Features of sex after childbirth: training intimate muscles


After giving birth, many women stop experiencing sex pleasure. And the point here is not at all in the hormonal background and psychological barrier. Loose pelvic muscles can deprive you and your partner of pleasure. Talk about how to restore muscle elasticity and return bright sex life to your bedroom.

The muscles of the pelvic floor are called intimate. This is a kind of key to pleasure: muscle tone and volume affect the power of orgasm and arousal. More than half of women after pregnancy and childbirth are faced with the problem of weak muscles. Why it happens?


More than half of women leave the hospital with weakened pelvic floor muscles. Like any muscle, pelvic floor muscles can only develop in motion. But most often we lead a sedentary lifestyle. From prolonged inactivity, muscles atrophy. When childbirth sluggish muscles very quickly stretch and become injured. This leads to the "wide vagina" syndrome. The wide open genital slit is an easy target for vaginitis, thrush or colpitis. Upon contact with the laundry, the enlarged vaginal mucosa dries quickly. It is not surprising that a woman ceases to enjoy sex. During sexual intercourse, the male organ simply cannot fit tightly against the walls of the vagina. Not only the woman, but also the man ceases to feel pleasure during the contact.

Healing orgasm

The weakened sensitivity of erogenous zones deprives a woman of the ability to get an orgasm. For the female reproductive system, it is very harmful. Orgasm is not only an emotional discharge and pleasure, but also one of the most important tools for maintaining women's health. During orgasm, a spasm of small vessels occurs, the tone of the venous system rises and the blood is renewed. If discharge does not occur, the outflow of venous blood of the pelvis slows down and stagnation begins in the vessels. Over time, the woman begins to worry discomfort and pain. The gynecologist has no choice but to prescribe antibiotics to treat the patient. And they have a detrimental effect on the vaginal microflora. There is another infection and everything is spinning in a circle. Therefore, it is extremely important to establish a sexual life after childbirth.

Ways to strengthen intimate muscles

How can a woman after childbirth get rid of "wide vagina" syndrome? There are several effective methods approved by gynecologists.

Physiotherapy. A few days after giving birth, the gynecologist may prescribe a physiotherapeutic rehabilitation treatment to the woman - UHF and a magnetic field. Such procedures help relieve inflammation and heal damaged muscles.

Physical exercise. Exercise can be started only after the muscles have healed. To do this, be sure to obtain the approval of the attending physician. Any physical activity that uses the pelvic floor muscles is useful - yoga, Pilates, and exercise therapy.

Mesotherapy and plasma lifting. This is the latest technology in the field of intimate cosmetology. An intradermal injection or laser improves the condition of the mucous membranes, positively affects the odds and increases the sensitivity of the vagina.

BOS-therapy. This is a special computer complex that helps women master the Kegel exercises. Such exercises can be performed independently, but at first it will not be superfluous to trust a specialist. Sometimes women confuse muscles and pump not exactly what is needed.

During the procedure, an electrode is inserted into the woman's vagina. When it strains those or other muscles, the electrode sends data to the monitor screen. If the woman made a mistake and strained the wrong muscles, the doctor helps her cope. For a few sessions, you can learn which muscles should be tense. Then you can do at home.

Kegel exercises are a great workout for pelvic floor muscles. They teach the muscles to properly relax and strain, increasing endurance. Intimate muscles can be pumped and even doubled in volume. Kegel exercises help to pump levatori - muscles located around the entrance to the vagina. After training, the genital gap becomes much tighter and closes, which gives a fantastic feeling to the woman and her partner.

Advantages of Vumbilding

Vumbilding called a specially designed complex for training intimate muscles with the use of special simulators and without them. Exercises train the muscles of the pelvic floor, giving them endurance, tone and strength. After a course of training, a woman can consciously control the intimate muscles. This affects not only the quality of the sexual life - after such training, childbirth is much easier and without serious consequences.

What will give you regular Vumbilding classes:

- rich sex life;

- elastic vagina smaller;

- menstruation will become less painful;

- prevention of various gynecological diseases;

- management of an orgasm;

- The body prepares for painless childbirth;

- cellulite will become less pronounced;

- The abdominal muscles will become stronger.

Most of the exercises can be performed at home, at work, while watching a series, on public transport, or before going to bed.

A set of exercises from Arnold Kegel

To feel exactly what muscles need to be trained, stop urination for a few seconds. Those muscles that you have strained and we need for training.

1. Within 10 seconds, rhythmically squeeze the vaginal muscles. Take a short break and repeat the exercise. But this time, each compression should last at least 5 seconds. After each compression, take a five-second break.

2. Squeeze the intimate muscles 30 times. Every day, add to the exercise for 10-15 compressions, gradually increasing their number to one hundred. On the last compression, squeeze the muscles with all your strength and hold them in that position for 30 seconds. Then repeat the exercise.

3. Within a few minutes, squeeze the vaginal muscles smoothly and evenly. Take a short pause and squeeze them for five minutes. Gradually, the period of compression should be brought to twenty minutes. To exercise had the proper effect, repeat it several times a day.

After Kegel exercises are well mastered, you can proceed to training with simulators.

Vaginal balls are ideal for exercise.

The smaller the size of the ball, the harder it is to keep it inside. Therefore, for the beginning it is better to get a ball with a diameter of 3 centimeters.

It is better to go over to exercises with simulators only after the initial exercises have been mastered and you feel your vaginal muscles well.

Before starting the exercises:

- before each use the simulator must be treated with an antiseptic;

- it is better to lubricate the ball with lubricant in order to avoid discomfort due to the dryness of the vagina;

- All exercises are performed while standing.

Take a comfortable position and insert the ball into the vagina. Your main task is to constantly hold the ball inside you. Tighten the muscles and wrap the ball, feel its shape and size. Slowly squeeze and squeeze the muscles. After each compression, let the muscles rest, because it is at this stage that they become stronger. Try to squeeze the ball with deep muscles. Gradually increase the number and speed of exercise. Try to gently roll the ball up and down, pumping all the muscles. Change the pace and speed of movement of the simulator.

To achieve the desired effect, do not avoid training. At the initial stage it is better to train every day, after you master the exercises - every other day. Over time, you will get used to the balls and they will not interfere with your daily activities.

Listen to your feelings. When you master the initial exercises, you can come up with your own or change your position.

When you learn to control a ball with ease, purchase a smaller ball or a weighting ball. This will further strengthen your muscles and add new sensations. In order to not go in training, during sexual contact, squeeze and unclench the penis of a man with different strength and speed. This will give you a fantastic feeling. The muscles of your vagina will be able to control the onset of not only your orgasm, but also your partner's orgasm.


Watch the video: Better Kegels: How to do kegel exercises, and why they work (June 2024).