Scientists: cheese raises blood pressure


Scientists from the Wolfson Medical Institute in London, after conducting a special analysis, found a significant relationship between cheese and high blood pressure, responsible for heart attacks, strokes and a number of other serious health problems, which, in turn, cause thousands of premature deaths every year.

The main factor allowing the product to influence the development of diseases was salt, which is present in its composition in surprisingly high concentrations. Experts found that the salt level in cheddar cheese is higher than in potato chips, while feta, halloumi and other popular types of product are superior in magnitude to that of sea water.

"In most cases, the cheese is oversaturated with fats, which, in principle, with moderate consumption, do not harm human health, but when combined with high salt levels, they become dangerous. This further aggravates the situation of people whose daily diet includes cheese" - notes professor of medicine Graham McGregor.

He added: “During the day, a person is recommended to consume a total of not more than 6 grams of salt. Therefore, to determine for yourself the maximum amount of cheese that can be eaten in 24 hours, based on its composition - the more salt in it, the less there should be a daily rate. "
Here is the salt level of some types of cheese (in 30 grams of product): Roquefort - 1 g, halloumi - 0.81 g, feta - 0.76 g. By its amount, all three of these cheeses are superior to sea water, where the same proportion is 0.75 grams of salt in 30 milliliters.

“The results of our study suggest that people need to give up cheese. It’s just that each of us should limit its use,” explained Catherine Jenner, head of the Wolfson Institute.


Watch the video: Is Cheese Really Bad for You? (June 2024).