Wounds can be healed with ... sugar


The BBC reports on an unusual, but surprisingly promising approach to the treatment of wounds using granulated sugar. This product, available in every home in several households, has been used by some families for wound healing. This time, the doctors decided to check the effectiveness of the folk remedy.

One of the patients who had experienced sugar therapy was Alan Bayliss from Birmingham, UK. A 62-year-old man underwent amputation of his right leg and removal of a vein on his left leg. A very deep wound formed on the left leg, which did not heal in any way.

Doctors decided to try to speed up wound healing with sugar. When a bandage was applied to the leg for the first time, almost a whole jar of sugar had to be used up, such a deep wound. But after two weeks, no more than four to five teaspoons left for dressing.

“At first I was a little skeptical, but as soon as I saw that sugar really helps, I was amazed,” Alan Beiliss shares his impressions.

To date, trial clinical trials have been conducted in 35 patients at Birmingham hospitals. The first results are encouraging. Medical workers are pleased to note that treatment had a positive effect on the morale of patients.

Scientists believe that the healing property of sugar is based on the fact that it removes liquid from the wound, and bacteria lacking water do not have the ability to multiply. In the end, pathogens die.

Caution: due to the lack of clinical data, we do not recommend using this method on your own.


Watch the video: How to Use Sugar to Heal Wounds (June 2024).