The horoscope of Tarot on June 23 for all signs of the zodiac. What will be this Sunday for you?


Today's energy is the pressure to get results from within. This is a time of some logical end and a chance to understand all the hidden motives that underlie all actions and events. You can be motivated to live today and free yourself from your unfulfilled expectations that prevent you from doing what you want.

You may also find that your ability to move out of your comfort zone brings you good luck, although it carries a certain risk. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map - Queen of Wands

You can be very stubborn and obstinate, especially when it is connected with something that you incredibly desire. And this can lead to the fact that you push away from yourself loved ones. Therefore, if you used to somehow justify your stubbornness, now is the time to stop deceiving yourself and listen to the opinion of the other side.


Map - Two Pentacles

Stop turning a blind eye to a lot - this will not change the fact of what is happening now in your life. Instead, you need to adapt quickly and find a way to fit into the circumstances, rather than confront them. Brainstorm yourself and restore your balance.


Map - Strength

Find the strength in yourself to pacify the dark side of your personality. Just remember: if you rely on external forces to ensure balance in your life, you will become dependent on this object and eventually lose your charm and charisma. Count only on yourself and on your own prudence and objectivity.


Map - Ace of Wands

Something really important and significant happens in your life, but you either deceive yourself or hide your head deep in the sand. There is only one way to know for sure what you should do. Listen to the advice of the wisest person near you or be attentive to the signals and prompts of the universe.

A lion

Map - Page of Wands

You are now captivated by illusions and for some reason fascinated by the absolute mirage. And until you find the strength in yourself to let go of this mirage, you cannot move on the right path. Sometimes it’s useful to stand a little at a crossroads, but for you this “rest” has dragged on, and it’s time for you to shake yourself and act with renewed energy.


Map Seven of Swords

A great day to review your life situations. If you have any suspicions about a person near you, you may simply not be compatible, and this problem needs to be solved. Do not keep your true feelings in yourself. Sometimes you need to let go of the past to give yourself a boost to progress.

Map - Knight of Swords

Think about whether you are chasing an illusion? The truth can be harsh. But only when you accept it, you open the path to positive change. So get rid of the fog in your head and face reality. This is more useful in the long run. Think practical solutions to problems.


Map - Three Pentacles

Today's events can highlight the inevitable conflicts that are long overdue. Remember the courtesy and, so to speak, emotional delicacy. Crude jokes and tactless remarks are unlikely to help you. Try to compromise so as not to aggravate already not too simple relationships with people.


Map - World

You may find yourself in a difficult social situation and feel the attack of your own powerlessness. Share your fears with those you trust. Family finance can be a big problem, so look for ways to save money. Remember that anxiety and anxiety will not help you in making decisions.


Map - Five of Wands

Do not make the mistake of pushing away loved ones for your goals. Your accumulations, success and achievements are not what is really important and valuable in life. Remember the lessons that you have learned from a variety of situations. Arm yourself with hope and courage to overcome all the temptations in favor of the right choice.


Map - Seven Pentacles

Do not waste time and effort on trifles that are not of particular importance. Be flexible and remember how important it is to listen to others and be empathetic. Do your best today to help or support someone. Be as objective as you can when making decisions.


Ace of Pentacles Map

Today is too emotional for you. Gloomy thoughts can color your thinking in dark colors. Pull yourself together, do not regret what has already been done, and do not worry about the lack of the result you need. Better to act than to wait for things to work out on their own.

The strongest card of the day

The key card of the day is the Court. You may feel the desire to choose the path of least resistance, but you should think about its adverse effects. This card requires an objective look at everything that happens, so that you can begin to consciously get rid of the accumulated problems. If you become cowardly and avoid solving them, then miss your chance. This is a day of informed choice and a sober assessment of events.


Watch the video: ALL SIGNS DAILY TAROT READING June 23 + PICK A CARD (July 2024).