Chicken fillet in cheese - tenderness of taste. We fry and bake chicken fillet in cheese, according to proven recipes


The classic use of cheese for cooking meat dishes is to use it as a “cap” to prevent the evaporation of large amounts of moisture. For white chicken meat - as relevant as nothing else. It’s also simply delicious - tender breast combined with a sharp or mild cheese flavor.

Chicken fillet in cheese - general principles of preparation

• Chicken fillet in cheese is baked in the oven or fried in a pan.

• Chicken is recommended to be taken chilled. Frozen fillet during thawing loses a lot of moisture and dishes from such meat are dry.

• Chicken fillet for cooking in cheese is cut into pieces of various sizes and sizes, the method of cutting depends on the particular recipe. Large pieces of chicken are beaten with a culinary hammer to soften its fibers and give the slices the desired shape. Often the meat is minced in a meat grinder and the products already formed from minced chicken are fried in cheese.

• It is best to use fatty hard cheeses for both baking and roasting. They melt well and cover the products with a delicious crust. The cheese is ground with a grater, the size of the cheese chips can be different - from the smallest to the largest. Cheese is rarely used on its own, in most cases it is mixed with a certain type of dry breading or liquid batter. In this case, cheese is added instead of flour. Sometimes cheese is sprinkled lightly with ready-made hot dishes. Cheese in this case does not form a fried crust, but melts and becomes viscous.

• Nuggets are cooked from chicken fillet in cheese, chopped or baked whole fillet with cheese in the oven. Dishes are served both with fresh vegetables and with side dishes, which are selected independently. The most successful are mashed potatoes and boiled rice.

Chicken fillet in cheese - "Golden meat balls"


• 300 gr. chilled chicken fillet;

• two spoons of soy light sauce;

• a tablespoon of tomato spicy sauce;

• Dutch cheese - 80 gr.;

• one egg;

• 30 gr. flour;

• 40 gr. wheat breadcrumbs;

• garlic;

• refined oil.

Cooking method:

1. Mix soy sauce with a spoon of vegetable oil. Rinse the washed and well-dried fillet with salt and pepper lightly. Pour chicken with soy sauce and butter and refrigerate for an hour.

2. Blot the marinade fillet and place in the pan. Cover and on low heat bring to a half-preparedness. Turn the chicken over as often as possible and make sure that the meat does not brown.

3. Twist the cooled chicken in a meat grinder. On a grater, finely rub about 2/3 of the cheese and mix it with meat, and set aside the rest of the crumbs. Add the whole tomato and a spoonful of soy sauce, crushed garlic, and mix again.

4. From the prepared mass, form balls the size of a small cream. They will turn out about twelve pieces.

5. Beat the egg, pour the flour and breadcrumbs into different bowls. Stir the crackers with the rest of the cheese crumbs.

6. Roll the meat balls on all sides in flour, dip in the egg and then immediately in the cheese breading.

7. Pour oil into a small, wide container and warm it to approximately 160 degrees.

8. Dip the breaded balls into the hot oil and fry. Products will be ready when the upper breading is browned.

9. Serve on lettuce leaves with a side dish of fresh vegetables.

Chicken fillet in cheese - "Juicy Nuggets in the Oven"


• 200 gr. hard cheese, variety "Russian";

• a pound of chilled chicken fillet;

• a mixture of peppers and curry to taste;

• two eggs;

• 100 gr. sesame seed;

• 100 gr. large crackers for breading.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the fillet into rectangular slices 3 × 4 cm in size and transfer to a bowl. Salt, season with a mixture of peppers, add a small pinch of curry and mix well.

2. Temporarily set aside 30 grams of cheese, and cut the rest into medium-sized cubes or cubes. Slices should be almost half the meat.

3. With a knife edge in each chicken slice, make a deep cut, in the form of a pocket, and put a piece of cheese in it.

4. Rub the remaining cheese on the smallest grater and mix with sesame seeds and breadcrumbs. Beat the egg separately with a small pinch of flour.

5. Dip the stuffed chicken into the egg and roll well in the breading.

6. Then transfer the products to a baking sheet covered with parchment and bake.

7. Place the roasting pan in a preheated oven (190 degrees) and bake for 10 minutes.

Chicken fillet in cheese - "Chops in a cheese breading"


• chicken breast - 400 gr.;

• "Russian" cheese - 200 gr.;

• 100 gr. flour, premium or first grade;

• two eggs.

Cooking method:

1. Rub the cheese with a coarse grater, pour flour into a small bowl and mix it with salt and pepper, beat the eggs separately.

2. Cut the dried meat perpendicular to the fibers, oblong slices of a centimeter thickness and lightly beat off.

3. Roll chicken slices to begin with in flour, then dip in the egg and roll again, but already in the cheese shavings.

4. Without delay, dip the pieces of meat in a well-calcined oil in a pan and fry. As soon as the bottom is well “grabbed” and takes a golden color, turn over to the other side.

Chicken fillet in cheese - "Chicken Breaded Chicken Nuggets"


• four chicken fillets;

• large packaging of cheese chips;

• one egg (protein);

• six tablespoons of milk;

• a glass of wheat flour;

• 60 gr. cheese, "Dutch".

