What is the pulse during pregnancy is considered normal? Raising or lowering the pulse in a pregnant woman - when it is a pathology


During pregnancy, the future mommy completely changes the usual rhythm of life.

Exciting and joyful moments make the heart beat faster. And now there is a strange pulsation almost in the throat.

Is this a matter of concern? The values ​​of pulse during pregnancy have their own normal values, which are not constant and change under the influence of external stimuli and internal changes in the body.

What does the pulse during pregnancy show?

The heart muscle is constantly contracting to push the blood into the vessels. The walls of blood vessels while making oscillatory movements. These variations can be determined independently. The number of pulsations of the vein indicates how often the heart is reduced.

The pulse rate during pregnancy is quite important. Indeed, when measuring the pulse can be traced:

• palpitations - tachycardia;

• slow heartbeat - bradycardia;

• irregular heartbeats - arrhythmia.

Therefore, at each reception at the gynecologist, the doctor necessarily measures the pulse during pregnancy.

But these readings can be monitored and by myself:

1. Best of all, the pulse is felt on the wrist or in the place of the pulsation of the artery in the neck.

2. Count the number of heartbeats per minute.

3. It is necessary to count the number of pulsations at rest, it is better to rest a little before that.

4. Pulse is not measured after a meal, as the pulsation increases during digestion.

5. You can use a semi-mechanical or electronic tonometer, which is equipped with a function of counting heartbeats.

Normal pulse during pregnancy

The only source of nutrients and oxygen for the fetus is maternal blood. Therefore, when a new life is born, the female body takes all measures to ensure normal blood supply. In addition, the woman’s own organs and systems feel an additional burden, which requires an increased supply of oxygen.

At the very beginning of pregnancy, the pulse may slightly increase due to hormonal changes in the maternal organism. Natural anxiety associated with changes in life, and the presence of toxicosis also affects pulse rates.

But here, too, there are natural limitations. An increase in heart rate can be up to 20 beats per minute. If a woman had a heart rate before pregnancy in a calm state was 90 beats, then during pregnancy, the rate of 110 cuts will not be pathological.

The second semester is generally considered the safest for pregnancy. Turbulent hormonal changes are left behind, new ones are not coming soon. The body has managed to adapt to the new state. Therefore, during this period, the heart beats more balanced and pulse indices return to the range of heartbeats of an ordinary person. The rate of strokes ranges from 80 to 90.

Starting at week 25, blood volume increases significantly. This is due to the fact that the baby is growing and for its development requires more oxygen and nutrients. By the end of pregnancy, the blood volume may increase by 1.5 liters. Therefore, the heart has to work in the enhanced mode. He has to pump more and more blood.

If the rhythm of the heartbeats were maintained at the same level, the blood would simply stagnate in the vessels and become more viscous. This can lead to blood clots, increased pressure.

Therefore, a rapid pulse at such times just confirms the normal work of the maternal heart and the entire circulatory system. In some cases, and with 115 beats per minute, doctors do not diagnose abnormalities.

At the very end of pregnancy, after 32-34 weeks, the pulse may decrease slightly. This does not mean that the baby has reduced the need for nutrients. Just the circulatory system has adapted to the new volume of blood, and the heart begins to work in a more stable mode.

Of course, if a woman managed to gain a decent weight by that moment, she didn’t stop carrying weighty bags from stores or still indulges in caffeinated drinks, the heart will have to be reduced faster and the pulse will be higher than normal.

Causes of rapid pulse during pregnancy

With a sudden increased pulse during pregnancy, a woman may even feel heartbeat. There is a feeling that the heart is pounding, fluttering behind the sternum, the pulsation is felt in the throat, the pulsation of blood vessels is seen on the neck or temples. In addition, a woman may feel a pulse in the lower abdomen, which clearly scares her.

A short-term increase in heart rate may occur in the following situations.

With physical exertion. Muscles in such situations often have to contract, while requiring more oxygen. To ensure the stable operation of muscle tissue, the heart is forced to beat more often. During pregnancy, an increase in heart rate can lead not only to sports training, but even a banal walk in the fresh air. Carrying heavy objects, including bags, having started a general cleaning or rearrangement in the house, a woman increases the load on the heart.

After eating. Of course, light snacks are not able to affect the work of the circulatory system. But for those who love a more abundant meal, they prefer fatty dishes, spicy seasonings or various pickles, an increased pulse is a usual thing. The body will have to make some effort to digest and assimilate heavy food. And for this, enhanced blood flow is extremely important.

