Diets that really help to lose weight. The basic rules and principles of diets that really help


The Internet and other media are overwhelmed with various methods of losing weight, which promise a stunning result in a short time.

Women torture themselves with exhausting fasting days and express diets, but there is no result. This happens because most of the techniques are just words whose effectiveness has not been tested.

However, do not despair, there are diets that really help everyone without exception. You only need to understand their features and basic rules.

Diet "-60": principles of the food system

This diet is considered one of the simplest. The diet is balanced in such a way that a person does not have to cross out fatty foods and favorite pastries from the diet. The main principle of the method is that all products are divided into certain groups, each of which is allowed to be used in a strict period of time.

"-60" is a diet that really helps. It is not limited in duration. Excess weight will go away gradually, which reduces the risk of returning extra pounds.

The main thing is to follow the basic rules of the methodology.

1. Often a person is used to eating snacks - you need to forget about them. There should be 3 main meals per day, you can not skip them.

2. For breakfast, you can eat whatever your heart desires. It is only necessary to be in time before 12:00.

3. For lunch, any dishes are also allowed, but boiled or stewed, as such food is better absorbed by the body.

4. Dinner no later than 18:00. After this time, the metabolic rate decreases, therefore, as in lunch, preference is given to boiled and stewed dishes.

How not to overeat? Everything is very simple. There is a little trick. Putting two hands together, palms up, you can see the approximate volume of your stomach. Accordingly, the serving should fit in the palm of your hand. When overeating in the stomach there will be heaviness, which is not very good.

Kim Protasov's nutrition system: a diet that really helps

Very effective technique. It allows not only to lose weight, but also to normalize metabolism. The main secret lies in the diet. You need to eat mainly sour-milk products of low fat content and unprocessed fruits, vegetables. A diet that really helps, from Kim Protasov is designed for 2 stages.

1. The first stage lasts 2 weeks. The daily menu is divided into 5-6 meals, you need to eat in small portions. The basis of the diet is fermented milk products with a maximum fat content of 5%. It is allowed to snack with fruits, preferably green apples or grapefruit.

2. The second stage is 3 weeks. The menu is the same as the first 14 days, but it is allowed to add 200-300 grams of boiled fish or lean meats to the daily diet.

The power system allows you to get rid of 6-7 kg in 5 weeks, if you follow the rules presented. In order to "get out" of it correctly, cereals and other products are introduced gradually, not at a time. For example, 100 grams of buckwheat is added to boiled meat for lunch, or this meal is replaced with 200 ml of soup.

Separate nutrition: an effective way to lose weight

Over the years, it has been proven that nothing helps to find the figure of your dreams like separate nutrition. Sometimes a person combines products that are not suitable for each other, as a result, the metabolism slows down, resulting in the accumulation of fat under the skin. Separate nutrition is a diet that really helps.

Basic rules of the technique

1. It is strictly forbidden to combine proteins and carbohydrates in one meal - it is difficult for the stomach to assimilate such a high-calorie "bomb", it works more slowly.

2. One day you can’t eat meat and fish, either, as these are products from different groups.

3. It is forbidden to combine sugar-containing products with starchy vegetables. A simple example is a salad of vinaigrette. Some believe that it is not high-calorie - it really is. However, there is one "But." The vinaigrette contains potatoes and beets - their combination is difficult for the digestive tract. Despite the low calorie content, the salad is very slowly absorbed, which is difficult for the stomach.

Before resorting to separate nutrition, it would be good to consult an endocrinologist. He will determine the causes of metabolic slowdown and give specific recommendations on how to effectively lose weight in an individual case.

A diet that really helps, based on mono-nutrition

Some mistakenly believe that a mono-diet involves several fasting days. This is not entirely true. You can find a huge number of "express" methods based on this principle, however, even if a person can lose weight, overweight will return back in a short time.

If you want to get rid of excess weight through the mono-nutrition system, you need to devote at least 1 week to the technique and follow the basic rules.

1. Every day is a new product. It’s better to pre-schedule the whole week. One day to eat vegetables, other fruits (in unlimited quantities), then buckwheat, rice and so on.

