Lenten cabbage dishes - an opportunity to diversify the menu in the post. Recipes for delicious lenten cabbage dishes: salads, soup, pies


Only lazy people did not talk about the benefits of cabbage. This is especially true for sauerkraut, because it is a real storehouse of vitamin C.

Cabbage is a versatile vegetable that can be combined with pasta, cereals, mushrooms or other vegetables.

Cabbage-style lenten dishes - basic cooking methods

Cabbage is cooked for a variety of dishes. These can be first courses, appetizers, salads, casseroles, main dishes or pastries.

For the first cabbage they cook lean borscht, soups or cabbage soup. For the second, you can stew cabbage with mushrooms, vegetables or legumes, cook burgers or casseroles.

There are lots of recipes for baking with cabbage. This and pies with mushrooms, fried or baked pies or fritters.

At the same time cooked from both fresh and sauerkraut.

Pre-cabbage finely chopped and stewed with spices and tomato paste or fried in a pan.

Recipe 1. Lenten pie with cabbage


four glasses of flour;

60 g olive oil;

70 g of sunflower oil;

500 g white cabbage;

on a pinch of salt and pepper;

60 g sugar;

small bag of yeast;

glass of water.

Cooking method

1. Sift flour several times to saturate it with oxygen.

2. Pour into a deep container, slightly heated water, dissolve salt, yeast and sugar in it. We cover with food film and leave it warm for a quarter of an hour for the yeast to start working.

3. Mix the yeast with flour, add a tablespoon of butter and knead the dough for ten minutes so that it stops sticking to your palms. Cover the dough again and leave for an hour and a half. It should double. We crush him and leave to rest for another half an hour.

4. Cut the cabbage into squares. Heat the frying pan, pour in the oil and spread the cabbage into it, season with salt and pepper and fry for about 20 minutes, stirring constantly.

5. Divide the dough in half. In this case, one part should be slightly less than the second. We roll a bigger piece of dough into a layer, a bit larger form, in which you will bake a cake.

6. We grease the form with butter and carefully weave it with rolled dough. We spread roasted cabbage and cover with the second, previously rolled out layer of dough. We pinch the edges, forming a beautiful piping. We pierce in several places with a fork. Spread the surface of the cake with olive oil and bake for 20 minutes at 200 ° C until an appetizing crust appears on top.

Recipe 2. Lenten pie with cabbage and mushrooms



half a kilo of flour;

sunflower oil - 50 g;

300 ml of water;

for 1 teaspoon of sugar and salt;

raw yeast - 20 g


two cooking onions;

60 g of vegetable oil;

white cabbage - 300 g;

dill, black pepper and salt;

sweet black tea (for lubrication).

Cooking method

1. Dissolve the yeast and sugar in a half cup of pre-warmed water, add a little flour, stir and leave to warm for a quarter of an hour. Opara should rise twice.

2. Pour the flour into a deep container and mix it with salt, brew and vegetable oil. Knead the soft dough, and leave to warm for an hour, covered with a clean towel.

3. Peel the onion and chop into thin half-rings. Cabbage shred strips. In hot oil, fry the onions until golden brown, then add the cabbage, increase the heat a little and fry with the onion for a couple of minutes. Pour in some water, season with salt, pepper and cover with a lid. Twist the fire to the minimum and continue to simmer another quarter of an hour. Sprinkle with chopped dill, mix and extinguish the fire.

4. Wash and shred plates with mushrooms, boil and fry with onions. Spread to cabbage and mix. Lubricate the baking sheet and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

5. Divide the dough into two parts (larger and smaller). Most of the roll, spread on a baking sheet. In this case, the dough should go a little beyond the edges of the form. Putting dough on a baking sheet, crush it with starch and lay out the cooled filling. Distribute it over the entire surface, and cover with a rolled layer of dough. We pinch the edges and leave the cake to infuse for half an hour in heat. Then we send to the preheated oven for half an hour. Bake at 180 C.

Recipe 3. Lenten patties with cabbage


750 ml of water;


lean oil - 100 ml;

White cabbage;


bag of dry yeast;

flour - one and a half kg;

salt - 10 g;

60 grams of sugar.

Cooking method

1. Dissolve sugar, yeast and salt in heated water. Gradually pour the flour and knead not quite cool dough. The main thing is that it does not stick to the palms. Cover it with a clean cloth and leave it warm for 40 minutes, then crumble and leave for another half hour under a towel.

2. Shred cabbage with small strips and pour boiling water for a quarter of an hour. Onion clean and finely crumbled. Fry the onion in hot oil. Drain the water from the cabbage, gently squeeze and lay out in a frying pan with onions. We salt and continue to fry.

3. Lubricate the table with vegetable oil and form small balls out of dough. We crush each hand to get a cake. Put the cooled filling in the center and carefully close the edges. We decorate the deco with baking paper and lay the patties on it with a seam down. Leave for half an hour and put in a strongly heated oven for 15 minutes. The surface of the finished pies grease with sweet tea, cover with a towel and leave to cool.

Recipe 4. Lean cauliflower in batter


cauliflower forks;

a glass of flour;


300 g of water;

salt - h. spoon.

Cooking method

1. Divide the washed cauliflower into inflorescences, and boil in slightly salted water for five minutes. We take them out of the water, lay them on a disposable towel and dry them.

2. Sift the flour several times, pour it into a deep plate, mix it with salt, gradually pour in water and knead enough liquid batter. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and mix.

