What are the conspiracy pins?


It has long been the custom that people use various amulets for protection. Wards became things from household items. More often, small objects that could be hidden from prying eyes were taken as talismans. The most popular is still the pin pinned on the inside of the clothes.

What can a pin talk on?

A pin is a universal magic symbol. The metal from which it is made, in the world of magic is considered the best conductor of energy. Small size allows you to always carry it with you. The oblong shape is identified with fluidity, and a closed oval is a sign of infinity. The needle is able to protect its owner and prick the offender. That is why an ordinary-looking item is considered one of the most multifunctional amulets.

Plots on the pin were used even by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers when they wanted to save their family and home from negative influences. They knew many secrets to improve health, wealth and well-being in life. She can speak for almost any purpose:

  1. For good luck and success.
  2. From the evil eye and damage.
  3. On the money.
  4. On love.
  5. On protection.

This magic attribute is able to absorb the negative and release light energy. A correctly spelled pin allows you to find out if there is any damage to a person, and absorbs the induced evil eye. It protects against dark forces and enemies, helping its wearer to achieve what they want.

How to talk a pin against the evil eye and damage to yourself?

The easiest conspiracy against the evil eye and damage to the pin can be done on any given day, exactly at midnight.

"All the excess that is on me, let him turn away. Let the evil and the evil go away. The pin will protect me and take damage into myself!"

The pin is attached to the inside of the clothing head down and worn for a week. When it absorbs the evil eye, it must be thrown out. A more powerful energy will manifest itself if you conspire on fire. To do this, you must additionally purchase a new wax candle and matches. A candle is set on fire in the evening with matches, and when the wax starts to melt, you should drop a few drops on the corner of the pin opposite to the tip and say:

"As soon as this candle melts, so the damage and the evil eye leave me. Let the needle protect you from your enemies, let them heal from evil and disease. I cast a pin on the fire and with iron, take a stranglehold from myself!"

If the curse began to manifest itself more actively and the victim fell ill, you can try the rite with water. It simultaneously cleanses the body of the disease and removes damage. For the ritual, you will need glassware with water from a well or spring. In no case can not take water from the tap or lakes. Before you put the pin in the water, you need to read the words:

"Let the water be pure spring (well), unclouded by nothing, share its strength and protect it with this power, in order to protect it from the sight of evil, wiles of enemies and every kind of contagion

Leave the charm in the water for exactly 24 hours. Then, still wet, attach to clothes with the tip down for 7 days, then it should be removed and thrown out. This ritual is performed on the growing moon on Thursdays.

Prayer for a child

From the pins you get a very strong and effective guardian for the child. The main condition is that the talisman should speak to the native or godmother of the baby, so no negative energy can penetrate it. For the rest, we will teach how to speak a pin against the evil eye and spoilage for a child at home.

Since children are especially susceptible and exposed to external influences more than adults, even a new pin should be cleaned before embarking on a basic ritual. For this, it should be put on one night in the salt by reading "Our Father." At dawn, it must be removed, placed on the palm of your hand and say the words of the spell:

"As Mother Theotokos loved the Son, so I conjure a pin for my child. I pray the Guardian Angel and all the Saints protect the servant of God (name) from evil, damage and the evil eye so that his troubles and illness will not be touched. Amen!"

The pin must be immediately pinned to the inside of the child’s clothes or under the blanket. This will protect him from someone else's envy and the evil eye, as well as contribute to a good and strong sleep. If the pin darkens, then someone tried to curse the baby, so the rite should be repeated with a new talisman.

Plot on a pin for good luck and money

A plot for a pin for good luck and money is recommended to read at home. It is for yourself and your home that you attract wealth. The ideal time of day for attracting money is the night, but the state of consciousness at this moment is also important. It is necessary not only to believe in the rite and words, but also to open your subconscious, to let the faith and magical energy into you.

At bedtime, while lying in bed, pinch a pin in your palm, hold it to your heart, and whisper a plot:

"As dreams go to me at night, let the money come to life. Let the wallet be filled with sound coins and rustling bills so that I can sleep soundly and sweetly. Like a pin, I attach a pin, so wealth and luck come to me prikoyu. Amen"

The pin should be put under the pillow and before you fall asleep, think about the future life in trifles, in which you have a lot of money and good luck in everything. Thus, thoughts will unite with magical power and be absorbed into the charm. The next morning, pin should pin to the clothes from the inside. Periodically, you can feed it with your energy, touching and thinking about monetary well-being.

With rice, salt, sugar

For the full opening of money channels and attracting success it is worthwhile to read the plot on a pin for good luck and money with rice, salt, sugar. A ritual is held on the growing moon. Sprinkle a handful of rice, sugar and salt on a new dish, and between them fit a pin and repeat 3 times:

"The moon grows and my profit attracts me.
As it will be full, so the money will cover me with a wave.
Success and prosperity are now waiting for me
Cares and troubles let everyone go! "

The pin should be filled with cereal and left overnight. In the morning it should be removed and attached to clothes, and the dish should be hidden and stored for a month. If there is no change until the next rising moon, the plot is better to repeat. The rite allows you to open a stream for the receipt of finance and attracts monetary energy.

Can love talk a pin?

With problems in relationships, a conspiracy to pin on love can help. There are cases when a guy or husband changes, feelings have cooled and separation is coming. You can return your former passion without a spell, but with the help of a magical rite. For the ritual to succeed, you must purchase a new red cloth. Pre-cut out of her two identical hearts. They will become a symbol of you and your chosen one.

Wait until midnight and spread the remnants of the fabric on the floor. In the center, set the candle in the old candlestick, which was filled with your energy. Before the candle, place both hearts side by side and pick up a pin, saying:

"While this magical fire burns, the old and unnecessary, infidelity and anger burn. The flame will cleanse two loving hearts and rekindle between them again a strong and pure feeling. I implore them to sincere and unshakable love. I bind together forever with light forces. So be it!"

Lean your hearts so that they completely coincide, and fasten with a pin. Extinguish the candle, wrap it with the candlestick in the remaining fabric and hide away from prying eyes. As long as both hearts remain attached to each other, your love will remain unchanged.


How to say a pin for luck, money and even love, is now known. The important question remains: Will there be consequences?It all depends on the type of conspiracy. Negative expects only those who are engaged in black magic. When a ritual is performed for protection, there can be no negative consequences. A pin, spoken like an amulet, carries only positive energy. If you do not seek to harm anyone, it will not be bad for you.

Speaking a pin, consider the importance of your goal. Think well of the result you are waiting for and make sure you don’t want evil to others. This is especially true of ceremonies involved in greed. Benefit for yourself, promise to help someone else in redeeming the use of magic.

Plot pins are white magic and are safe for good intentions!


Watch the video: Conspiracy Style RDA with BF Pin (June 2024).