Home squash caviar with apples for the winter is tender, as per GOST. More delicious, even more tender - we prepare squash caviar with apples


That's something, but cooking zucchini caviar seems completely empty. She stands - a mere trifle, in stores of various kinds - more than enough, why bother with troublesome conservation? But not so simple. Real, "as in childhood" squash caviar - still, go and find it. Most manufacturers will either replace the tomato with dye, then they will not finish it, or else save on what. So if you want to remember the taste of a wonderful, still Soviet standard, snack - feel free to choose a recipe!

Zucchini caviar with apples for the winter - general principles of preparation

• All vegetables used in the preparation of squash caviar for the winter are carefully selected. Vegetables damaged by rot should not be taken, even if bad areas can be removed.

• Caviar can be prepared not only from young zucchini; overripe ones are also suitable if their flesh is dense. In this case, it will be necessary to remove coarse seeds from the vegetable and cut the peel.

• Zucchini caviar is cooked mainly with vegetables, but squash caviar with apples is no less remarkable. Fruits very well set off its taste, bringing their notes to the dish.

• Vegetables and fruits are rinsed and washed, then peeled and chopped, sliced, grated or twisted in a meat grinder. Then boil to the desired density with the addition of spices, spices and other ingredients. Often, some vegetables are pre-fried and only then added to zucchini and stewed. If the density of the finished caviar does not suit - boiled vegetables are additionally killed with a blender, bringing to the desired consistency.

• For long-term storage, squash caviar is still hot and packaged in sterile glass containers and hermetically sealed with special lids, wrapped in a seaming key. Some types of squash caviar with apples are not subject to conservation, it is closed with nylon covers and stored in the refrigerator.

Zucchini caviar with apples and carrots for the winter


• red tomatoes - 3 kg;

• 700 gr. sweet red pepper;

• a pound of apples;

• salad onions - 400 gr.;

• carrots - 700 gr.

• allspice - 12 peas;

• three large zucchini;

• four leaves of lavrushka.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse all vegetables with running water. Cut apples and tomatoes into halves, cut the stems of the tomatoes, and core the apples and cut everything into slices.

2. Cut the peel from the carrot, remove the stalks from the sweet pepper and select the seeds and partitions from the inside. Cut carrots and peppers into small pieces.

3. Place the smallest wire rack on the meat grinder and pass through it all the prepared vegetables and apples.

4. Put the mixture in a large container and put the simmer on low heat, do not cover with a lid. The wider the dishes, the faster the vegetables will stew, the moisture will go away more and the caviar will be thicker.

5. Chop the onions in small slices and lightly fry them in vegetable oil. Do not overcook, as soon as the pieces become amber, immediately remove from heat and add to the pan to the main mass after an hour of stewing.

6. Stir the squash caviar with apples over low heat for another half an hour, pack in sterile half-liter jars, cover with boiled lids, immediately roll up.

Spicy zucchini caviar with apples and tomatoes


• onions, white onion - 500 gr.;

• a kilo of young juicy zucchini, any variety;

• ripe apples - 500 gr.;

• fresh ginger root - 25 gr.;

• a kilo of fleshy tomatoes;

• half a pound of sugar;

• white wine vinegar - 60 ml;

• a teaspoon of allspice, peas;

• clove umbrellas - 12 pcs.;

• a small handful of raisins;

• 1/2 tsp ground in a coriander mortar.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the tomatoes, each cut crosswise in the area of ​​the stem and lower for two minutes in boiling water with a key. Transfer to a large bowl with cold water, and after a minute, remove and remove the skin from the fruit.

2. Wash the zucchini and cut the peel from them, if it is hard.

3. From the apples cut the core and be sure to peel.

4. Cut the tomatoes, zucchini and apples into small cubes of approximately the same size and mix, laying in a large container.

5. Chop the onion into thin half rings and send it to the chopped vegetables and apples.

6. Sort the raisins, scald it with boiling water and dry well.

7. Peeled ginger, put all spices and spices on a piece of gauze, tie in a bag, dip in a vegetable mixture. Pour wine vinegar there, mix.

8. Put the container on moderate heat and, continuously stirring, bring to a gentle boil. Then lower the temperature and simmer under a lid tightly closed for about an hour.

9. Take a bag of spices and spices from the caviar, and instead of them put raisins, salt and continue cooking for another half hour.

10. Transfer the finished zucchini caviar with apples into clean, dry jars, close with nylon covers and clean after cooling in the general chamber of the refrigerator. Caviar will infuse a little and will be ready after two weeks.

Winter squash with tomato


• three kilos of young zucchini;

• four heads of bitter onions;

• 350 gr. unsalted thick tomato;

• a tablespoon of sugar;

• half a spoon of ground pepper;

• large carrots - 4 root crops;

• 150 gr. refined oil;

• two heads of garlic.

Cooking method:

1. Carefully wash the carrots and zucchini with warm water. Peel the carrot, and it is not necessary to cut the peel from the zucchini.

2. Cut the peeled onions and young zucchini into centimeters, or slightly larger, into cubes, grate the carrots coarsely on a grater. Finely chop the garlic with a heavy knife.