Cooking method:

1. Pour the chips into a bag and roll it several times with a rolling pin, you can finely break it with your hands.

2. Separate the protein from the yolk and beat it well with milk.

3. Cut the chicken into small pieces, rub the cheese on a fine or medium grater.

4. Mix the flour with a little salt.

5. First, roll the pieces of meat in flour, then dip in the milk-egg mixture. Immediately transfer the chicken to a bowl with chopped chips and vigorously shake several times. So all pieces are evenly coated with breading.

6. Put the breaded chicken slices on a baking sheet and bake. Sprinkle hot slices on all sides with a thin layer of finely grated cheese and transfer to a wide warmed dish for serving. The sprinkle should melt a little.

Fried Chicken Fillet in Cheese with Mayonnaise


• chicken fillet - 550 gr.;

• 50 gr. cheese, different varieties, for example, "Dutch" and "Russian";

• 40 gr. sweet cream butter;

• two tablespoons of fat mayonnaise;

• 50 ml of vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Wash chicken with water and cut each fillet across, in half. Each half is further cut along the fibers into three parts. To make the meat well-fried, beat the slices with a hammer, giving them the desired shape.

2. Finely rub the cheese in a bowl, add mayonnaise and well-cooled melted butter, mix.

3. Pour a spoonful of vegetable oil into the pan, add as much cream and warm the mixture well.

4. Lubricate the chicken slices with a mixture of cheese and mayonnaise on both sides and lower them into the pan. Fry, turning over after 4 minutes to the other side.

Baked chicken fillet in cheese and cream sauce


• chicken fillet - 700 gr.;

• 200 ml of fat cream;

• 20 ml of refined oil;

• 60 gr. any hard, sharp cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Whole pieces of meat should be lightly browned. To do this, rinse the chicken with water and pat it thoroughly with a towel. Then put the meat in a pan, in which pour the vegetable oil in advance and fry on all sides over high heat. Do not cover with a lid, otherwise chicken will give a lot of juice and until covered with a crust, it will reach readiness. For this recipe, non-fried meat is needed.

2. Mix the cream with half the pepper and add the small cheese crumbs, stir.

3. Put the fried meat in a small form and pour it with creamy sauce. Rinse the chicken with your hands so that it is completely covered with the sauce and put in the oven.

4. At 180 degrees, bake the meat for 25 minutes.

Fried chicken fillet in cheese with eggs


• four chicken breasts;

• garlic;

• two tablespoons of low-fat mayonnaise;

• one egg;

• 100 gr. cheese, varieties "Poshekhonsky."

Cooking method:

1. Cut the meat into layers along the fibers, then each again into 2-3 pieces.

2. Lay the chicken on a cutting board, cover with a bag and beat off, giving the pieces the desired shape.

3. Sprinkle slices with coarse salt and season lightly with pepper.

4. Grate cheese in a wide bowl on a fine grater, pour separately whipped mayonnaise with a raw egg on top of it, mix.

5. Heat over medium heat, and then heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Dip pieces of chicken in mayonnaise-cheese mass and fry on both sides. Turn over only after the bottom is well browned.

Chicken fillet - "Russians don't give up"


• one fresh and one smoked chicken breast;

• smoked bacon;

• cheese, varieties "Poshekhonsky" or sharper;

• egg and small crackers for breading;

• Cabernet - 1 cup.

Cooking method:

1. Cut fresh chicken into as long strips as a centimeter thick. In the same way, if possible, then a little thinner, chop the smoked meat.

2. Put the raw meat under the load for about an hour, then wipe it with a dry rag, beat off slightly with a hammer and fill it with wine. Soak in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

3. Fat must be cut thinly into slices and slightly frozen. Then cut into thin strips as soon as possible, and temporarily put in the refrigerator.

4. Cheese cubes, centimeter thick and the maximum length, which is possible from the existing piece, put on a flat plate and send to the microwave for a few minutes at maximum power. Thawing small sticks gently grab from opposite ends with a white clean rag and stretch into bundles, slightly longer than strips of chicken. Let the cheese cool a little.

5. Squeeze fresh chicken from the wine. On a cutting board, place a strip of pickled meat, a cheese flagellum and a strip of smoked chicken next to it. Sprinkle with salt, coarse paprika, black pepper and a little straw from smoked bacon, quickly turn everything into a kind of pigtails. So do with all the other pieces, to speed up the process, you can mix the spices and salt well in advance. Cheese flagella should go about 1/3.

6. With the remaining flagella, wrap our billets, dip them in a loosened egg and breaded in breadcrumbs. Repeat brewing twice.

7. Such chicken is fried only in boiling sunflower oil, so heat it until the “white haze” effect appears over the pan. The oil layer should not be too deep, and the pan should be taken steel, without non-stick coatings. Fry until very crispy.

8. Serve the dish with a side dish of canned peas, spicy mustard or adjika, slices of gray bread. Be sure to warm the plate in the microwave or oven, and release the dish immediately when ready.

Cheese Fillet in Cheese - Cooking Tips and Useful Tips

• To saturate the taste of chicken dishes, it is advisable to marinate the meat in advance. Pick the marinade yourself, taking into account your taste preferences.

• Marinate the breast usually for a short time and in the refrigerator, tender meat absorbs all the flavors in literally an hour.

• Dip the products only in well-heated butter, otherwise the cheese will melt for a long time and make it difficult to form a crisp.

• If, according to the recipe, it is necessary to sprinkle the meat with cheese after roasting, do not let the dish cool, otherwise the chips will not melt and will fall off when transferred to the dish.


Watch the video: How to make Chicken Soft and Tender Everytime! - 3 Pro Tips (July 2024).