What are your dream glasses?


Many people cannot imagine their lives without special eye fixtures. It is not only the essential tool for the visually impaired, but also a modern, modern accessory.

They have a long history, deep symbolic meaning. There are many sayings and winged expressions associated with glasses. Dream interpretation interprets their appearance in a dream, as a warning of fate about the need to carefully consider the outside world.

Of particular importance to such visions should betray people who do not wear accessory in real life.

To see glasses in a dream what is it

Dream dream interprets dream glasses as a symbol of insight, independence from the opinions of others.

However, there are various interpretations of this vision:

  • Dream Miller gives them a not too favorable value and suggests the approximation of some changes in life, caused by the actions of detractors.
  • A French dream book warns: there is a chance of falling into the disfavor of a loved one. Try not to have the confidence of relatives.
  • Dream interpretation Tsvetkova perceives them as a sign of an interesting soon acquaintance.
  • According to the dream book of Heinrich Rommel, you should carefully watch your friends: some of them may harbor a hidden resentment and plan to throw it out.

For sleeping glasses what are the dreams

  • Seeing yourself with a blindfold is not a good sign. Like any cloth in the eyes, such a vision is interpreted as ignoring what is happening around, helplessness, fear of the outside world.
  • If you had to sleep with your eyes closed in a special accessory in a dream, then you should allow yourself a great deal of action: even in a dream, the brain consciously closes itself from new impressions.
  • In order to fully begin to interpret such a dream, it is necessary to recall the fabric from which they were made: the denser and rougher it was, the more “blindfolded” the eyes in the dreamer's life.

What dream glasses for vision

A dream accessory for sight? If you wear it in real life, it can be a physiological echo of the body that the current pair does not fit. It is worth going to a consultation with a specialist.

  • If in ordinary life, it is not peculiar to you, the dream book interprets the dream glasses seen as a symbol of a difficult situation that the dreamer cannot unravel without help.
  • In order to interpret the vision as truthfully as possible, it is necessary to listen to yourself: the accessory makes sense only when you yourself come to it in a vision, otherwise it is an empty dream.

Buy glasses what's the dream

  • If it happened in a dream to buy a device for vision, then the dreamer is in search of a new goal in life.
  • Choosing or fitting someone else's frame may indicate a desire to copy someone's life direction.

After such a vision it is worthwhile to stop and think. Where would you really want to go? What would you like to achieve? What to leave on the ground behind you?

  • To buy an accessory to someone or to receive as a gift - the patronage of an experienced mentor, help in outside endeavors. Depending on the content of the dream, such a vision can also mean that someone is trying to confuse you.

What dream sunglasses

  • A modern dream book interprets sunglasses as a desire to hide its own world from prying eyes. It is necessary to show more confidence in people, then life will sparkle with new colors. If this behavior is caused by an unfavorable environment, then it is worth thinking about changing the social circle.
  • In the dream, it happened to choose an accessory from the sun - protect yourself from people with a bad reputation as much as possible, otherwise such a person can pull you along to the bottom.
  • If the device is dreaming of a dark or black color, then this warning: check the organs of vision for the presence of diseases.

Why dream glasses broken and broken

If you dreamed of broken glasses, the dream book gives the following interpretation:

  • Smash them yourself - tears will soon be spilled.
  • Broken rim - a harbinger of petty family quarrels.
  • Cracked glass - difficult relationship with relatives.
  • If the device is broken, and the glass has survived, then the dreamer has authority among relatives.
  • Smash the accessory to smithereens - base pleasures to destroy strong family ties.
  • If you have a broken dream, you cannot perceive the objective situation.
  • To see the device broken by someone - to overcome the existing problem, it will be possible only by acting promptly and decisively.


Watch the video: Do These $349 Lucid Dream Glasses Work? (June 2024).