July 23: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on July 23.


Holidays July 23

World Dolphin and Whale Day

This holiday was established in 1986 by the International Whaling Commission, after it introduced a ban on the industrial shooting of whales. This means a ban not only on the extermination of marine giants, but also on the sale of whale meat. There is another day of the year - February 19, when they pay attention to the problems of protection and the whale population. And on July 23 they protect not only whales, but also all marine mammals - dolphins, seals, walruses, fur seals and others. Usually this day is dedicated to the protection of one particular animal species, which is threatened with extinction or other danger. Some maritime countries set their own national whale days. For example, in the USA it is June 21, in Australia it is the first Saturday of June.

July 23 on the folk calendar

Anthony the Thunderbolt

Rev. Anthony, later named Pechersky, is the founder of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. In his youth, wanting to see the places where Jesus lived, he went to Palestine. Then he received tonsure and a donkey in Athos. A few years later he decided to return to his homeland, and there spread the teachings of Christ. He settled not far from Kiev, lived in an excavated cave. As the followers and students fouled, the caves had to be dug up and expanded. So the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra was laid.

The peasants in Russia revered the saint, and also noted the weather that day. They attached particular importance to thunder, and they said, "thunder against Anthony." If the sky rumbled loudly, a long rain was expected. If the peals were deaf - to a quietly drizzling rain. Be sure to notice on what day Anthony fell. If the thunder rattled during the "fast" days - Wednesday or Friday, this portended a successful fishing and a rich catch.

Historical events of July 23

July 23, 1711 Prut Peace Treaty Signed between Russia and Turkey

It so happened that the Russian army of 38 thousand men, led by Peter I, was surrounded by Turkish and Crimean troops. The strength of the enemy army was five times greater, so breaking out of the blockade on their own was unlikely. It was decided to conclude a peace treaty with the Turks. For peace and understanding, Perth was prepared to make extreme conditions and concessions. When the Russian envoy returned with the signed agreement, it turned out that the terms of the agreement were milder than those that Peter had counted on. The fact that money rules the world was known for a long time, therefore, one hundred and fifty thousand rubles were allocated from the royal treasury, only to bribe the Turkish vizier. Russia, one might say, escaped with a slight startle. According to the agreement, she was to give Azov to Turkey, demolish the fortification of Taganrog, not impose her policy on Poland, and enable the Swedish king to freely pass through Sweden to Russia through Russian territory.

July 23, 1979 By order of the spiritual leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini, music broadcasting was banned throughout the country

Ayatollah Khomeini - a personality, though colorful, but original. Having come to power as a result of the revolution, he took Islamic fundamentalism as the basis of his state policy. He abolished the existing secular state, introduced Islamic laws. In a short period of time, Islamization of not only the economy, politics and government, but also of culture took place in Iran. The bans concerned the wearing of European clothing, secular education, broadcast television programs and European music. It was believed that modern music corrupts and demoralizes Iranian youth.

July 23, 1983 Boeing 767 pilot at a complete stop of the engines, managed to land the plane smoothly and avoid a disaster

The Boeing 767 made a quite ordinary flight, following to Ottawa from Edmonton. Suddenly, during the flight, all the engines of the car failed, the dashboards went out, the electricity went out. As it turned out, the fuel ran out of the tanks. Canada has just switched to the metric system, so when refueling the aircraft, technicians forgot to apply the correction factor when converting fuel from pounds to liters. Therefore, due to negligence, fuel was poured into the tanks four times less than the norm. The co-pilot tried to find the section in the emergency instructions to find out how to land the airliner in this situation. But it was not such a section. By a lucky coincidence, the first pilot Pearson previously flew gliders, so he had some knowledge of piloting techniques, and he managed to safely land the emergency plane. Later, an unofficial name was attached to this Boeing - "Gimli glider."

July 23, 2002 a huge monster was thrown onto the coast of Tasmania by ocean waves

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a giant squid. Each of its tentacles reached a length of about fifteen meters, and the weight of the mollusk itself was more than 250 kilograms. This find helped to prove that sea monsters, which in ancient times sank ships with their tentacles, are not fiction, not legends, and not legends. Even skeptical scientists specializing in the study of marine reptiles, it became clear that giant monsters in the deeps of the ocean still exist.

Born on July 23

Judit Polgar (born 1976), Hungarian chess player

Judit was born in the capital of Hungary, in an intelligent Jewish family. Mother gave her daughters Judit, Zhuzhe and Sophia a decent home education, and her father instilled a love of chess. All three sisters are strong chess players, but Judit achieved the greatest success. At 15, she already had the title of Grandmaster. Judit has one peculiarity - she prefers to play chess mostly with men. And achieves great success. In 1993, she won the game of quick chess against Anatoly Karpov himself, and in 2002. - at Garry Kasparov. In 2003, taking part in the men's chess tournament in Wijk aan Zee, Judit became the second, losing only to Viswanathan Anand. As of June 2013, Judit Polgar has a personal rating of 2696. According to FIDE, she is the only woman in the top 100 world chess players.

Daniel Radcliffe (born 1989), an English actor

This actor is young enough and managed to star in just a few films. But his name is known all over the world. Fame brought him only one role, but very charismatic and bright. He played Harry Potter himself. Daniel dreamed of becoming an actor from the age of five. At 10 already starred in the movie, playing the young David Copperfield in the same picture. In 2001, a film adaptation of the famous book of Joan Rowling about the little wizard Harry Potter appeared. The film brought the young actor worldwide popularity and wealth. In 2007, with a personal fortune of fifty million dollars, he became the richest teenager in Britain. Daniel’s biography has several unpleasant moments associated with filming a movie about Harry Potter. Firstly, he had to drop out of school because classmates began to boycott him and was hostile. And secondly, when Daniel left school, fully devoting himself to filming, dyspraxia began to progress in him. This is a fairly rare disease associated with impaired coordination of movement. In particular, it is difficult for an actor to tie shoelaces on his own. But these are such trifles when you are young, rich and famous.

Birthday July 23

Name Day Celebrate: Alexander, Peter, Daniel, Anton, Leontius, George


Watch the video: Learn Holidays - Truly American Holidays (May 2024).