Are men with a "tum" again in fashion? Why do women like them so much?


Pictured above is a shot from the film “Neighbors on the Warpath”

The fashion for "kachkov" channel in the summer and now in favor of men with rounded tummies. Especially nimble already managed to christen such men as a separate term - “dad bod” or “daddy's body”. Now it is for such men that the status of a new male ideal or sex symbol is firmly entrenched.

Today, men with a “daddy's body” are one of the main topics for discussion among men and women. A month ago, the topic “dad bod” was a wonder, but in a short time she managed to acquire the status of a global sexual and social phenomenon. The acclaimed article by Mackenzie Pearson (a student at Clemson University) "Why girls love" dad bod "caused not only heated debate in the Internet space, but also formed a new ideal of a man.

It is "dad bod" created for the family.

It is possible that in the not so distant past, the owners of "dad bod" were athletic and very athletic guys. However, gradually the press with cubes disappeared under the folds of a small tummy from intoxicating beer and chips. Men “teddy bears” look somehow family-like, cozy, they even “smell” stability, which is probably why today such a huge number of girls prefer them.

When you contemplate a man with a “daddy's body”, your soul becomes calm, warm, comfortable. It seems that this will not let you down; it will be safe and reliable with it. Such a man is automatically credited to the ranks of family, caring, who will pamper and protect his woman and joint children. Oh, idyll .... many will say!

In addition, any girl would rather believe that the owner of the “daddy's body” would rather perform male work in the house (nail a nail, hang a shelf, repair a broken one, etc.), rather than a selfish and selfish “handsome-jock”, descended from advertising fashion gloss. Of course, these are just prejudices, because the appearance of a person is far from always able to tell about his inner qualities, and about his future behavior towards you. One should not ignore the fact that a handsome jock can take care of his child as vigorously as he does, but a “teddy” man can become completely lazy, grow a huge belly that feels most comfortable lying on a sofa.

With "dad bod" you can relax and unwind

"Plush" men love and know how to relax: there is no problem in the middle of the night to feast on delicious pizza, popcorn, and chocolate ice cream on top, and watch the exciting action (for sure, he will not mind a tearful melodrama). Such tricks will not pass with handsome jocks and bodybuilders, who prefer protein shakes instead of pizza, and they strive to spend any free minute in the gym, drenching themselves with sweating.

"Dad bod" will sincerely admire your culinary talents, will be grateful for the cooked delicacies and delicacies, unlike a staunch vegan or a seedy raw foodist. And your “teddy” man will not be distracted from spending time together endless workouts, meditations, regimes, and so on.

You will never hear reproaches for “dad bod” for eating too much after six. However, do not forget to share the tasty, because for such a "teddy" man may be offended. If you like simple pleasures (delicious food instead of the right cocktails; sex instead of jogging; spontaneity instead of regimen), a man with a tummy will be the perfect partner for you. With him you can get great pleasure from ordinary, everyday affairs.

The main thing is that in simple, comfortable and joyful things with “teddy” you should not get bored! It is unlikely that such a man will be delighted if you want to spend your free time more actively and diversely. These new tasks may not be “dad bod”.

From "dad bod" comes the plume of sexuality

Oddly enough, "soft-bodied" men tune a considerable number of women on the sexual wave and cause great desire. Many girls literally go crazy with men with a little tummy. After all, they, “puzanchiki”, are so earthly, real or something, so I want to spend time with them in bed, without being tormented by thoughts of my own imperfection, non-perfection. In addition, you feel real Thumbelina!

But it is important that no substitution of concepts takes place, and you really took your breath away from the “daddy's body”. Sometimes, with the excitement confused banal desire to safely and quietly get married, to be safe and warm. Yes, "teddy" promises a lot of human, simple, earthly joys, but not always great sex, which is impossible without mutual attraction. Before you hunt for a homely, reliable "teddy" man, determine your sexual preferences!

The concept of "dad bod" fits into the traditional view of a permanent partner.

Sometimes, it is difficult and uncomfortable to be close to the “ideal”. Feelings intensify if you yourself are far from the ideal. A girl with an ideal partner, forced all the time to remain in a fighting state, try to match, catch up. For some girls, healthy rivalry with “a man as in the picture” will benefit and lead to rapid personal and physical growth. But for other girls, a similar mood in a couple is fraught with nervous tension and, at times, frustration and breakdowns. After all, sometimes it comes to something ridiculous: a man and a woman spend the same amount of time on self-care: massage, manicure, haircuts, masks. And if a man is also competing, whose turn it’s to sit in the bathroom for two hours ... Eyes would not have seen this!

It seems to us that “dad bod” would rather be engaged in climbing the career ladder, getting bread in contrast to the metrosexual, who is more passionate about working on his own appearance. But, unfortunately, this is just a prejudice, and instead of making money and providing for a family, a “teddy” can choose another scenario - lying on the couch and scratching the soft abdomen.

"Puzanchik" predictable and stable

Not with a simple joke: "Do you want to know what a girl will be in a few decades, then look at her mother." The truth is not to hide, and daughters very often resemble their mothers like two drops of water. They often copy the maternal script with accuracy, even if they chose it with a minus sign.

And in order not to be deceived in their choice, the girls go from the opposite and seek to see the partner right away. And then the fair sex pecks on the bait "puzanchik"! We naively believe that they are real and true; they do not strive to meet the imposed standards of beauty and success; they do not strive to appear better than they are. They do not depend on admiring and envious glances, which every fitness dependent secretly waits for. It seems to us that they are honest with themselves and with the people around them. They are what they are: simple, unvarnished. And women who are tired of the metrosexual appearance, from the “dust in their eyes”, willingly throw themselves on the neck of an imperfect, but real man.

The girls are captivated by the fact that they see "dad bod" as most men will be after several years from the date of the wedding celebration. Such a lazy honesty, normality and commonness has more than playing cubes on an athletic torso, expensive gifts, over-achievements. The prospect of living with ordinary, real guys, in whose plans there are no transcendental goals, only a happy family life, work and mortgage, has girls and consoles. "No worse than that of Tanka" works in the female mind from time immemorial and up to today!

It is possible that the good and homely "dad bod" will be all the same to you and love and after 15 years of married life. But there is another prospect that a family hearth with a “puzanchik” after years will turn into a close, monotonous place where, for some reason, it’s best to get bored and sad. In addition, it happens that the family routine, the “work-home-work” scenario, is also boring by the “plush” itself. And guilty of all this will, of course, make his wife (that is, you)!

Opinion of the psychologist

"The right choice of partner" is the name of the new psychological virus that has dominated the minds of society over the past few years. This fate befell, oddly enough, not only women but also men. Everywhere we receive tips, techniques, tests and tips on how to find a soul mate and live in peace and harmony with her until the end of life. The downside of this, in fact, useful information is the lack of pleasure from the search process itself (meetings, flirting, relationships before marriage). In every person we meet, we try to consider signs of conformity and inconsistencies, and the whole process, instead of a romantic adventure, turns into a tiring race.

Thinking stereotypes about a man in assessing his appearance, we can be deceived and greatly disappointed. It is better to pay attention to the very essence of a person, his behavior, instead of external, sometimes deceptive characteristics!


Watch the video: Are Women At Fault When Their Man Cheats? (June 2024).