Potato sorcerers with minced meat in the oven are so different! We cook Belarusian sorcerers of potatoes with minced meat in the oven


This dish cannot but like. In any of the versions, potato sorcerers with minced meat in the oven are incredibly tasty, fragrant, satisfying. Even those who are indifferent to potatoes ask for supplements. And how different this version of traditional Belarusian potato pancakes with filling can be!

With minced meat and fish, with vegetables, mushrooms, cabbage and crab sticks, sour cream, tomato, cream, cheese sauce, raw and boiled potatoes ... Plus, it’s absolutely easy to cook such yummy.

Classic potato sorcerers with minced meat in the oven: general rules

There is one basic recipe for baked potato wizards with toppings. According to it, with some differences, they prepare the remaining variations of the dish.

The procedure is as follows:

1. Potatoes, as well as other vegetables involved in the recipe, are peeled and washed.

2. The potatoes are rubbed on a very fine grater. Or (the second option), boil, cool and grind in a convenient way into pulp.

3. The potato “dough” is given flavor by salt and pepper.

4. The meat for the filling is cleaned from films, tendons, excess fat. Wash, dry, cut into pieces. Grind into minced meat using a meat grinder, chopper or pe finely chopped with a knife.

5. In minced meat, moisten raw or passivated onions (finely chopped), salt, seasonings, pepper. Knead well and knock out the mass.

6. Sorcerers form hands. Take a small piece of potato mass in the palm of your hand, flatten into a flat cake, put in the middle a lump of filling. The dough is lifted from the edges up and pinched gently.

7. The blanks are made oval or round, slightly flattened from below and from above. Bread in flour or small bread crumbs.

8. Fry in vegetable oil in a pan on both sides. The fire must be strong so that the sorcerers get browned only from above, and the filling remains damp - in the oven the dish will reach readiness.

9. Hot sorcerers are transferred to a baking sheet with high sides (in a baking dish, cauldrons, ducklings). Pour sauce in which they will be stewed and baked. In the classic version, it is sour cream diluted with water.

10. Bake a potato dish in an oven already heated to 180 degrees for an average of 40 minutes.

A common principle for all recipes - potato "dough" should be sufficiently dense and ductile, so that products during heat treatment keep their shape well. This is achieved in two ways.

The first method, traditional for the Belarusian cuisine, is mixing in the grated raw potato the starch released along with the juice. For this, the potato mass is wrapped in a double layer of gauze and squeezed like homemade cottage cheese. Juice drained into the bowl after 15-20 minutes is drained from the starch that has settled on the bottom. The starch itself is mixed in the grated potatoes and the dough is allowed to rest for about 15 minutes.

The second, more common and convenient way to make potato dough for sorcerers plastic is to add an egg to it. So that the mass is not liquid, potato chips are mixed with wheat flour. This rule is the same for both raw and boiled potatoes.

Sorcerers of potatoes with minced meat in sour cream under the cheese crust in the oven

Inexpensive, but festive beautiful second course. Sour cream sauce makes the taste of sorcerers tender. To reduce the calorie content, sorcerers can not be fried beforehand, but immediately laid out in a form and baked.

For 1 kg of peeled potatoes:

· 500 g of any minced meat;

· 2 onions;

· 1 carrot;

2 cloves of garlic;

· 2 eggs;

· a glass of flour;

· 2 tbsp. l mayonnaise;

300 g of sour cream;

· 100 g of any hard cheese;

· Salt;

Ground pepper;



1. Prepare the dough from raw potatoes according to the basic recipe. Stir in 1 egg, flour, grated onion. Add salt and pepper to taste.

2. Dice and brown the second onion in vegetable oil. Pour into minced meat.

3. Break the second egg into the minced meat, add salt, spices (optional), pepper. Stir and beat the minced meat.

4. Form sorcerers with filling. Fry on both sides or immediately put in a heatproof container.

5. For the sauce, mix chopped garlic, grated carrots, chopped dill, mayonnaise, sour cream. If the mass is too thick, dilute a little with water. Salt to taste.

6. Sorcerers pour sour cream sauce. Top with cheese.

Bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

Lazy sorcerers in a potato oven with ground turkey

Lazy sorcerers are prepared in the same way as meatballs. But the taste is completely different due to mixing all the ingredients in the dough and creamy tomato sauce in which the dish is stewed.

For 1 kg of potatoes:

500 g turkey minced meat;

· 1 large onion;

· 1 carrot;

· clove of garlic;

· 2 eggs;

· 2 tbsp. l flour;

100 g of tomato juice;

200 g of nonfat cream;

100 g of hard cheese;

· Salt, spices, pepper;

Vegetable oil.


1. Combine grated (strained) potatoes with minced meat, eggs, flour, finely chopped onions. Pepper, season with spices, salt. Stir well.

