Quick recipes for charlotte on kefir, eggs and sour cream. Charlotte quickly and tasty - in a pan and in the oven


Charlotte is a simple and popular apple cake made from biscuit dough. Air pastries with pieces of fruit in the dough are cooked quickly, tasty and aromatic. How many times has it been said that this is a pie of bachelors and students, but there are recipes that are rather intricate, to cook charlotte according to which, not all confectioners can do it.

In our selection of fast charlotte today. By taste they are unlikely to yield to more complex pies, but the set of products and the cooking technology are quite budgetary both in time and in price.

Charlotte quick recipes - general cooking principles

• Charlotte, in fact, is an ordinary fruit biscuit. In the classic version, it is prepared only with apples, but if desired, they are completely replaceable with other fruits. Some chefs cook such a pie even with berries. It is important that the fruit or berries are not too juicy, as this may interfere with raising the biscuit dough.

• Quick dough for charlotte is prepared not only on eggs with sugar, as in the classic version of the pie. Charlotte recipes on sour cream, kefir, milk are found more and more often, semolina, starch, butter or margarine, spices are added to it.

• Charlotte dough is never mixed with a thick consistency. On the contrary, the dough should be fluid, so that each slice of apple enveloped them. Typically, apples are used as a layer, pieces of fruit are laid out on the bottom of the form or on top of the dough poured into it. Often apples and dough are laid out in layers, placing pieces of fruit in the middle. The easiest way to form a charlotte is to mix the fruit with the dough.

• Usually, charlotte is baked in the oven when heated to 180 degrees. The cake pan is placed in a well-heated cupboard, placed on a wire rack or baking sheet. Baking time depends on the juiciness of the fruit and ranges from half an hour to 40 minutes, rarely more.

• Quick charlotte is easy to cook on the stove, for this a heavy thick-walled pan is suitable. The baking time in it will take no more than half an hour, and the technology depends on the size of the pan. If the cake is baked in a small pan, it must be turned over 10 minutes before being cooked. If the diameter of the pan is more than 25 cm, there is no need to turn the charlotte over.

• Any quick recipe for charlotte can be adapted to a slow cooker. All operations with dough and apples are performed in a greased bowl. Charlotte is prepared in baking mode, for 40 minutes.

• The readiness of apple pie is checked by the classical method - a wooden stick. The charlotte is pierced in different places, after which they check the hole - there should not be pieces of dough on it. The stick may be wet, even if the pie is ready, as it can touch pieces of fruit when pierced.

Classic quick recipe for charlotte with apples on eggs


• four eggs;

• flour with a high gluten content - 160 grams;

• a glass of sugar;

• three sweet apples;

• a spoonful of cinnamon powder.

Cooking method:

1. Having peeled apples, cut and select seeds, cut into thin plates.

2. Measure the sugar and pour it into a spacious bowl. Next to it we put the same empty and wiped dry container.

3. After washing the eggs with water, dry the shell with a towel and gently break. Squirrels pour into an empty bowl, and spread the yolks to sugar.

4. Add a little salt to the proteins, literally a pinch, and beat them in a lush, “strong” foam.

5. Whisk the yolks with white sugar using a mixer. Sugar must be completely dissolved, crystals will violate the structure of the cake.

6. Put the protein “cap” on the yolk mass and carefully interfere with it with a spoon, movements from top to bottom. Then mix the flour with the same method.

7. On the bottom of the oiled form, fan out apple slices. Sprinkle with cinnamon, pour the dough and place in the oven.

8. For half an hour we bake charlotte, maintaining a regime of 180 degrees.

A quick recipe for charlotte on sour cream


• sweet and sour apples - three, large;

• a glass of flour;

• three eggs;

• half a glass of 20% sour cream;

• 180 gr. Sahara;

• 0.5 tablespoons of soda;

• 20 grams of butter or margarine for the mold.

Cooking method:

1. In a bowl, mix sour cream and soda. The baking powder will raise the dough well and is guaranteed to prevent the charlotte from falling off during baking. So that he has time to be activated in a dairy product, the mixture is allowed to stand. We set the bowl aside, while we ourselves are engaged in other products.

2. Peel the apples, cut into small, thin slices, put in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar.

3. Pour sugar in a clean bowl, pour eggs to it. Beat with a mixer for eight minutes, starting with the minimum, and gradually increasing speed. It is important to beat exactly eight minutes, during which time all the crystals will completely dissolve, if longer, the air mass can settle.

4. Carefully mix sour cream and flour into the egg mass.

5. We rub the bottom and walls of the mold with a piece of oil, pour the dough into it, lay the apples on top. To completely prevent sticking, the oil layer can be sprinkled with semolina or breading.

6. Stir the mold with the future cake into the oven, bake at the recommended 180 degrees. Readiness must be checked after 25 minutes by puncture with a dry stick. If after that it remains dry, take out apple charlotte.

A quick recipe for charlotte with apples in milk with semolina


• a glass of semolina;

• flour - 160 gr.;

• four tablespoons of medium fat sour cream;

• half a glass of milk;

• half a pack of butter;

• a spoon of soda;

• dessert spoon of tablespoon 9% vinegar;

• a glass of sugar;

• kilogram of fragrant apples.

