The earlier the lunch, the more effective the fight against excess weight


As a result of a large-scale study, which was conducted by an international group of scientists, it turned out that the number of kilos dropped and the speed of weight loss are in direct connection with the exact time of eating, especially with lunch.

Doctors from Tufts University (USA), the University of Murcia (Spain) and the Boston Hospital selected a group of 420 volunteers to participate in a 20-week weight loss program. Testing participants were divided into two separate groups, based on their usual lunch time. Patients who dine before 3 pm began to be called "early feeders." Volunteers who preferred to dine after 15.00 - "late feeders."

Associated factors that affect the rate of weight loss, such as: the number of daily calories, the level of the hormones leptin and ghrelin (responsible for appetite), as well as the level of energy expenditure and the duration of sleep in patients were identical.

The results of the study showed that the “early eaters” lost weight much faster than the “late” ones. Moreover, it turned out that the rate of loss of kilograms is in no way affected by dinner and breakfast: “late eaters” consumed fewer calories during breakfast compared to “early” ones. In addition, they generally preferred to skip breakfast. Despite this, they lost weight slowly. It also turned out that the “late eaters” are less sensitive to insulin, which increases the risk of developing diabetes.


Watch the video: How to Lose Weight and Get More Energy in 15 Days (July 2024).