After having sex with Volochkova, her lover had to call an ambulance


Bakhtiyar Salimov, beloved of Anastasia Volochkova, as it turned out, has serious problems with the spine. This ailment makes itself felt in the most inappropriate moments. For example, the other day, Bakhtiar had a wedged back immediately after making love with Anastasia.

The lovers called an ambulance, whose employees made the poor thing an injection, which, however, did not improve the patient's condition.

A little later, someone who introduced himself as a doctor called Anastasia and began to find out the state of health of Salimov. And she, without suspecting anything, laid out the whole truth. A little later, all Web users were able to personally hear this conversation.

As Volochkova stated, all that she said was “twisted”. Ballerina is convinced that the ambulance staff collaborate with journalists.


Watch the video: You Won't Believe!!!Matilda and Nicholas II about the film and real events (July 2024).