Meat pies (step by step recipe) - favorite pastry for a snack. Pies with meat, step by step recipe: in the oven and fried in a pan


Pies with meat - ideal for a snack. Some people like fried pies, others prefer cooked in the oven. In any case, this bakery is as popular as it was many years ago.

In the notebook of each mistress there is a recipe that is passed on from generation to generation.

Pies with meat step by step recipe - the basic principles of cooking

Dough for pies can be very different: fresh, yeast, puff, pastry and even from potatoes or cottage cheese. The recipe for the test is selected depending on the method of preparation of the pies. Fried cooked from butter or lean yeast dough. Pies in the oven are baked from any dough. Yeast or butter dough is kneaded in water, milk or fermented milk products. Yeast is used dry or raw. They are dissolved in warm water, a little flour and sugar are added, mixed and left to let the yeast "wake up". Then the remaining ingredients are added to the dough and the dense soft dough is kneaded, which is covered and aged for several hours until it rises. It is advisable to hug him several times during this period.

For the dough for the potato pies, the vegetable is boiled and mashed from it. Add eggs, yeast and flour and knead soft dough. Instead of yeast, you can use baking soda extinguished with vinegar.

As for the filling, it is prepared from raw, fried or boiled meat. It can be lamb, poultry, pork, beef, etc. Simple filling consists of meat and onions, seasoned with spices. Complex fillings may include vegetables, offal and even fruits.

Forcemeat for pies is used raw or fried with onions. Fried filling is used only when cooled.

For pies in the oven, you can not grind meat into minced meat, but chop it into pieces with a knife on a chalk.

Belyashi, or fried meat patties, are cooked in large quantities of hot lean oil. Pies with meat step by step recipes allow you to cook pastries with various meat fillings.

Recipe 1. Pies with meat step by step recipe in the oven


700 g of wheat flour;

300 g of boiled meat;

8 g of instant dry yeast;

5 g of table salt;

a glass of milk or boiled water;

50 ml of sunflower oil;

60 g of granulated sugar;

onion head;


Cooking method

1. Heat milk or water. It is very important that the liquid is not hot, otherwise the yeast will simply die. Beginning housewives make the main mistake: they use liquid at room temperature without heating it. In this case, the dough may simply not rise, or rise very slowly. So, add the yeast to the warm liquid and mix well to dissolve it completely. Instead of dry yeast, you can use raw, only in this case you need to double their amount. Pour in a little sugar, mix again and leave the mixture for ten minutes to let the yeast begin to work.

2. Pour in the flour and knead until the dough turns out, like a pancake. It is very important to note that flour must be sieved through a sieve. It is advisable to do this twice. Small debris may be present in the flour, and the sifted flour will be saturated with oxygen, which will make the baking magnificent.

3. Introduce three tablespoons of vegetable oil into the dough, salt and mix. It is better to use refined oil, it is odorless, which means it will not be felt in baking. Pour the remaining flour in small portions and knead the elastic dough. Do not knead it for too long, enough until it stops sticking to your palms. If you knead the yeast dough for a long time, it will “clog” and the baking will turn out to be solid. Place it in a deep bowl, cover with a towel and leave for a couple of hours. It is advisable to knead the dough a couple of times during this time.

4. While the dough will be suitable, start preparing the filling. Twist the peeled onion in a meat grinder, or chop finely. This recipe uses boiled meat, but you can cook the filling from raw. It can be pork, chicken, lamb or beef. Fry chopped meat with onions, stirring constantly, in vegetable oil until golden brown. Be sure to salt with the filling and season with spices. You can add fresh greens to the filling.

5. Back to the test. Wash the dough with your hands and knead lightly. Divide it into small balls. Form circles out of them, no more than a centimeter thick. This can be done using a rolling pin, or simply by stretching your hands.

6. Put a spoonful of minced meat in the middle. Use only completely cooled filling. Connect the edges by stapling them together carefully.

7. Place blanks with the seam down on a greased baking sheet. Cover the pastries with a kitchen towel and keep warm for 20 minutes. This is necessary so that the dough comes up again. Grease the baking with a beaten egg or milk. You can do this with a silicone brush or napkin.

8. Place the pan in the oven. Be sure to warm it up to 180 degrees in advance. The baking time of the pies is 20 minutes. Pies with meat step by step recipe will help you prepare delicious, airy pastries.

Recipe 2. Fried meat patties step by step recipe


half a glass of kefir;

900 g of premium wheat flour;


half a liter of milk;

ground black pepper;

50 g of yeast;

60 g of white loaf;

two tablespoons of granulated sugar;

two garlic cloves;

200 g margarine;

large onion;

two chicken eggs;

250 g of pork and beef pulp.

Cooking method

1. We start cooking pies with dough. We warm the milk, make sure that it is not hot, otherwise the yeast will simply die, and the dough will not work. Dissolve the yeast in warm milk. They can be dry or fresh. Pour sugar into a yeast mixture and a glass of sifted flour. Mix thoroughly so that no lumps remain. Leave the mixture warm for forty minutes until it begins to ferment. Foam should rise on the surface.

2. While the dough rises, prepare the filling. We wash the meat. We clean beef from films and veins. Finely chop with a knife. You can grind using a meat grinder or blender. We clean the onion and chop the thin quarter rings. It can be ground together with meat, but it is better to finely chop it. So the onion will give more juice, and the filling will turn out juicy.

3. Pour the white loaf with kefir, leave for five minutes, and then put it in the meat filling. If there is no kefir, you can soak the bread in plain water or milk. Season the filling with ground pepper and salt. Now mix thoroughly.

4. Melt margarine. You can do this in a saucepan, putting it on a minimum fire, or put margarine in a bowl and set it over a pot of boiling water. The melted fat is cooled and introduced into a dough. We drive eggs here and shake everything thoroughly with a whisk until smooth. Pour the flour in small portions, having previously sifted it twice. We knead with your hands until you get an elastic soft dough. We roll it into a ball, place it in bulk dishes, cover and hold for an hour.

5. We crumble the approached dough, divide it into small pieces. We knead each finger into a cake, or roll out a rolling pin. The thickness of the dough should not exceed a centimeter. Strictly in the middle we spread a spoon of meat filling. We pull the edges to the center and carefully fasten them, leaving a small hole, giving the cake the shape of a bag. Leave the pies for proofing, for about ten minutes.

6. Pour enough vegetable oil into a large cast-iron pan. It is advisable to use refined. We put on an intense fire and heat it until a light smoke appears. Put the pies in boiling oil with the side of the hole. We twist the fire to an average level and fry until golden brown. Turn the pies over and continue to fry until the other side is browned.

7. Put the fried pies on the dish, covering it with paper towels to absorb excess oil. Serve hot. Cooled meat patties can be heated in the microwave, or steamed.

Pies with meat step by step recipe - tips and tricks

  • You can cook the dough on kefir, in which case you need to put it in a warm place for a couple of hours.
  • Before frying the pies, be sure to heat the vegetable oil well.
  • You can chop the meat for the filling in a meat grinder, or chop finely with a sharp knife.
  • Put the hot baked pies in a deep bowl and cover with a towel so that they become soft.


Watch the video: IT'S THE PERFECT GHANA FRIED PIE (June 2024).