2. Form sorcerers. Put in a deep pan greased with sunflower oil.

3. Tomato juice mixed with cream and chopped garlic. Season with salt and season with spices.

4. Lazy sorcerers pour sour cream and tomato sauce. Sprinkle with grated cheese.

Bake 40-50 minutes at 180 degrees.

Potato sorcerers stuffed with minced veal and cabbage

To prepare this version of the sorcerers, it will take a little more time and effort. However, it’s worth a try. The dish is beautiful in appearance, tasty and juicy, but at the same time contains fewer calories.

For 1500 g of potatoes:

500 g of veal minced meat;

500 g of white cabbage;

1 onion;

1 egg

· 2 tbsp. l flour;

200 g of 25% sour cream;

50 ml of vegetable oil;

· Salt, caraway seeds, pepper - to taste;

Dill, parsley.


1. Divide the peeled onion in half. Cut one part into half rings, and grate the second.

2. Chop the cabbage as finely as possible.

3. In a frying pan, fry the onion in vegetable oil until golden brown.

4. Add cabbage, mix. Simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Cool.

5. Mix the stewed cabbage with minced meat, chopped herbs, caraway seeds, half sour cream. Add salt, spices, pepper. Knock out the minced meat.

6. Add the flour, egg, and the other half of the onion to the strained and mixed with the released starch potato chips. Salt, knead the dough.

7. Form and put into heat-resistant form (grease with a little oil) sorcerers stuffed with minced meat with cabbage. Lubricate the top of each sorcerer with the remaining sour cream.

Bake for half an hour at 200 degrees.

Baked potato witches with minced crab sticks

The original sweetish filling in a delicate potato shell is unusual in itself. The dish will surprise adults, and thanks to the neat shape and delicious "surprise" inside, children will really like it.

For 600 g of potatoes:

· 240 g of crab sticks;

· 2 eggs;

2 carrots;

· 100 hard cheese;

· Salt, spices;


· vegetable oil.


1. Boiled potatoes in salted water. Cool, crush into gruel with a crush or grate.

2. Add mashed eggs, pepper, salt. Mix.

3. Cut the crab sticks finely. Mix with grated carrots and cheese chips.

4. Form from a potato mass small koloboks with a filling inside.

5. Roll the sorcerers in flour, fry in a pan in vegetable oil.

6. Transfer to a baking sheet, drizzled with oil. Cover with food foil.

7. Sorcerers put in an oven heated to 180 degrees. After 20 minutes, remove the foil, continue baking the dish for another 15 minutes.

Serve in warm yogurt sauce with chopped herbs.

Oven potato and carrot sorcerers with minced meat

Potato mixed with carrots, after frying, acquires a very appetizing golden-orange color. The stuffing from minced chicken with herbs is juicy, tastes great.

For 1.5 kg of potatoes:

3 carrots;

500 g of chicken meat;

· 2 eggs;

· A bunch of green onions;

A bunch of dill with parsley;

· 2 tbsp. water;

Vegetable oil;

· Salt, spices, pepper.


1. Grate the vegetables. To mix. Drain the juice.

2. Salt, add spices to taste. Drive eggs. Knead soft vegetable dough. If the mass is liquid, add a little flour or semolina.

3. Minced chicken mix with chopped herbs, salt, pepper, spices.

4. Form and fry sorcerers on both sides. Fold in a cauldron.

5. Fill half with water. Bake at 160 degrees 40 minutes.

Serve with sour cream. For beauty, you can sprinkle carrot and potato sorcerers with minced meat finely chopped dill.

Useful Tips

Minced meat for potato sorcerers in the oven is best done on their own, and not buy ready-made in the store. The types of meat that are more suitable for this dish are chicken, turkey, veal, lean pork, and beef.

The meat can traditionally be passed through a meat grinder. But it’s better to chop it finely with a knife - so the filling will be much juicier. To make the meat more tender, a little sour cream or melted butter is added to it.

Before wrapping the minced meat in a potato mass, you need to let it rest for about 15 minutes. The meat is soaked in salt and spices, after which it must be mixed and beat again.

Vegetables make brighter and more saturated taste of potato sorcerers. In the dough, you can add not only traditional onions and carrots, but also zucchini, pumpkin. Potato dough goes well with chopped garlic, minced dill, boiled rice.

Mushrooms in sorcerers can be used fresh and dry. They are pre-fried and twisted in a meat grinder. From this component, you can make an independent filling for baked sorcerers or mix in minced meat.

If you cook potatoes for sorcerers in water seasoned with spices, add whole onions, dill, garlic and carrots to the broth, the taste of the final dish will become much more saturated.

Serve sorcerers cooked in the oven from potatoes with minced meat, you can with sour cream, mushroom, cream sauce. Garnish for this dish is not required, but salads from fresh vegetables or homemade marinades will be a good addition to it.


Watch the video: Jamie's Quick Potato Dauphinoise (June 2024).