Learning to care for oily hair


Any hair requires proper and thorough care. But especially oily hair is in need of it, because by the evening after the morning wash they get an unkempt appearance. Experts point out that quite a bit of effort is needed for greasy hair to become beautiful, shiny and healthy.

Oily hair: causes and effects

Owners of this type of hair know that oily hair is a consequence of the fact that the scalp actively produces sebum. It can depend on anything:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • improper operation of the endocrine system;
  • oily skin;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • improper nutrition or taking antibiotics;
  • stress and the presence of any bad habits;
  • adolescence and so on.

But if you do not find any of these reasons, and your hair quickly becomes too greasy, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Oily hair care

Most people, seeing that their hair often gets dirty, try to wash them as often as possible. Previously, all experts argued that it was harmful and thus the hair quickly becomes greasy, but now everyone has come to the opposite opinion - it’s better to have a clean head than to walk untidy.

There are several rules for washing oily hair and head:

  • wash your hair as it gets dirty;
  • Remember that hot water increases sebum production, so it’s best to use warm water;
  • comb the hair before washing itself, thereby removing the accumulated dirt and dandruff;
  • shampoo is best applied to the scalp and hair;
  • After shampooing, rinse the hair thoroughly to prevent the greasy film from appearing from its remnants;
  • dry your hair in a natural way, resorting to a hairdryer only in extreme cases.

The modern cosmetic industry produces a large number of shampoos for oily hair type. But do not choose it, based on advertising, you should read the composition. If you choose an inappropriate shampoo, then you will not be able to get rid of the problem.

Pay attention to shampoos that are transparent, white, yellow. As is known, the presence of brightness means harmful and sometimes dangerous dyes and other preservatives. Shampoos for this type of hair must necessarily include natural and herbal ingredients - herbal extracts, algae, zinc and vitamins of groups A, C and K.

In addition, oily hair often have a "satellite" - dandruff. In this case, the presence of tar, zinc or sulfur will be the determining factor when choosing a detergent for hair. You should not buy such shampoos, where there is silicone, which will give excess fat content to hair.

Oily hair care with folk remedies

  • rinse hair immediately after washing with infusion or decoction of chamomile or coltsfoot;
  • dissolve a spoonful of mustard in 1 liter of water and rinse hair;
  • use eggs for washing hair: beat one egg, apply head and hair. After 10 minutes, rinse with the following composition: mix baby soap shavings with boiling water, strain and pour with alcohol or cologne;
  • Mix the yolks of a pair of eggs with two spoons of honey, apply on hair and head and wash off after a couple of hours, and better leave it at night for optimal effect.

Applying all these simple rules, as well as getting rid of bad habits and unhealthy diet, you can make your hair beautiful and healthy.
