How to get rid of moles in the area: maybe scare away? Ways to help exterminate moles in the country, advice from experienced gardeners


It is believed that moles live exclusively in fertile and structured soil, and that they do not exist in a country house with poor land.

But they often become a serious danger to plants in the garden and in the garden, and for this reason it is necessary to think about how to prevent them or destroy them on their site.

Moles on the site why?

Moles rarely creep out on the surface of the soil; they live almost constantly underground. Their elongated, streamlined body and strong forelegs make them perfect diggers. These animals "swim" in the soil, creating a huge complex of passages and rooms, breaking through them both below the surface and deep underground, occasionally leaving knolls of the earth.

Molehills - heaps of land thrown by animals to the surface, they are hard to see, feed mainly on different insects and worms, which are hunted by smell, plant moles do not eat. The main trouble from these animals is underground passages, they do not carry danger to people. But at the same time, traces of their presence greatly spoil the appearance of the site, and can undermine cultivated plants. Understand right away - you haven’t yet come up with magical ways that can completely expel these animals from the territory, but some of them can greatly help you.

What you need to understand before you start getting rid of moles in the country:

• Only one mole rarely penetrates the site; they live in families the number of individuals in which reaches several dozen. This fact greatly complicates the task - to expel not one animal, but an entire family;

• Remember, in winter moles sleep soundly, in a small but warm birch, you can find it by several heaps of excavated earth. They are located more often in elevated places where snow quickly melts in the spring and the soil warms up;

• It is interesting that moles do not have abandoned moves, and they are checked after a short time. Even a bombarded tunnel recovers quickly;

• Moles feel unprotected in an open space, so they crawl out only in extreme cases;

• Do not catch the mole with your hands, it has a strong body and strong legs, the animal will break out, at the same time it may bite you or severely injure its paws;

• These creatures are smart and careful. The mole will bypass the danger if you use the same methods to capture it.

Prevention of the appearance of moles in the area

In order not to struggle with the traces of mole activity on the site, it is better to just not let them start. Of course, this is an expensive event, which at the same time is guaranteed to protect you from the appearance of these pests.

It is best to use a special fence around the perimeter of the summer cottage, which will not allow moles to dig a passage into your garden. You can use a galvanized grid, lay several layers of roofing material or dig a slate. Any of these materials is buried in the soil along the perimeter of the site to a depth of not less than half a meter with an exit to the earth's surface of 15 cm minimum. As a result, moles will not be able to dig tunnels into the fenced area.

How to get rid of moles: modern means

You can buy funds that will help get rid of moles in the country on the Internet or in specialized stores, there are many repellers, divided into several groups.

Electronic Ultrasonic Repellers. An effective tool for combating moles, the device emits ultrasonic pulses at regular intervals. This device is able to provide protection against pests of territories of various sizes, does not harm plants and pets.

Attention! Such a device is less effective when used on clay soils, since clay impairs the propagation of sound waves. The result can be seen only after a couple of weeks of use. Ultrasound is unable to destroy animals and thus get rid of moles in the area, but it will help to expel them for a long time.

Grad A-550UZ. A small device designed to control various pests indoors and outdoors.

Expels moles thanks to ultrasonic waves with a frequency of intolerable moles. These waves are the nervous system of the pest, causing it to refuse food, water and causing pain. As a result, moles leave the territory where the device works. A special system regularly changes its scheme, and the time of sound supply this does not allow animals to get used to the emitter.

Vibrating devices. Unlike the device described above, this device emits low-frequency vibrations that are well perceived by moles. In the end, the animals feel uncomfortable, and as a result leaves the summer cottage. It is more effective for getting rid of moles on a site, since vibrations are able to propagate in the soil much better than ultrasonic waves.

The vibrational waves emitted by the device can be perceived by the moles hearing aid, which creates an unfavorable environment for them. As a result, after one to two weeks have passed, the animals will leave your site in search of a more comfortable area for life. Continuous change of intervals of vibration patterns due to the installed electronic timer prevents the pest from getting used to the effects of the device.

Solar Powered Electronic Devices. Devices operating according to various schemes can be equipped with solar panels. Such constructions receive energy for work from the sun's rays, periodically spreading sounds and vibrations to the surrounding world that scare off moles, while guaranteeing complete environmental safety. In the daytime, the device runs on sunlight, and at night it uses the capacity of a rechargeable battery during the day, providing protection for the site around the clock. During inclement weather, a battery charged from the sun is able to maintain the device’s performance for several days - all the characteristics of the devices depend on their manufacturer.

How to get rid of moles in the area: poison

A mole is an animal that feeds on insects, and for this reason, baits from processed grain granules or poisoned grains will not attract it. Scientists have not yet invented living poisoned larvae or worms, and it will not be possible to get rid of moles, although many gardeners claim that the poison works great.

How to get rid of moles in the country: old ways

The folk way - hunting with a shovel for a mole

• Move gradually along the furrow of the mole: you need to move in small steps, well dying growing grass and soil, leveling the ground. Although these animals have no vision, to put it mildly, they have a wonderful sense of smell and keen hearing, for this reason sharp movements and excessive noise can frighten them - moles will descend to the lower horizons of their home and it will be problematic to extract them from there;

• It is necessary to settle down with a hammer and shovels as close as possible to the place of work where the animals hunt (noticeably on fresh furrows). From time to time it is necessary to inspect the territory of your summer house, so you can find the most recent "excavations". These animals usually feed in the morning, at noon, and in the evening;

• If you find that previously dug grooves begin to lengthen, or new ones appear, it means that there is a mole at the very edge of the course. Carefully sneak up to this site and sharply and strongly stick a shovel into the ground behind the site on which the animal is supposedly working, so as not to let it escape. Another shovel must be stuck in the soil at the end of the course, immediately before the mole. A mole will either fall under a shovel and die immediately, or it will be possible to kill him with a hammer;

• It will be necessary to repeat this “hunt” more than once, since the families of moles are very large and each animal needs to be caught separately.

Scare. There are many facts that moles are afraid of various sounds, they are afraid of various "noisers" (plastic bottles in the wind, rattles, etc.), but it is proved that these animals sometimes do not react at all to this. They say that if you make a lot of noise, you can drive them out with loud and sharp sounds. But it is difficult to imagine a gardener running for days, while giving while blowing a whistle, knocking a lid from a pan on a bucket, etc.

It is believed that it is easy to get rid of moles in the country with the help of odorous substances, for example, rotting products, rotten herring - a weapon with a strong and unpleasant odor. Are you ready to turn your favorite summer cottage into an ordinary landfill.

Trap. There are several designs of traps, these are small and cheap products in the form of a pipe with two self-closing doors, but most often the mole simply bypasses, fearing a new and unknown object on its territory.

There are more expensive traps for moles, it is designed just for the physiology and behavior of the mole - its usual diameter, rough surface, they are a little more efficient.

Mole traps. A cruel, but very effective way, if you use the "right" trap. It is placed in a mine burrows and lightly sprinkled with soil. The mole, passing in this place, touches the gatehouse and the whole thing is done. But such traps often do not work or can simply react to crumbled soil.

Using molehills. When patience ends with the activities of an independent "landscape designer" newly settled on your site, then use tough means.

Many models of molehills are made, but in most cases these are home-made products that kill moles while the mole passes a certain area. Electric devices are often used, and there are many positive reviews about them.

Planting crops of scaring moles. Plants such as beans, hemp and black beans can save the gardener from moles, but this method does not always work.


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