Why itches between the toes: how can it be cured? How to get rid of unpleasant itching between the toes


Increasingly, patients turn to a medical institution with the following problem - itches between the toes.

Before starting treatment, it is important to identify all the concomitant symptoms and the cause of this condition, and only then move on to therapeutic actions.

Itching between the toes: causes

The thing is that the numerous nerve endings on our body begin to get irritated. A person begins to experience not only physical, but also psychological discomfort. Subsequently, cracks and abrasions will begin to form on the skin, a bacterial infection will fall into the combed wounds, which will further affect the patient's condition.

The pathologies that result in itching are as follows:


The main and only reason for such an unpleasant disease is the appearance of an itch mite under the skin of a person. It is enough to cantant a few minutes with a sick person in order for the disease to spread to you. The most frequent localization of ticks is the area between the fingers and toes, wrinkles on the human body. First, the patient begins to worry about severe itching, after which bubbles begin to appear. At night, the itching becomes so strong that it is difficult for a person to fall asleep. In order to get rid of the disease, it is necessary to undergo a full course of complex treatment.

Dry eczema

To date, doctors have not been able to agree on why eczema occurs. But according to numerous studies, we can conclude that it is formed in a place where a dry and hot climate. The first symptoms of the disease are severe itching and redness between the toes, after which small bubbles begin to form, burning sensation occurs. If you comb the affected area, bacteria will penetrate, which will lead to a burning sensation, as well as aggravate the course of the disease.

Dry eczema can occur not only as an independent disease, but also as a sign of a general disorder. After the formation of eczema, the patient begins to experience serious emotional stress.

At the first stage of the development of the disease, excessive dryness of the skin is noted, it begins to itch between the toes, cracks form, and then crusts. Pathology is treated for a long time, it all depends on what stage of the inflammatory process the disease is at.

Weeping eczema

In the same way as in the previous case, specialists are unable to identify the exact causes of the development of the disease. In addition to the fact that the skin turns red and itchy, bubbles begin to form.

Fungal infection

Infectious diseases are easy to infect:

1. Many "catch" the infection when visiting public places.

2. You can’t try on someone else’s shoes, if its owner suffers from a fungal disease, then most likely it will be passed on to you.

3. In the gym.

Initially, there is a slight itching between the toes, after which it begins to intensify, in the future there is peeling, sweating. The thickness and shape of the nails undergo a great change. It is not recommended to self-medicate, since the therapy is long enough and it is important that it is chosen correctly.


In the modern world, people often have to contact with chemical reagents. Perfumes, food, cosmetics, all this can cause dermatitis. First, itching occurs between the toes, after which blisters form, gradually the process goes to healthy skin.

Deficiency of vitamins in the body can also lead to severe itching between the toes. Sometimes even tight or poor-quality shoes become the cause of itching.

In order to get rid of such unpleasant diseases, it is necessary to be examined by a dermatologist. Pulling a visit to a medical facility is not recommended.

Itching between the toes: treatment

Due to the fact that the skin between the fingers constantly itches, all the time there is a desire to comb it with something. That is why you need to find out the cause of itching as soon as possible and go to treatment. It depends on the stage of development of the disease, but most often the therapy has similarities.


In order to get rid of such an unpleasant disease as scabies, it is necessary to undergo comprehensive treatment, which the doctor will follow up without fail.

A good effect can be achieved after using ointments, for example - Permethrin, Spregal. In addition, it is necessary to carefully handle all things, bedding, every day you need to carry out wet cleaning throughout the room.

Dry eczema

Treatment lasts a very long time, the prognosis in the end will depend on at what stage of development the disease was. Specialists prescribe moisturizers and emollients to their patients, sometimes they can not do without sorbents, anti-inflammatory and hormonal drugs. The frequent occurrence of dry eczema may indicate that the digestive and endocrine systems are broken, so you need to undergo a full laboratory and clinical examination.

Weeping eczema

The treatment for weeping eczema is almost the same as in the previous case. Secondary bacterial infection should not be allowed, since purulent vesicles will immediately appear.

Fungal infection

With a fungal infection, it is not recommended to experiment with folk remedies, it is better to consult a dentist for examination. As a rule, a specialist prescribes local therapy using an ointment (Clotrimazole must be included in its composition), in more advanced cases it is necessary to take antifungal drugs (Fluconazole), vitamins.

Another important point in the treatment is the complete disinfection of socks and shoes. After washing, everything must be ironed. Wash your feet with disinfectant solutions every day in the morning and evening.

Itching between the toes: folk remedies

Folk remedies continue to be used by many people in order to get rid of many diseases. Someone does not support such methods of treatment, while others, on the contrary, believe that there is nothing better than natural remedies. To use them or not, of course, is everyone's business. Below are the most effective recipes to get rid of itchy skin between the toes.

Recipe number 1

In order to prepare a medicinal ointment, you will need the following ingredients: one spoon of water, one egg, two tablespoons of vinegar.

Mix all the ingredients, shake them well, then pour into a glass dish. Close the lid and refrigerate for half an hour. Gently lubricate the obtained ointment between the fingers, it is advisable to do this before bedtime. Such a recipe can save you from excruciating itching in just one week, but only on one condition - you must refuse to use perfumed soap, do not eat spices and preservatives.

Recipe number 2

The drug helps with dry eczema. For cooking, use the following recipe: take one spoon of sea salt and dissolve in two liters of hot water. Cool to room temperature. Dip your feet in the resulting solution and hold for 20 minutes, then wipe well with a clean towel. After that, lubricate the feet with a baby emollient cream.

Recipe number 3

Take some sprouts of coltsfoot. Rinse the plant and dry it. Pass the greens through a meat grinder. You will get a kind of forcemeat that needs to be poured with milk (preferably paired). The ointment is applied to the affected area, and is covered with a film on top. Repeat the procedure several times a day, depending on how severe itching is. The course of treatment is one week. Evaluate the result, if the itch does not go to the end, repeat a few more procedures.

Itching between the toes: prevention

You can prevent the development of such unpleasant diseases in advance, it is enough to devote only a little time to the following prevention:

1. Try to wear only high-quality shoes, artificial materials should be discarded. The skin in such shoes does not breathe, and the foot is in an uncomfortable position, sweating and fungus arise from here.

2. After you have come from the street, carefully treat your feet with a special deodorant.

3. In no case do not try other people's shoes. Put on your socks before trying on new shoes in the store.

4. After visiting public places, rinse your feet and dry with a towel.

5. In order to avoid the development of fungus in the future, sometimes you need to use antifungal ointments.

6. Watch your diet, it should have enough fruits and vegetables.

Subject to the basic rules of prevention, you can protect yourself from many dangerous and unpleasant diseases.


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