Kefir diet for 10 days: minus 10 kg. The principles of the diet, the main recommendations of the kefir diet for 10 days - minus 10 kg


Dear girls, losing 10 kilograms in ten days is unrealistic if your weight is already within normal limits. Such a transformation is available only to ladies with a BMI (body mass index) of 26 and above.

By long and persistent gluttony, we gain 10 kg in three to four months, but we want to get rid of them quickly. Where is the logic?

If your desire to lose weight quickly is great, your willpower is iron, you are not afraid of hunger, a bad mood and possible stomach diseases, then take the chance to try a kefir diet.

It is possible that you will be able to build 10 kg in 10 days. Such precedents are known.

Why kefir?

Kefir is a natural product that is produced during the fermentation of whole milk, which is caused by sour-milk bacteria. This product is characterized by a high content of vitamins A and B, potassium, calcium, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which are characterized by easy digestibility by the body. It is also useful in substances that are formed during the life of microorganisms.

On a kefir diet for 10 days - minus 10 kg, the body absorbs useful components.

Kefir has the following useful properties:

• It is an excellent source of nutrients;

• Low calorie content;

• The ability to satisfy hunger even with a small amount of product;

• Normalization of the digestive processes;

• Helps accelerate metabolic processes in the body;

• Removes excess fluid;

• Relieves the body of excess accumulated salt;

• Normalizes intestinal microflora;

• Accelerates the process of splitting fat deposits;

• Eliminates harmful toxins and toxins.

The above information confirms the benefit of the product with a kefir diet for 10 days - minus 10 kg.

Diet of a strict kefir diet for 10 days - minus 10 kg

This version of the diet is quite strict, so you need to thoroughly prepare for it. For several days, it is recommended to limit the intake of too high-calorie and fatty foods and switch to a protein diet with the use of a large number of fruits and vegetables.

Kefir diet for 10 days - minus 10 kg divided by four stages, namely:

1. First 3 days only kefir should be consumed. 1.5 liters of product should be divided into equal doses and consumed throughout the day.

2. Next 3 days suggest eating only apples (preferably green) in an amount of 1.5 kilograms.

3. Further for 3 days kefir should be consumed in unlimited quantities, while its fat content should be more than 3%.

4. Then last 10th day is watery. Only clean water is allowed.

All food should be distributed in 5-6 receptions. A prerequisite is the use of clean still water (at least 2 liters). Also, physical activities that maximize the effect of the kefir diet for 10 days - minus 10 kg, will not be superfluous.

To consolidate the result, you can not immediately return to the normal diet and throw sports loads.

Exit from the diet involves a gradual introduction to the menu of the usual food, but still it is better to abandon:

• Fatty foods;

• flour products;

• Baking;

• Limit your intake of salt and sugar.

Tips for maximizing the effectiveness of the kefir diet for 10 days

In order for the kefir diet for 10 days - minus 10 kg to be as effective as possible, it is recommended to adhere to the following tips:

• Before starting a diet, it is better to try to sit on fasting days in order to allow the body to get used to the future feeling of hunger;

• After the end of the diet, it is recommended to keep the kefir fasting day at least 1-2 times a month;

• The most suitable kefir is a low-fat or non-fat product;

• Be sure to purchase only natural kefir. It is necessary to remember: the higher the shelf life of kefir, the less beneficial bacteria are in them, which reduces its usefulness;

• The day before and after, to unload the body, it is necessary to unload the diet by adding as many vegetables and fruits as possible to it, and switch to more lean foods. You should also abandon fried and fatty foods. Thanks to this advice, dieting will be much easier.

Kefir diet contraindications for 10 days

Before starting weight loss, it is imperative to consult with your doctor and nutritionist in order to determine if there is a risk of harm to health. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to adhere to the kefir diet when:

• A stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer;

• Gastritis with a high degree of acidity;

• Esophagitis;

• Under the age of 18;

• Pregnancy;

• Lactation.

A variant of a comfortable 7-day kefir diet

This option is simpler than the previous one, but you need to strictly monitor the time.

