Hemorrhoids after childbirth: causes, symptoms. How to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth


Hemorrhoids is a disease in which hemorrhoidal veins are greatly inflamed and clogged. This condition can occur for various reasons, one of which is pregnancy. Let's consider in more detail how to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth and what needs to be done for this.

Hemorrhoids after childbirth: causes

Hemorrhoids after the birth of a child in most cases develops for the following reasons:

1. A lot of pressure on the intra-abdominal cavity. In this condition, a woman develops blood stasis in the pelvis. During childbirth and labor, the pressure in the abdominal cavity increases even more, which leads to stretching of the hemorrhoidal veins and their further inflammation.

2. Sometimes hemorrhoids can develop due to a very strong overstrain of the muscles of the pelvis, when the fetus is large and the woman tries to push the baby through the birth canal.

3. Quite often, hemorrhoids after childbirth develops as a direct consequence of constipation, which are considered not uncommon in expectant mothers. The root cause of constipation is the production of a hormone called progesterone. It affects the digestion, slowing it down. In addition, progesterone relaxes the venous walls, which makes them easier to stretch.

4. A large weight gain during pregnancy can also give an impetus to the formation of inflammation in the intestine, especially when a woman is not eating well and has a lack of nutrients.

5. Frequent use of enemas and laxatives can disrupt bowel movements and cause an early stage of hemorrhoids. After childbirth, the disease usually worsens, manifesting itself "in all its glory."

6. The unstable psycho-emotional state of the expectant mother, stress or depression in more than half of the cases cause hemorrhoids.

Postpartum hemorrhoids: symptoms and signs

Hemorrhoids can have four stages, each of which is accompanied by its own symptoms.

Disease in the first stage characterized by periodically manifested bleeding after bowel movements, mild burning in the rectum and weakness.

Second stage accompanied by the loss of hemorrhoidal nodes when straining, more heavy bleeding and the appearance of sharp painful sensations during bowel movements.

Third stage disease is expressed as fever, chills, and anemia (due to heavy bleeding).

Last stage hemorrhoids are the most difficult. At the same time, the patient has thrombophlebitis, prolapse of nodes in a state of rest, severe digestion and severe pain. It can also be itching, burning in the anus, sensation of a foreign object in the intestine, fever and anus fissure.

Hemorrhoids after childbirth: how to treat

Before you begin to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth, you need to consult a doctor and conduct a thorough diagnosis of the disease.

Treatment of hemorrhoids, as a rule, depends on the degree of neglect of the disease and the symptoms of the patient. Traditional drug therapy is usually carried out, but it is complicated if the young mother breast-feeds the baby (in this case, the patient is strictly prohibited from most oral painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, because they can be excreted along with breast milk, which the baby will then drink). For this reason, the attending physician should look for a less dangerous alternative in the form of external medicines.

Usually postpartum hemorrhoids can be treated this way:

1. The patient is prescribed rectal suppositories based on oils (Relief, Procto-glivenolum).

2. The appointment of anti-inflammatory ointments and creams.

3. To strengthen the muscles in the anus and improve blood circulation in the rectum, it is recommended to practice therapeutic exercises.

4. Sedentary baths with the addition of herbal decoctions very well help. It is advisable to do them after each act of bowel movement. The duration of the procedure is at least fifteen minutes.

In the absence of a positive effect of drug therapy, the patient is prescribed surgical treatment. The essence of such an operation is the removal of inflamed hemorrhoidal nodes.

The recovery period after such manipulation is usually from two to three weeks.

How to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth: diet

Nutrition plays one of the most important roles in the treatment of hemorrhoids. During this period, a woman should completely abandon the use of the following products:

1. Canned food.

2. Salted and smoked fish.

3. Sausages.

4. Legumes.

5. Coffee and chocolate.

6. White bread and other flour products.

7. Spicy sauces and spices.

8. Fatty foods.

9. Fried foods.

10. Animal fats.

11. Milk.

12. Sweet carbonated drinks.

13. Semi-finished products.

14. Fast food.

The basis of the diet should be:

1. Foods rich in fiber (vegetables, herbs and fruits).

2. Teas (you can herbal teas and green tea).

3. Porridge (it is best to eat unsalted rice, buckwheat porridge and oatmeal on the water).

4. Soups from vegetables.

5. Low-fat sour-milk products (cottage cheese and cottage cheese casseroles, kefir, fermented baked milk). They must be present on the menu daily.

6. Vegetable oils.

7. Dried fruits.

8. Low-fat fish and meat.

All dishes must also be boiled or steamed.

Hemorrhoids after childbirth: how to treat, consequences

In the absence of timely treatment, postpartum hemorrhoids can cause the following complications in the patient's condition:

1. Not cured hemorrhoids threatens the development of even greater inflammation and the appearance of terrible pain.

2. The infection in the hemorrhoids when they fall out can lead to suppuration, general intoxication of the body, necrosis and abscess.

3. Excessive and frequent bleeding can cause anemia, weakness, dizziness, and fainting.

4. In the absence of treatment, hemorrhoids significantly increase the chances of the formation of oncological pathologies in the rectum.

5. Inflammation of nearby tissues can occur in the absence of treatment for hemorrhoids.

How to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth: prevention

In order to prevent the development of hemorrhoids after childbirth, even during the period of bearing a child, one should adhere to such medical recommendations for prevention:

1. A woman needs to carefully monitor her diet. The menu should be balanced and maximally filled with nutrients.

2. It is recommended to minimize the consumption of flour, sweet and spicy, as such products contribute to intestinal irritation and the development of constipation.

3. It is advisable to completely exclude coffee, chocolate, cabbage and beans from the diet, as they contribute to the formation of excessive gas formation.

4. Do not push hard during bowel movements.

5. After each act of defecation, thoroughly wash the area of ​​the anus or wipe it with a damp cloth. In this case, you do not need to use a towel, so as not to introduce additional microbes.

6. To minimize the risk of constipation, it is recommended to use dried apricots, prunes or honey daily.

7. Enrich your diet with foods rich in pectin.

8. The toilet is best visited in the morning.

9. Vegetable oil is very helpful for constipation. Best of all, if it will be just olive oil (it is much more useful than regular sunflower oil). Moreover, women are allowed to take such oil in addition to dishes, and simply by drinking it in small quantities (1 tsp per day will be enough).

10. The expectant mother needs to have a cheerful mood, not to be nervous and not to allow the development of depression, as this can give impetus to digestive problems, constipation and, as a result, the formation of hemorrhoids.

11. In the absence of contraindications, pathologies in the fetus and the risk of miscarriage, it is imperative to lead an active lifestyle. Moreover, pregnancy does not mean a complete rejection of the sport.

Even during the period of carrying the child, the expectant mother can practice gymnastics for pregnant women, yoga and long walks. They will be extremely beneficial for the body, stabilize the psycho-emotional background, enrich with oxygen and improve digestion.

12. A very effective technique is Kegel exercises. Their essence lies in the regular tension of the muscles of the vagina and anus. Thanks to this method, it is possible to "train" the uterus muscles well, protect yourself from its omission, simplify the birth process and minimize the risk of hemorrhoidal nodes in the rectum.

13. It is important to regularly visit an observing gynecologist, gastroenterologist and therapist. If any digestive disorders occur, immediately inform specialists.


Watch the video: Hemorrhoids. Piles. How To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids Treatment (June 2024).