3. Pour vegetable oil into a thick-walled cauldron and set to warm over medium heat. As soon as light streams of whitish haze appear above the surface, immediately lower the chopped onions and grated carrots. Stir, lower heat slightly and simmer vegetables for seven minutes stirring.

4. Add zucchini, garlic, ground pepper, add sugar and lightly salt. Put the tomato on top and mix, continue to simmer.

5. After about an hour, when all the vegetables have softened, remove the cauldron from the stove and carefully beat the eggs with a blender to the desired consistency.

6. Return the eggs to heat, boil and pack in cans prepared for canning, roll with a key.

7. The output is about three liters of great snacks.

Zucchini caviar for the winter with bell pepper - Krasnodarochka


• one kilogram of fleshy bell pepper;

• a pound of white onion;

• two kilograms of any zucchini;

• 1 kg. carrots;

• fleshy ripe tomatoes - 1 kg;

• half a liter of lean refined oil;

• 300 gr. garlic

• granulated sugar - 150 g .;

• 50 ml of table vinegar;

• two small bunches of parsley;

• pod of hot pepper, red.

Cooking method:

1. In washed dried zucchini, cut the tails, peel the carrots and grate the vegetables through a medium grater in different bowls. Separate from the zucchini, drain, and gently squeeze the chopped vegetable.

2. Chop the onion and bell pepper finely. Free the tomatoes from the stalks and cut into slices.

3. Carefully untie the bunches of greens, wash the parsley under water, then shake off water droplets from it and spread the branches on a towel.

4. Parsley, tomatoes and garlic twist in a meat grinder. Pour vinegar into the cooked tomato sauce, add sugar and add 70 grams of fine salt.

5. Pour all the vegetable oil into a deep, wide stainless steel container and warm it well with a little heat. Do not heat up!

6. Dip the chopped onion into the hot oil, and fry it for 10 minutes, add the carrots, mix and continue cooking.

7. After waiting 15 minutes, pour the tomato into the roasted root vegetables, stir and boil it. In a boiling vegetable mass, dip the chopped zucchini and chopped bell pepper, mix and bring to a boil again.

8. Boil the squash caviar with a slight boil for one hour and roll it with metal lids, spreading it in clean cans.

Zucchini caviar for the winter with mayonnaise - "Sissy"


• six large young zucchini;

• unsalted tomato paste - 350 gr.;

• one kilogram of onion;

• 20 ml of table vinegar;

• granulated sugar - 200 g .;

• two small heads of garlic;

• a spoon of ground pepper;

• 250 gr. greasy, non-flavored mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

1. Cut ponytails from zucchini, cut peeled onions into slices. Twist the prepared vegetables in a meat grinder and pour the vegetable mass into a cauldron.

2. Add tomato paste, add sugar, vinegar, add three tablespoons of salt and mix well.

3. Pour in oil, stir and set to boil for a little heat.

4. After about two hours, when the vegetable mass is almost half respected, add mayonnaise into it, squeeze the garlic in a press, pepper and mix thoroughly, boil for another half hour.

5. Then transfer the eggs to the prepared sterile jars and seal them tightly with can lids, having rolled them well with a seaming key.

Zucchini caviar for the winter with hot pepper - "Spark"


• medium-sized squash, young - 1 kg;

• onion salad onions - 1 kg;

• 300 gr. unsweetened carrots;

• 20 ml of sunflower refined oil;

• red meaty tomatoes - 300 gr.;

• large head of garlic;

• two pods of bitter red pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the carrots into rings of centimeter thickness, zucchini into large cubes or cubes, and cut the tomatoes into slices. Coarsely chop the onion, select the seeds from the hot pepper and twist it together with garlic in a meat grinder.

2. In a thick-walled pan with high sides, warm the vegetable oil and dip the onion into it.

3. When the onion slices become clear, add the carrots and fry, stirring occasionally, until a light blush appears on the carrots.

4. Fold the zucchini in a thick-walled pan and turn on the minimum heat. Add a little salt and leave to stew under the lid.

5. When the zucchini gives juice, add the roasted root vegetables to them, mix and continue cooking under the lid for another quarter of an hour.

6. Add, stirring, sliced ​​tomatoes and continue to simmer.

7. After about ten minutes, add bitter pepper chopped with garlic into the zucchini caviar, mix thoroughly, simmer for another minute and temporarily remove from the stove.

8. Interrupt the prepared ready-made caviar until smooth with a blender or grind it through a metal sieve. Put it on the stove again, boil it quickly and put it hot in jars. Roll up.

Zucchini caviar with apples for the winter - cooking tricks and useful tips

• If you don’t chop the vegetables, but twist them in a meat grinder or grate, it will take much less time to boil.

• Stir the caviar more often, preventing the vegetable mass from sticking to the bottom of the bowl, and make sure that the fire is minimal, otherwise it will burn.

• Salt, like sugar, it is advisable to add at the end and in small quantities, then mix thoroughly and adjust the taste by adding one or another component.

• Harvested cans with caviar for the winter are kept under a warm blanket until cooling, having mounted on the lid.


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