Rice mushroom: the benefits and harms of a unique substance, contraindications. What is rice mushroom and how to use it for the benefit of the body?


Rice mushroom has become known in Europe relatively recently, but its unique medicinal qualities quickly allowed it to become one of the most popular products, both in the kitchen and in other areas.

Rice mushroom: what is it?

Rice mushroom is a product (or mucous formations) of microorganisms, defined in modern terminology as “zoogley”. This sticky substance, in fact, is not rice, but resembles it only in appearance. Also, it does not apply to mushrooms, despite its name. By the way, this amazing drug has many different names. Among them: Indian rice, Chinese mushroom and sea mushroom.

The composition of rice mushroom can be called truly unique. It includes a number of acids, for example, phosphoric, oxalic, citric, folic and chlorogenic. In addition, the list is replenished with aldehydes, polysaccharides, glycosides, choline, alkaloids, enzymes and vitamins.

The benefits of rice mushroom

So why is this product so popular, and what helped it spread so quickly across countries of almost the whole world? Here are some of its properties:

· Control of blood glucose;

Proper use of sea rice helps only in case of a disease of the second type of diabetes (which requires insulin to be treated).

· Strengthening the immune system;

The composition of rice mushroom includes a large amount of vitamin C, which contributes to the development of a protective reaction of the body.

· Prevention of atherosclerosis;

The main component of this process is ascorbic acid, which is also present in large quantities in Indian rice.

· Skin elasticity;

Youth and skin elasticity directly depend on the body's ability to produce collagen, which, in turn, is the result of the action of vitamin C. It is this vitamin that is found in rice mushroom.

· Improving digestion;

The beneficial bacteria that make up the zoogley fill the intestinal region and normalize its microflora.

· Resistance to intestinal infections;

The same bacteria fight pathogens, thus reducing the risk of infection.

· Prevention of joint diseases;

Vitamin D is essential for the proper absorption of calcium, so the use of sea rice prevents the development of diseases of the joints and bones. It also consists of special enzymes that cleanse joints of salt, thereby protecting them from inflammation.

· Improvement of the cardiovascular system;

Rice mushroom is good for the cardiovascular system, as it helps control blood pressure and dilates blood vessels, preventing cramping.

· Neutralization of radicals;

The drink, which is based on rice mushroom, helps to neutralize the activity of free radicals, which can lead to the development of some tumors.

· Normalization of metabolism;

Folic acid helps to normalize metabolism and slows down the aging process of fibers.

· Protein breakdown;

Enzymes, also found in rice mushrooms, quickly break down proteins, which contributes to their rapid absorption in the body.

· Blood thinning;

Some enzymatic substances help dissolve blood clots.

· Restoration of a state of rest;

Drinks based on rice mushroom have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

· Cleansing the body;

Indian rice helps remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body.

· Anti-inflammatory effect.

Sea rice is a great natural diuretic. Therefore, it is often used in cosmetology and helps the body get rid of excess fluid.

· Weight loss.

Indian rice is useful for weight loss, as it helps break down fat cells.

· Destruction of bacteria;

Zoogleya is able to fight bacteria that provoke diseases such as tonsillitis, polmonitis and bronchitis.

In addition, sea rice improves health, gives strength and helps cleanse blood vessels. Its regular consumption leads to a thorough cleansing of the whole organism, both inside and outside. Boils, purulent discharge and sunburn will begin to disappear after a month of using the product.

Contraindications when using rice mushroom

Despite the many beneficial substances contained in this product, it can still have a negative effect on the body. It should be noted that contraindications to the use of rice mushroom have not been studied in detail by scientists. Therefore, it is important to follow all the rules for its use.

In addition, drinks based on sea rice should not be drunk in excess. If the desire for it disappears, most likely, the body has already been fully saturated with it. Here are some cases in which rice mushroom is not recommended for use:


Some people may experience discomfort almost immediately after eating rice mushroom. In this case, you must stop taking the product. Although, the effect may last a few more days. Such a reaction often indicates the presence of respiratory diseases.


Digestive tract disorders;

It is worth noting that any product containing polysaccharides adversely affects the body with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially with high acidity.

Gastric ulcer (in acute form);

· Insulin-dependent diabetes (rice mushroom can reduce the effectiveness of insulin, which will lead to an increase in blood sugar);

· The use of antibacterial drugs (the effectiveness of these funds when using rice mushroom is significantly reduced);

· In children under the age of 3 years;

Low blood pressure

· Allergic reaction;

Before using Indian rice, it is recommended to consult your doctor for advice. It will help not only understand the need for its use, but also can identify allergic reactions to the product, if any. Self-medication is not always a good way of healing, because even the most harmless remedy can soon become the cause of a serious health problem.

· The presence of wounds or cracks in the skin;

It is not recommended to make lotions of rice mushroom for people with dry skin type or predisposition to allergic reactions.


The use of sea rice in the manufacture of cosmetics has no contraindications. Based on this product, special products for skin and hair care, as well as deodorants, lotions and body creams, are already being produced.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the rules for storing a drink from rice mushroom, as this is not a simple procedure. If the drink stays for 2-3 days at a temperature below +17, it will deteriorate and acquire a sour taste. Drinking an acidic drink is fraught with poisoning and a severe deterioration in the general state of human health.

Despite the fact that rice mushroom began to be used in Russia recently, many people have already responded positively to its effectiveness. And, as history shows, if zoogleya has been a traditional representative of traditional medicine in China for centuries, its properties are really worth it not to pass by the product.


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