Under the influence of caffeinated beverages. Caffeine is reflected in the state of blood vessels. At the same time pressure can rise and as a result heartbeat becomes more frequent. It should be remembered that caffeine is not only coffee. Black and even green tea contain caffeine no less.

When bad habits. Every woman is aware of the dangers of smoking and alcohol-based drinks during pregnancy. In addition to the detrimental effect on the fetus, such thoughtless actions affect the work of many systems of a woman. Accordingly, the heart works with a double load.

Due to emotional stress. To flinch a heart is forced by any negative emotions. Fear, anxiety, stress, sobbing, exciting states and even anger cause changes at the physiological level. Emotional background is reflected in the production of certain hormones, which, in turn, causes an increase in pressure, blood flow disorders. Strangely enough, too violent reactions to joyful events lead to the same changes.

After taking some medication. Drugs that were normally transferred earlier may cause intolerance or adverse reactions during pregnancy, including an increase in heart rate.

Exposure to increased pulse during pregnancy and women who gained weight. Extra pounds create a load not only on the joints and the spine, but also on the circulatory system.

Feel the rapid pulse of a pregnant can lying on your back. Increased weight of the fetus puts pressure on the internal organs. In the supine position, the abdominal aorta is compressed, which leads to a decrease in blood flow to the heart and it has to contract more strongly.

With a rapid pulse, oxygen supply to the brain is reduced. Therefore, a woman can pursue discomfort in the form:

• dizziness;

• nausea;

• weakness;

• feelings of heat;

• lack of air;

• "fluttering" of the heart;

• visual effects such as small dots, blurred perception of objects.

With a sharp increase in heart rate, a pregnant woman may lose consciousness due to oxygen deficiency.

To lower the pulse yourself you can:

• lie down and relax;

• gently change the position, if you lay on your back;

• drink in small sips of cold water;

• take a few deep breaths;

• rinse your face with cold water;

• press with your fingers on the eyeballs with your eyes closed;

• Massage behind the ears in the corner of the mandible.

Acupressure in these points helps to normalize the pulse.

The doctor may recommend taking herbal-based sedatives. Independently choose a medicine not worth it. Some herbs have a negative effect on pregnancy.

In order to prevent a sudden increase in the pulse during pregnancy, it is necessary:

1. Eat as often as possible and in small portions, avoid overeating.

2. Refuse caffeinated and alcoholic beverages. Preference to give home compotes, decoctions of dried fruit.

3. Observe the regime of rest and labor. Normalize sleep.

4. Avoid physical overload.

5. More often on air, do not neglect feasible workouts.

If simple home methods for the normalization of the pulse do not bring results, and the accompanying symptoms in the form of vomiting, loss of consciousness, general malaise appear quite often, an urgent need to consult a doctor. It is advisable to record the fact of a rapid pulse in her diary of a pregnant woman and inform him about it at the next visit to the gynecologist.

Increased heart rate, which is disturbed periodically or on an ongoing basis, can be a sign of serious pathologies:

• vascular diseases;

• heart pathologies;

• high or low pressure;

• failures in the electrolyte balance;

• with metabolic disorders;

• hormonal disruptions;

• vascular dystonia;

• with neurogenic disorders;

• with anemia.

Such pathologies require medical advice. Most likely, the woman suffered before these diseases. A pregnancy only provoked the aggravation of the situation. You may need to consult not only a gynecologist, but also a cardiologist, a neuropathologist, and an endocrinologist.

Increased heart rate may also be associated with infectious processes. With the flu, ARVI, the woman’s immune system is working in a heightened mode, which is accompanied by changes in the composition of the blood. The body reacts to the fight against dangerous viruses by increasing the temperature and increasing pulse rate.

How low pulse is dangerous for the unborn child?

Situations where the pulse during pregnancy decreases, are extremely rare. With a decrease in heart rate below 60 beats per minute, bradycardia is diagnosed.

If there are short-term decreases in the pulse during pregnancy, there is no danger to the mother and baby. Regardless of the number of cuts in a woman’s heart, the fetus maintains its heartbeat rhythm.

The threat occurs when a low pulse persists for a long time. In this case, oxygen starvation is observed, which affects both the woman’s well-being and the development of the fetus. A child who does not receive oxygen with maternal blood is subject to irreversible pathologies. First of all, the brain, nervous and cardiovascular system suffers. Such children are born with signs of hypoxia, have low weight.

The number of heartbeats is an important indication for monitoring a woman’s condition during pregnancy. Therefore, a woman needs to learn how to independently measure the pulse during pregnancy, and report all abnormalities to her gynecologist.


Watch the video: Advanced screening views of the fetal heart - Part 1 - 4-chamber color and PW Doppler (June 2024).