During the week you should eat as follows:

• 7:00. Fat-free kefir - 250 ml;

• 9:00. Fresh vegetable salad with olive oil - 150 grams;

• 11:00. Lean meat - 80 grams;

• 13:00. Green apple;

• 15:00. Boiled buckwheat without adding salt and oil. Low-fat kefir - 250 ml;

• 17:00. Boiled egg;

• 19:00. Any dried fruit - 100 grams;

• 21:00. Fat-free kefir - 250 ml.

Also follows day drink about 2 liters of water, at the same time no later than half an hour before meals and no sooner after. It is also necessary to play sports. If you follow all the rules and recommendations, you can lose at least 5 extra pounds. Repeating such a diet is allowed no earlier than after a month, but you can spend an unloading day 1 time in 2 weeks.

If you pay attention to the reviews of those who have lost weight, you can see that the process is quite easy, and the lost kilograms do not return if proper nutrition is observed after it.

Seven-day kefir diet from Larisa Dolina

This option is quite strict, but it is possible to get rid of 4-6 extra pounds in just a week. The low-calorie menu by day is as follows:

1. It is necessary to divide into 5 uniform parts 6 pieces of potatoes boiled in their uniforms and half a liter of low-fat kefir.

2. You should also distribute half a kilogram of boiled chicken without salt and half a liter of fat-free kefir.

3. Five equal parts should be divided into 200 grams of cottage cheese with minimal fat content, as well as 500 ml of kefir.

4. 200 grams of sour cream and 500 ml of kefir are divided into 6 doses.

5. It is allowed to consume a kilogram of medium-sized green apples (can be replaced with dried fruits in the amount of 300 grams) and drink 0.5 liters of kefir, dividing them into 5 receptions.

6. This day involves taking only kefir in the amount of one liter.

7. During the day you need to drink 1 liter of mineral water and ordinary pure in the same amount.

In addition, you should drink 1.5 liters of still water per day, and exclude sports loads, as the body is depleted.

A week before the diet, you need to reduce the consumed portions of dishes and the total calorie intake, and the last meal should be no later than 18:00.

Three day kefir diet

The diet for 3 days is very tough, therefore it is possible to adhere to it only for completely healthy girls, but a drop of 3-4 kilograms is guaranteed for the entire period.

During the day, you need to drink 1.5 liters of kefir, dividing it into equal receptions, while the latter should be at 19:00. It is allowed to repeat the diet after 3 weeks. Be sure to follow the proper nutrition menu and turn on sports loads.

Side effects of a low calorie kefir diet

Among the side effects of the above diets are noted:

• weakness;

• Dizziness;

• Pain in the gastrointestinal tract;

• Coldness in arms and legs;

• There is a risk of gastritis.

When these symptoms appear, it is better to stop losing weight and seek help from a specialist.

The right way out of a diet

The exit from the diet should be gradual. It is better to exclude a sharp increase in the amount of food consumed. If you do not return to a high-calorie diet, the result will last a long time.

Each month, you can repeat one of the kefir diets. And instead of physical activity, do morning exercises for 30 minutes.

Each of the options for diet is allowed in a normal and healthy state of health, otherwise there is a risk of worsening it or acquiring new diseases.

The opinion of experts about kefir diet

Nutritionists categorically do not recommend a kefir diet lasting more than 3 days. They insist that it slows down the metabolism and leads to the transition of the body to the "self-preservation" mode, in which the human psyche and its functionality suffer.

Gastroenterologists quite negatively relate to this type of nutrition, since kefir is able to enhance peristalsis, thereby increasing the fermentation process in the intestinal tract. Of course, with a normal diet, such a process is not something bad, but in the case of a diet, it does not stop, which leads to a constant excess of the rate of peristalsis. And the constant intake of a dairy product, in addition with a small amount of alcohol in the composition, can develop gastritis. Since such a negative effect occurs after some time, doctors still recommend spending unloading kefir days, but not more than 1 day a week. If you observe a mono-diet, then no more than 3 days.

If the above consequences are not scary, and losing a few pounds in a short time is simply necessary for a spectacular appearance at an important event, you can apply unloading on kefir, the main thing is not to get carried away.
