The surrogate mother of the singer Beyonce’s daughter


Around the singer Beyonce constant information noise. It was reported that she herself was spreading rumors about a divorce in order to stir up interest in her concert activity, then, it was said that he and Jay Z were fine. Now a woman has declared herself, claiming to be the mother of the singer's daughter Blue Ivy.

Rumors that the child Beyonce was carrying a surrogate mother appeared even when the star was in position. Journalists noted that her stomach was constantly in motion, having an unstable size. Now, a New Yorker, a certain Tina Sils, intends to sue the star couple, while curiously, without making any financial demands.

However, it is simply impossible to take seriously the statements of this woman, because earlier she claimed that she was carrying the child for both Kim Kardashian and Kate Middleton.


Watch the video: Inside Beyonce's Difficult Pregnancy With Rumi and Sir (June 2024).