Cooking method:

1. Combining sour cream with milk, pour the semolina and stir well, leave for half an hour. This is necessary so that the grains are well swollen and soft. If this is not done, dry semolina will be unpleasant to crunch on the teeth.

2. On a low fire, melt margarine (butter). Place the saucepan in a bowl of cold water, cool the fat.

3. We clean the washed apples, free from seeds, cut into small slices into a bowl.

4. To the swollen semolina, pour sugar, pour the melted fat and mix thoroughly. We put flour, slaked soda and lightly whipping, bring to uniformity.

5. Cover the bottom and walls of the mold with a layer of vegetable oil, sprinkle with dry semolina or breadcrumbs for breading. If you do not like the crisp on the cake, sprinkle the oil layer with flour. Silicone molds do not need such processing.

6. Mix the dough with apples and transfer to a mold, smooth the surface with a spoon.

7. Bake Charlotte for about 45 minutes, set the temperature to 180 degrees. Before you get the cake, be sure to make sure it is ready, as recommended by the general principles of a puncture.

A quick recipe for charlotte with apples (in a pan)


• two apples;

• 150 gr. flour;

• three eggs;

• half a glass of sugar;

• 20 gr. butter;

• vanilla powder - a quarter of a spoon;

• a teaspoon of ripper.

Cooking method:

1. In a bowl, carefully rub the eggs and sugar. Then beat with a mixer until a fluffy mass is obtained.

2. Combine the flour with vanilla and a cultivator. We reseed twice through a sieve so that evenly connected loose components are enriched with air.

3. Continuing to beat, gradually add flour to the egg mass. The dough should come out homogeneous, without flour lumps.

4. Having cut the peel from the block, we cut the flesh into thin slices.

5. Combine apple slicing with dough, mix thoroughly.

6. We rub the bottom and walls of the pan with softened butter and pour the dough mixed with apples into it.

7. Tightly covering the pan with a lid, put on the most moderate fire. We bake apple charlotte on the stove for 25 minutes, gently turn over and bring to readiness for 10 minutes. Do not forget to cover the pan, otherwise the pie will not reach.

Charlotte quick recipe: idle apple pie with spicy taste (in the oven)


• sugar - 200 gr.;

• a glass of flour;

• turmeric, nutmeg powder, cinnamon, finely ground - 1 tsp each;

• a spoon of vinegar;

• four chicken eggs;

• a pound of apples;

• 1 gram of vanilla powder;

• soda - 0.5 tablespoons.

Cooking method:

1. Beat the cooled eggs with a mixer in the foam, gradually pour sugar mixed with vanilla.

2. Sift the flour and mix it into the egg mass in small portions. At this stage, it is undesirable to use a mixer. Each new portion of flour is thoroughly stirred with a spoon.

3. Pour soda into a small cup, add vinegar, stir. Pour the foaming mixture into the dough, add turmeric and mix.

4. Without peeling, cut the apples into small, arbitrary shapes, slices. Put in a bowl, sprinkle with nutmeg, cinnamon and mix well.

5. Lubricate the bottom and walls of the mold with vegetable oil, sprinkle with flour and pour 1/2 of the dough into it. We lay apples on top and pour the remaining dough on them.

6. Put the form in a preheated oven, placing it on an average level on a wire rack or baking sheet. Cook the charlotte for 30 minutes.

Charlotte quick recipe: the most tender apple pie on eggs with starch


• a glass of sugar;

• selected eggs - 3 pcs .;

• two tablespoons of potato starch;

• a spoon of a cultivator;

• 10 gr. vanilla sugar;

• 180 grams of flour;

• brandy spoon;

• 400 gr. apples

• a quarter of a lemon;

• a tablespoon of sesame seed.

Cooking method:

1. After grinding the eggs with sugar, beat the mixture until splendid with a mixer. The sweet mass should double in volume.

2. In a separate bowl, mix the starch with flour and baking powder. We cross the flour mixture twice.

3. Mix the egg mass with the flour mixture. We are not in a hurry, add the dry mixture in parts, stir each new portion until we achieve uniformity. In parallel, we introduce vanilla sugar and cinnamon.

4. Into the finished homogeneous dough we mix cognac.

5. Squeeze the lemon, filtered juice is filtered through a sieve. Cut the apples into small slices, sprinkle with a small amount of sugar, sprinkle with lemon juice and mix well.

6. Rub the refractory form with a piece of oil and sprinkle lightly on the sides with semolina. Sprinkle the bottom with half sesame.

7. Pour part of the dough into the mold, lay the apples and cover them with the remaining dough. Sprinkle the top of the cake with the remaining sesame seeds.

8. Put the charlotte for half an hour in a preheated oven.

Charlotte Quick Tips and Tips

• Charlotte is not only flavored with cinnamon and vanilla, the taste and aroma of the cake will become brighter if you add a little chopped citrus zest to the dough.

• It may turn out that the top of the pie has managed to brown well, but has not yet had time to bake in the middle. In this case, the form should be covered with a sheet of foil, under it the middle will quickly bake, and the top will not have time to burn.

• Slices of apples will retain their shape if a little sprinkle the slices with vegetable oil and then sprinkle with sugar. Sprinkling with lemon will prevent darkening of the apple slices.


Watch the video: Simple Russian Apple Cake - Sharlotka Recipe (June 2024).