3. We dip each inflorescence into a batter so that it completely covers the inflorescence. Put in hot oil and fry until appetizing crust.

Recipe 5. Lenten soup of fresh cabbage


200 g white cabbage;

salt and dill;

onion and carrot;

four potatoes;

three garlic cloves;

50 g tomato paste;

60 g vegetable oil;

can of canned beans

Cooking method

1. Put the pan on the stove with water and boil it. We put in it peeled and chopped small potatoes.

2. Cabbage finely crumbled. Add it to the pot with potatoes. We are waiting for the soup to boil, cover with a lid and cook for a quarter of an hour.

3. Clean the vegetables and rinse. Finely chop the onion with a knife, and rub the carrot with medium chips. Put the vegetables in a preheated pan and fry the carrots until soft. Add tomato paste and pour in a little vegetable broth, and simmer for about ten minutes, covered with a lid.

4. Fry put in the pan. Here we also add beans from the jar, cook for another three minutes and remove the soup from the heat. At the end put chopped dill and garlic. We mix, and leave to insist for half an hour, closing the lid. Serve soup can be with garlic meat donuts.

Recipe 6. Lenten soup of sauerkraut with millet


potatoes - three pcs .;

lean oil;

ground black pepper and salt;

millet - a handful;

onion and large carrot;

tomato paste;

fresh greens.

Cooking method

1. Put a pot of water on the stove and boil it. Cut peeled potatoes into small pieces. Peel the remaining vegetables, rinse them. Finely grate the carrot and chop the onion into cubes.

2. Put sauerkraut in preheated vegetable oil and simmer on low heat until soft.

3. Twist the fire under the saucepan and place the potatoes in it. Boil until cooked. Now put the chopped onions and carrots, and continue to cook for another five minutes. Add the washed millet to the pan. Cook at minimum heat for ten minutes. Now you can put roasted sauerkraut and tomato paste. Pepper and salt. Cover and simmer for another half hour.

Recipe 7. Lenten cabbage patties


kg of cabbage;

dill - a bunch;

pepper and salt;


two garlic cloves;

100 g breadcrumbs;

half a cup of semolina and flour.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the cabbage and divide into four parts. Put in a saucepan and cook cabbage, filled with water for ten minutes. Remove it from the water and cool it.

2. Twist the cabbage in a meat grinder and squeeze so that there is no moisture left.

3. Peel the onions and rub with small chips. Peel the garlic through the garlic press. Chop finely washed dill.

4. Put dill, garlic and onion in cabbage mince. Season with salt and pepper and mix. Pour the semolina and flour and mix well again until smooth.

5. Form the patties, breaded them in breadcrumbs and fry on both sides until golden brown.

Recipe 8. Lenten salad with cabbage and corn


half a pound of cabbage;

half a lemon;

tinned canned corn;

ground allspice, sugar and moth;

parsley and dill - a bunch;

80 ml of vegetable oil;


Cooking method

1. Shred cabbage strips as thin as possible. Put in a bowl, salt and crush your hands until juice appears.

2. Drain the brine from the corn and pour the grains to the cabbage.

3. Peel the onions and chop up with thin half-rings. Sprinkle it with squeezed juice of half a lemon and leave to marinate for a few minutes.

4. Rinse and dry the greens. Finely chop with a knife.

5. Lightly squeeze the onion and put it in the cabbage. Add greens here. In the lemon juice remaining onion, add vegetable oil, season it all with sugar, salt and pepper. Pour over the salad dressing and mix. Refrigerate for ten minutes.

Recipe 9. Lenten salad with cabbage, calamari and mushrooms


250 g of broccoli and cauliflower;

jar of green olives without pits;

50 ml of olive oil;

champignons - 200 g;

pepper and salt;


three cloves of garlic.

Cooking method

1. Boil cauliflower and broccoli in separate saucepans. Remove from the water, cool and disassemble the cauliflower into inflorescences.

2. Free garlic from the husk, chop. Pour olive oil into a frying pan and heat it. Put the crushed garlic in it and hold for a couple of minutes on the fire so that the oil absorbs its aromas.

3. Then put the chopped onion and fry until it becomes transparent and slightly rosy.

4. Put two kinds of cabbage into a deep container, add fried onions.

5. Remove the olives and cut them in half. Put all to cabbage.

6. Rinse the mushrooms and cut them into slices. Put the mushrooms in the same pan, where the onions were fried, and fry until all the moisture has evaporated. Cool and shift to other vegetables. Pour over the salad with fragrant oil on which the vegetables were fried, salt and pepper. Stir everything and put in a deep salad bowl.

Lenten dishes with cabbage - tips and tricks from the chef

  • When they take the cabbage pies out of the oven, the dough on top is quite stiff. To make it soft, sprinkle it with some water and cover it with a clean towel.
  • When frying or stewing cabbage, add a little tomato paste or ketchup, it will make its taste more interesting, and the color is brighter.
  • From cabbage you can make lean cabbage rolls. As a filling, use rice with roasted vegetables.
  • If several types of cabbage are used in the dish, it is better to cook them separately, and only then mix.
  • Experiment with the addition of various greens.
  • Shchi is better to cook in clay pots in the oven. They turn out to be rich due to slow languor, and vegetables do not lose their shape.


Watch the video: United States cuisine. Wikipedia audio article (June 2024).