Lightening hair at home: effective or not? Methods for lightening hair at home: which one to choose


Blond curls always remain in fashion.

They allow its owner to look much younger, her hair becomes more voluminous.

However, being a blonde is not as easy as it might seem.

A regular visit to a beauty salon takes a lot of time and portends considerable costs.

If you know how to lighten hair at home, you can achieve an excellent effect with maximum savings.

Lightening hair at home with paint

Hair dye is very often used by the fair sex in order to get curls of the desired shade. However, this chemical agent does not always give the result as we would like. It depends on such factors as the composition of the substance, the structure of the hair, the native color of the hair.

It has been proven that no matter how safe the paint is, it has chemical components that can harm curls. As a result, a woman’s hairstyle will become less voluminous and lose a healthy shine. For this reason, it is not recommended to use the paint at home on your own.

Lightening hair at home: folk recipes

Home remedies are an excellent alternative to dyes of chemical origin. They are great for girls and women at any age, absolutely safe for hair.

Honey mask

1. Before using the mask, it is necessary to prepare the curls well. Rinse hair thoroughly with shampoo, rinse it with conditioner.

2. Wait a little while the hair dries, spread the curls with honey along the entire length.

3. Cover your head with foil, tie a scarf on top. Leave the mask for at least 8-10 hours.

Honey begins to release a whitening component, which has the same effect as hydrogen peroxide. The mask evens out the color of the hair, nourishes them, gives a pleasant golden hue.

Baking soda

1. Baking soda (8 tablespoons) is dissolved in half a glass of boiled water.

2. 100 grams of ordinary shampoo is added to the solution.

3. The resulting mixture is well washed hair.

The only drawback of this method is that the effect will not be noticeable immediately, but after 1.5-2 months. However, it is worth believing that the result is worth the time spent.


Method 1

1. Take several juicy ginger roots, they are rubbed on a fine grater.

2. Ginger is poured with cold water and set for 30 minutes on the smallest fire.

3. It is necessary to wait until the broth has cooled, then it is filtered.

4. The resulting liquid is applied to the hair every day until the girl receives the desired lightening result.

Method 2

1. Before the formation of a homogeneous mass, the following components are mixed - grated ginger, juice of fresh citrus (half the fruit of a lemon), a glass of light beer.

2. In order to give the hair a greater shine in the mixture, you can drip 2-3 drops of jojoba essential oil.

3. The mixture is distributed evenly through the hair, after 2-3 hours it is washed off with cool water.

Method 3

1. Citrus peels and fresh ginger are taken. Previously, these ingredients are soaked in a small amount of water for 20 hours.

2. Sour cream (200 grams), lemon essential oil (10 drops) are added to the infusion.

3. The mask is evenly distributed along the entire length of the hair, the head is wrapped with cling film and a towel.

4. After two hours, wash off the mask. The next day, to achieve the best effect, the procedure is repeated.

Lightening hair at home: how to prepare paint without peroxide yourself

Most girls do not want to expose their curls to chemicals, and rightly so. You can lighten your hair at home, preparing the paint yourself without using peroxide.

Components you will need:

• alcohol (enough 50 g);

• dried flowers of pharmacy calendula (approximately 20-30 g);

• apple cider vinegar (0.5 liters);

• rhubarb root (30 g);

• dry pharmacy chamomile (20 g).

Step by step recipe

1. Add the rhubarb chopped in advance to vinegar, bring to a boil, then leave it to simmer well for about 10-15 minutes over low heat.

2. Add chamomile, calendula and alcohol, simmer for another 7 minutes.

3. Remove the mixture from the fire, let it cool.

4. Filter the mixture, add a little honey and lemon juice to it.

The paint is applied to the hair for 30-40 minutes, then washed off with shampoo. This lightening of hair at home gives a short effect. To maintain a beautiful golden hue, it is recommended that you repeat the procedure each time before you want to wash your hair. Your curls will shine with a pleasant shade, they will become stronger, the tips will not split. It will be simply impossible to resist such hair.

Lightening hair at home: peroxide based paint


• water (300ml);

• dry chamomile (100g);

• 30% peroxide (50ml).

Bring water to a boil, add chamomile there. Let the mixture brew for 40 minutes, then filter the broth and add peroxide to it. The resulting paint is applied to the hair for 30-40 minutes, after which it is washed off with shampoo. The advantage of the method is that even dark hair will gradually acquire a pleasant golden hue.

Other methods

You can lighten your hair without going to a beauty salon using other methods that are no less effective and safe.

Rhubarb and tea

What is needed:

• tea (one pinch is enough);

• rhubarb (250 g);

• water (250 ml).

All components are mixed, poured with boiling water. You can’t touch them for an hour, then strain them. The resulting mixture is applied evenly on curls for no more than 30 minutes. Hair is well washed with shampoo.



• dry chamomile (150 g);

• water (500 ml);

• glycerin (60 g).

Chamomile is infused in boiling water for an hour. When the broth has cooled, glycerin is added to it. The paint should be kept on your hair for 35-40 minutes, then rinse well with shampoo. Suitable for dark hair.

Peroxide and Vodka

Component List:

• chamomile (150 g);

• peroxide 30% (50 ml);

• vodka (500 ml).

All components are mixed together and insisted for at least 10-14 days in a tightly closed jar. Then about 10 drops of lemon essential oil are added there and the paint is ready for use. It is applied to curls for 40-45 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed off with shampoo.

Useful Tips

1. Hair will become brighter faster if any of the above mixtures are applied when they are still slightly wet.

2. If a woman has naturally red curls, the first time it will not work to lighten them, several procedures will be required. This also applies to dark-haired girls.

3. Do not lighten damaged hair. If a woman decided to become a blonde, it is recommended to make several nourishing masks to restore the structure of the hair bulb before home staining.

Lightening hair at home is a simple procedure that requires minimal investment. If the fair sex has decided to become the owner of golden curls, you need to be patient and everything will work out.


Watch the video: DIY Lighten DARK Hair in 1 STEP at Home!!! (June 2024).