Throat in the throat: a symptom of many serious diseases. Determining the causes of mucus in the throat is the key to successful treatment


Phlegm in the throat is viscous secretion produced by the epithelium of the nasopharynx. It helps to protect the membranes from the penetration of viruses, the effects of irritating factors.

Persons who have excessive accumulation of mucus (postnasal wicking syndrome) in the throat should be monitored by an ENT doctor, as treatment and determination of the causes of the pathology is a rather complicated process. Self-treatment in many cases leads to a worsening of the condition. Patients begin intestinal disorders, reproduction of pathogenic microflora throughout the body.

Excessive mucus production: non-infectious and infectious causes

Mucus in the throat can come from the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, or produced by the glandular cells of the pharynx itself. Among the main reasons for the excessive formation of a viscous secret, it is customary to single out

1) Various external stimuli. Excess sputum can act as a defensive reaction to smoking, drinking in unlimited amounts of alcohol or carbonated drinks, an unfavorable ecological situation in the region, spicy food. In this case, the negative symptoms are observed after waking up in the morning.

2) Inflammations localized in the nasopharynx. These include sinusitis, sinusitis, chronic pharyngitis, adenoiditis.

3) Strong hypothermia body, being on the street with wet feet.

4) Allergic reactions, manifestations of bronchial asthma. In this case, a person may have tearing, rhinitis, redness of the eyes, skin rash, swelling of the mucous membranes. If possible, completely limit contact with irritating factors. Allergens are: dust, pollen, animal dander, food products, mold. The basis of treatment is an allergological examination of the patient’s blood.

5) Different pulmonary pathology.

6) Diseases of the digestive tract. The esophagus has a close relationship with the throat. In some diseases, the acidic contents of the intestines enter the respiratory tract. The accumulation of mucous secretion is noted with pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis. The formation of mucus occurs after eating. For such a condition is characterized by heartburn, belching.

7) Lack of water in the body. Drying mucous membranes often leads to changes in the characteristics of sputum. It becomes more viscous, thick. When dry air condition worsens.

8) Long term use of vasoconstrictor drops. As a consequence, there is swelling and drying of the mucous membrane, and mucus begins to flow down the nasopharynx.

The amount of secretion produced increases dramatically when a foreign object enters the throat. The body, therefore, tries to get rid of the stimulus. In some cases, the help of a doctor is required to remove the trapped items. Until the alien item is removed, the condition will not improve.

The development of a viscous secretion may be associated with the onset of pregnancy, hormonal changes, old age and congenital anatomical features of the structure of the nasopharynx. The normal process of cleansing the body can be disrupted due to stroke or various muscular diseases.

Mucus in the throat: symptoms of the pathological condition

The accumulation of mucus in the throat is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, varying degrees of severity. These include:

• Constant burning sensation, tickling.

• A lump in the throat that does not go away.

• Constant desire to cough, while coughing will not bring any relief.

• Pain when swallowing, severe discomfort while eating solid foods.

• Runny nose, frequent sneezing.

• Unpleasant sour smell from the mouth associated with the active reproduction of pyogenic bacteria.

• Attacks of nausea, vomiting.

• Increased cervical lymph nodes, headaches, general weakness.

If the above symptoms appear, you should make an appointment with an otolaryngologist or try to relieve inflammation with the help of traditional medicine recipes. If blood streaks are noted during coughing in sputum, it is urgent to conduct additional studies for the presence of a tumor.

A prerequisite for effective treatment is to change the daily diet. At the time, coffee, spicy dishes, alcohol, full-fat milk, soy are excluded. Preference should be given to warm soups, wild rose broths, as well as products with a high content of vitamin C. Chicken broth contributes to the secretion of mucus. An important rule for patients is not to eat before bedtime.

Throat in the throat: when medical help is needed

Many patients try to cope with mucus in their throats with unpleasant symptoms. If certain symptoms occur, delay can cause serious complications. The help of the doctor is necessary in cases:

1) Increases in body temperature above 37.5 degrees may indicate an infectious process.

2) Feeling of body aches, chills.

3) Mucus, tickling and coughing does not go away for more than 2 weeks.

4) In the sputum there are streaks of pus, blood.

5) The presence of sour taste in the mouth, discomfort in the digestive tract.

6) Infancy of the patient.

7) There is pain behind the sternum against the background of excessive mucus. This factor may indicate the presence of pneumonia.

8) Severe headaches.

Diagnosing excessive mucus production

When the first signs of excessive mucus formation in the throat appear, it is necessary to pay close attention to its consistency. Dark colored lesions speak of a serious illness. An accurate diagnosis is the key to effective treatment.

The doctor must necessarily hold a number of procedures:

• A thorough analysis of the patient's complaints and a general examination of the neck, lymph nodes, thyroid, and abdomen.

• Pharyngoscopy. Visual examination of the mucous membrane of the throat does not require special preparation of the patient and the use of sophisticated equipment.

• Laryngoscopy. Before the procedure, it is recommended to refrain from eating and drinking to reduce the manifestation of the gag reflex.

• Biochemical and complete blood count.

• Radiography may be required to eliminate the pathology of the paranasal sinuses.

• Bacterial sputum analysis.

In some cases, an accurate diagnosis requires consultation with a gastroenterologist, neurologist, and endocrinologist.

