Rustic potatoes - a festive and economical dish!


At least once in our life, each of us ordered at the restaurant “Country style potatoes” or “rural style”, as it is also called, and was surprised at the excellent taste of potatoes baked in butter with the addition of various herbs and spices. Even by the name of this dish it is already becoming clear that its appearance at those times was due to the lower class, the peasants.

From this we can conclude that the cost of such a culinary creation is mere pennies, and it looks quite festive and elegant. To see firsthand this - let's try to cook it according to an old classic recipe, without adding anything superfluous to the composition of the products, and see for ourselves the excellent taste and economy of the dish.

We need the following ingredients for 4 servings:

- 4 large potatoes (1.5 kg);

- 50 ml of vegetable oil;

- 1 tsp. salts;

- 1 tbsp. dried greens.

First of all, you should decide on your tastes, as different variations of the “Country-style potato” are obtained from different potato varieties. Cooking from pink varieties, your dish will turn out crumbly and delicate in taste, but it will not have a crisp crust. Yellow varieties will provide your potato with a crispy and crusty crust, but at the same time potato slices will taste good. Choose yourself!

As soon as you decide on a variety, clean all the roots from the rind and rinse them thoroughly in water, cutting out the wormholes.

Then cut each potato in half, and then cut it into slices.

Place the sliced ​​lobules in a container with high sides and add salt and seasoning. You are free to choose the seasoning according to your taste, be it: seasoning for potatoes, dried thyme, rosemary, a mixture of Italian or Provencal herbs.

Following the spices, pour the vegetable oil into the container and mix everything so that the seasoned oil envelops each slice. If you wish, you can use olive oil instead of vegetable oil - it will be more beneficial for the body.

Put the potato mass in a baking dish.

In this case, the form does not need to lubricate, because vegetable oil is already present in the ingredients. Bake “Country-style potatoes” for about 20-25 minutes, the first 10-15 of which the dish should be covered with a lid or foil so that the potato slices themselves are steamed from the inside. Then remove the lid and let them slightly browned on top. Watch the surface of the dish, as it very quickly acquires a golden color. Although the rich spicy aroma that soars through the kitchen, you are bound to tell about its readiness.

You will need only to submit a cooked culinary masterpiece to your loved ones, decorating it with greens.

Enjoy your meal!

Calculating the cost of meals:

To accurately determine the cost of 4 servings of a dish prepared by you, you should calculate the cost of its products:

- 1.5 kg of potatoes - 20 rubles;

- 50 ml of vegetable oil - 5 rubles;

- salt and dried herbs - 5 rubles.

Total - 30 rubles

For 4 excellent portions of potato hot!

Really chic rustic recipe! Take it into service in our crisis time, because it can be served to the holiday table with any meat or fish snack!


Watch the video: Recipe of the Day: Ina's 5-Star Garlic Roasted Potatoes. Food Network (June 2024).