2. Of fruits and vegetables, it is not recommended to include bananas and potatoes in the diet. These products are very "heavy" for the stomach, slowly absorbed and are characterized by high energy value.

3. In order not to experience hunger, you need to eat often, but in small portions and observe a break between meals at 2-3 hours.

Japanese diet that really helps

The Japanese diet is considered one of the most effective and safe. Her diet is designed for 14 days, during this period it leaves from 7 kg. The method of losing weight is allowed no more than 1 time in 2 months.

It is not difficult to plan the system menu yourself. You only need to know what foods you can include in your daily diet.

The components of the daily menu of the Japanese diet:

• 300 grams of boiled rice;

• 100 grams of fresh fruit (green apples are preferred);

• 120 grams of boiled fish;

• 200 grams of fresh vegetables.

Be sure to include green tea every day in the food system, and without various additives. Its beneficial properties have been known for a long time. Daily use of the drink can slow down the aging process, prevent heart disease and saturate the body with vitamins E and C.

The Japanese weight loss system is a diet that really helps. Despite this, it is strictly forbidden to stick to it for longer than 14 days. After this, the body begins to get used to and the metabolism slows down, which again leads to the formation of a fatty layer.

Tibetan diet: guaranteed weekly result

The Tibetan diet allows you to get rid of at least 5 kg of excess weight in a week. The basic principle is to exclude meat and focus on plant-based foods and fermented milk products.

An approximate menu of the Tibetan diet, which really helps for 7 days


1. Morning. A glass of milk and one dried toast.

2. Lunch. 150 grams of boiled beans and 1 large orange.

3. Dinner. White cabbage salad seasoned with lemon juice - 150 grams.


1. Morning. A glass of water without gas and 1 green apple.

2. Lunch. 200 grams of fresh low fat cottage cheese, 50 grams of prunes.

3. Dinner. Tomato and onion salad seasoned with olive oil.


1. Morning. A glass of yogurt and 2 dried toast.

2. Lunch. Boiled green beans - 150 grams and 2-3 large cucumbers.

3. Dinner. A glass of tomato juice and 1 large grapefruit.


1. Morning. A glass of water without gas and 1 green apple.

2. Lunch. 250 grams of boiled low-fat fish and 200 ml of apple juice (freshly squeezed).

3. Dinner. Salad of raw carrots and green beans, seasoned with olive oil - 150 grams.


1. Morning. 250 ml of kefir 1% fat, add a teaspoon of cinnamon to it.

2. Lunch. Drinking natural yogurt without additives - 200 ml, 100 grams of boiled broccoli.

3. Dinner. 150 grams of stewed carrots with eggplant.


1. Morning. A glass of freshly squeezed juice from green apples, 1 large orange.

2. Lunch. Salad of tomatoes, celery and dill - 200 grams. Instead of salt, a little sheep cheese is added there.

3. Dinner. Drinking natural yogurt without additives - 300 ml, a slice of hard cheese.


1. Morning. 250 ml of green tea with milk.

2. Lunch. Boiled low-fat fish, sprinkled with lemon juice and sprinkled with herbs - 200 grams.

3. Dinner. 150 ml of kefir and 2-3 fruits (apples or pears). Apples are also allowed in baked form, but without honey.

Important points of human nutrition on diets that really help

There are several basic rules and recommendations that must be followed by a person who wants to lose weight. And it doesn’t matter which method he chose for this.

1. Sport is useful. Even if the daily routine does not allow you to find time to visit the gym, you need to accustom yourself to do exercises daily in the morning and be in the fresh air for 30 minutes before going to bed.

2. Even the most effective diet, which really helps, gives a person some kind of food restriction, which deprives the body of certain useful trace elements. To replenish the supply of nutrients, it is worth using multivitamin pharmacy drugs.

3. Always need to maintain water balance. Lack of fluid creature slows down the digestive process. 1.5 liters of clean still water are required per day - it is divided into 7-8 doses (each time one glass).

Diets that really help are a sure way to lose a few pounds and not worry that the weight will return. You can’t do a “ritual” from losing weight - this is a temporary necessity. You should always follow the rules of the chosen technique and do not continue to follow the menu for longer than the prescribed period of time.


Watch the video: Everything You Need to Know About the Keto Diet (June 2024).