The main methods of treating mucus in the throat

The main task of treating mucus formation in the throat is to influence the cause of the disease and completely eliminate unpleasant sensations. For moderate to severe pathologies, antibacterial agents are used. Preference is given to cephalosporins. Also ENT-doctors can offer the following methods:

1) Use of synthetic pharmacy drugs. On the modern market are many effective and safe drugs. It directly affects the sputum Ambroxol, Carbotsestein, Mesna, Bromhexin. As a result, it is liquefied.

2) Rinse and rinse the nose and throat. The procedure is allowed to carry out, starting with 3 years. The solution of furatsilina and potassium permanganate has become widespread. Gargling is possible with Miramistin, Chlorhexidine. Yoksom

3) The purpose of the complex of antihistamines (Loratadin, Suprastin) in determining the allergic component.

4) Grindings are permissible only in the absence of temperature. It is permissible to use honey with alcohol, goat fat.

5) Use of immunomodulators. Stimulating the body's own defenses allows you to cope with the problem in a shorter time.

6) Massage, physical therapy, breathing exercises.

7) To consolidate the result obtained, a course of physiotherapy is carried out in a polyclinic.

Mucus in the throat of a child

When diagnosing an excessive viscous secretion in the nasopharynx in a child, the treatment being administered is complex and more careful. Especially dangerous is the accumulation of mucus in nursing patients. Most often in children, negative manifestations are caused adenoids.

The mucous membranes of the baby are extremely sensitive, so all the tools used should be with sparing effect. Aggressive drugs can damage tissues. Doctors pay attention to the dosage of drugs, the frequency of their use.

High efficiency in the mucus in the throat in a child shows a colloidal solution of silver - Protargol. Thanks to its use, bacteria are destroyed, the secretion of a viscous secretion is reduced, and a drying effect is produced. Breathing exercises will help reduce the amount of mucus.

When mucus in the throat of a child is prescribed irrigation of the throat with solutions sea ​​salt with the addition of herbal ingredients. As a result, acceleration of tissue regeneration and hydration of mucous membranes are noted.

As an expectorant, children can be offered: radish juice with honey, licorice syrup, pine cones jam. In some cases, removal of adenoids may be required to eliminate negative symptoms. The operation is a last resort in cases where conservative treatment does not produce results.

Purpose antibiotics It is advisable to diagnose the bacterial nature of the pathology. Preference is given to the drug in the form of a suspension with a pleasant taste, which can reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract.

The accumulation of mucus in children may be the norm. In infants, the viscous secret flows down due to the narrow lumen of the nasal passages, inability to blow your nose.

Phlegm: recipes of traditional medicine

In some cases, it is possible to defeat the disease without resorting to medication. Before using any means you should consult with a specialist. An accumulation of mucus in the throat can be treated with:

1) Gargle. The most affordable way is to use salt, soda and iodine. To achieve the maximum effect, rinse is carried out every three hours. When preparing the solution, you will need a teaspoon of salt and soda, which are poured with a glass of boiling water. Before use, a few drops of iodine are added to the resulting product. Rinse can be carried out with the help of chamomile decoction, calendula.

2) Inhalation. A proven method of treating mucus in the throat is potatoes. Vegetable peel and cook until cooked. Then knead the potatoes, it is recommended to add a little soda. A sick person should sit in front of the pan, covered with a blanket. About 10 minutes you need to breathe warm air. It is important not to burn yourself, because in the first minutes the steam is very hot.

3) Compresses help in dilution and sputum discharge. The impact is complex on the entire nasopharynx. To do this, you need to squeeze your cottage cheese well, wrap it in cloth and wrap your neck. From above the compress is fixed by polyethylene, a warm scarf. The procedure should be carried out at night.

4) Usage natural plant oils. In the treatment of mucus, eucalyptus oil has long been used, and it is strictly forbidden to use it inside. The most effective way - adding funds to the spray.

5) Throat lubrication alcohol tincture of propolis.

6) Rubbing front surface of the neck with quality unrefined oil with salt.

To reduce the formation of mucous secretion, three-year-old leaves are often used. aloeground and mixed with honey. It is used on a tablespoon after each meal. The use of heated mineral water (Borjomi, Essentuki) with honey will help alleviate the condition.

Important: even time-tested folk recipes can cause harm to the body. If after a few days there is no improvement in condition, self-treatment should be stopped and seek help from the nearest medical institution.

Prevention of mucus formation in the throat

Prevention of excessive mucus formation in the throat is in compliance with the basic rules:

• Drink as much liquid as possible every day so as not to suffer from thickening of sputum. You need to start the day with a glass of warm water with the addition of natural honey.

• Try to maintain a normal level of humidity in the apartment, work area.

• Regularly carry out water procedures, follow the rules of personal hygiene.

• Refuse existing bad habits.

• As often as possible to hum various melodies with your mouth closed, the vibrations of your voice will help your sputum to come out.

• During the peak of colds, use pharmacological oxolinic ointment.

• Physical activity, increased immunity with the help of vitamins.

• Stay away from dyes, household chemicals and toxic fumes.

• At least once a year visit the ENT doctor.

• Raise the headboard slightly.

• Avoid stressful conditions, excessive unrest and worries.

The accumulation of secretions in the nasopharynx in most cases indicates the presence of the disease or allergies. It is necessary as soon as possible to find out the causes and begin treatment.


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