Who can be godparents and who can not. What the church says: may be a godfather, ex-husband, sister or brother


Baptism is the most significant event in the life of every Orthodox person. And of course, you need to be responsible in choosing godfathers. After all, they are second parents, and play an important role in human life. There are many superstitions about godparents. And many wonder: who can be godmother and who can not. Let's try to answer the most frequently asked questions on this topic.

Can children be godparents?

According to church rules, children from the age of seven already bear full responsibility for their actions. They are no longer allowed to participate in the sacrament without confession. Therefore, if the child is sufficiently churches, he can become godparent. But, choosing the godfather of the child, think carefully. The godmother or father must educate his godson in the Orthodox faith, and the child himself only comprehends the basics of Orthodoxy. Nevertheless, it is better to choose an adult, a held person in the godparents. After all, if something happens to the child’s blood parents, the minor will not be able to take responsibility for the godson. If you still decide to take a minor into your godmother, then it is better that this is a child who has reached the age of 15.

Could there be one godmother?

There are situations when christenings are already appointed, they agreed with the priest and the guests are invited, and one of the godparents cannot attend the baptism. Or you could not find the second receiver at all. How to be in such a situation? The church admits baptism with one godfather. The second can be written in absentia in a baptismal certificate. But there is one important point. When a girl is baptized, a godmother must be present, and for a male infant, a godmother. During the sacrament, the godfather (of the same sex as the child) will vow on behalf of the infant a vow to renounce Satan and unite with Christ, as well as the Creed.

Can a sister be godmother?

If the sister is a believer, an Orthodox person, she can become a godmother. But it is desirable that the godmother was already quite an adult, because she will have to bear responsibility not only for herself, but also for the godson. Many who have grown sisters take them to godmothers. After all, no one will take care of the godson so much as a native person.

Can an ex-husband be godfather?

It is rather a matter of morality. If you have a great friendship with your ex-husband, and he is not the birth father of your child, he may become a godmother. But if your ex-husband is the father of the child, then he cannot be the recipient, since the parents cannot be the recipients of their child. Well, again, the godfather becomes almost a relative, so discuss with your current husband whether he will be against your so close relationship with your ex-spouse.

Could there be a godfather?

The godfather's wife cannot be a recipient, if it is about the same baby, since the church forbids spouses to be recipients of one child. During the sacrament, they gain a spiritual connection, which means that there can be no intimate relationship between them.

Can a brother be godfather?

A sibling or cousin can become a godmother. The church does not prohibit close relatives from being godparents. An exception is only the parents of the child. Grandmothers, brothers, aunts and uncles can be godparents. The main thing is that these people be Orthodox, baptized, and responsibly approach the fulfillment of the duties of the godparents. That is, to teach the child the basics of Orthodoxy and educate him as a believer, honest and decent person.

Can a husband and wife be godparents?

A woman and a man during a baptismal rite become spiritual relatives, which means they cannot be married. Because marriage implies physical intimacy, which cannot be between spiritual parents.

If the godmother and godmother are spouses, they are prohibited from participating in the sacrament of the baptism of one child. Moreover, a man and a woman cannot baptize one child if they only plan to get married. If they nevertheless become the godparents of one baby, they will have to abandon close relationships in favor of raising a godson.

Husband and wife can baptize children from the same family. A man can become the godmother of one child, and the wife of the godmother of another baby.

If the husband and wife unknowingly became the adoptors of one child, the spouses should turn to the ruling bishop. As a rule, there are two ways out of this situation: recognition of the marriage as invalid, or spouses will be appointed an epitime for a sin committed out of ignorance.

Who definitely cannot be a receiver?

Before choosing the recipients for your baby, you need to know who the church explicitly forbids to take as godparents:

- blood parents of the child;

- spouses;

- not baptized and atheists;

- people of a different faith;

- monks;

- mentally retarded people;

- sectarians.

The choice of godparents is a very important point. And here you need to be guided primarily by the interests of the child, and not by your own. Often, godparents choose the best friends or “right” people, not really delving into how much the person is church-chased.

If you want your child to be raised in the Orthodox faith, choose only believers who know prayers and regularly attend church services. If people do not attend the temple and believe, as they say from case to case, then there is great doubt about the serious attitude to the sacrament and their duties.

It often happens that the ways of people diverge, and the godfather cannot take part in the education of the godson. But he is still responsible for this child, so the receiver must pray for his godson or godson all his life.


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