Diana Gurtskaya stood up for the blind singer, who was refused to be hired.


Diana Gurtskaya, who in addition to her concert activities, is also a member of the Public Chamber, stood up for a disabled person from Buryatia, who was rudely denied employment.

Alexey Askhadulin tried to get a singer in the restaurant "Geser". However, he was not even allowed to audition. The director of the institution, Natalya Orlova, was not satisfied with the disability of a man. During the conversation, Orlova said that it was not Askhadulin’s professionalism, but his disability. After all, people come to this restaurant "first category" in order to get aesthetic and moral pleasure, which is impossible, looking at a blind person.

As a result, Diana Gurtskaya formally asked the Prosecutor General Yury Chaika to order him to sort out the situation. After all, the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation were violated, as well as the existing norms on the rights of persons with disabilities prohibiting any discrimination of people with disabilities.


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