aries is incredibly confident in himself and longs to be the best among the best, because he is looking for a partner, guided by one desire: to be envied and considered his choice impeccable. This means that in the end, Aries chooses a person, based mainly on his appearance, status or popularity, and not on personality and compatibility. This sign can be advised to be more legible and not be charmed only by a beautiful and shiny wrapper, inside of which there may be a moldy candy.

2. Gemini

Gemini is another extremely sociable sign, and this quality can serve them as poorly as in the case of Aries. For a successful relationship, Gemini needs a stable, reliable and very persistent partner, but they often pay attention to the person’s passion and emotionality, as well as his love for having fun. Unfortunately, the period of dancing and fireworks usually does not last long.

3. cancer

Since Cancer is incredibly deeply attached to the people he loves, its sensitivity and openness is very easy to use. Cancer sincerely believes his partner and is ready to blow dust off him, however, many dishonest people know very well how to manipulate such attachment and vulnerability. And since Cancers are also very loyal partners, they will tolerate ill-treatment for them much longer than they should.

4. Scales

Libra falls in love with the “wrong” person and makes the wrong choice simply because they are afraid of loneliness and want at least someone to be with them. Even if Libra later begins to creep into the thought of their mistake, they will stubbornly persuade themselves that this person is their only option, although relations with him are sometimes painful. Moreover, Libra can still be imbued with guilt and believe that they deserve this relationship.

5. Sagittarius

One of the greatest shortcomings of Sagittarius is its obsession. Imagine, but if this independent and freedom-loving sign falls in love for real, it will dive into love with its head. This means that Sagittarius will so surround the chosen one with excessive care and attention and fulfill all his whims and desires that he will begin to use this shamelessly and sit on Sagittarius’s head, turning their relationship into toxic and unequal.


Watch the video: Which Zodiac Signs Make The Best And Worst Girlfriends? (June 2024).