March 2019 haircut lunar calendar: favorable and unfavorable days for haircuts, curls and hair coloring


Many girls and women, regardless of age, are concerned about the condition of their hair: split, fall out, lose their natural color. And such procedures as coloring and waving further aggravate the situation. But the lunar haircut calendar for March 2019 will help not only not to aggravate, but also to fix everything. What is required of you: plan trips to the hairdresser, following the advice of the lunar calendar.

Favorable days for manipulating hair: haircuts, following the lunar calendar haircuts for March 2019

3. Those who cannot tune in with others should have their hair cut on that day.

5. Some complain about a lack of self-confidence. Advice to such representatives: go to the hairdresser that day.

6, 30. Having done a haircut now, you can work more fruitfully in the future.

7, 24, 27, 28. By visiting the hairdresser, you can improve the general physical condition, optimize the work of all organs, the gastrointestinal tract.

8. A haircut on the 3rd lunar day will help to attract money and positive emotions.

10, 26. Manipulations with hair will reveal creativity, improve mood.

11, 16, 17, 21. Transformed on this day, it will be possible to improve not only the state of health, but also the financial situation.

12, 18. A good time for a haircut, since subsequently it will be possible to strengthen your intuition.

If the main goal of going to the salon is to increase hair growth, then it is better to do such procedures on the growing to the moon. This is the period from March 7 to March 20. 21 is also good for haircuts, as it falls on the full moon. On this day, all the negative leaves with the hair.

But if the goal of your trip is not to increase hair growth, but, for example, you are trying to strengthen them, prevent hair loss or just want the haircut to stay in shape longer, you can go to the hairdresser during the waning moon.

Adverse haircut days

1, 15 A visit to the hairdresser can both cause new diseases and affect the morale.

2. A haircut on this day can cause depression, sometimes provoke injuries.

4, 9. This is not the best time for manipulating hair, since later on you can expect deterioration in business, health problems that can even shorten life.

13, 29. It is better to postpone the trip to the salon, as it will attract troubles and troubles.

19, 20. Having a haircut on that day means falling into a state of deep melancholy.

22, 25, 31. Haircuts will cause health problems.

23. A haircut will not bring the expected results.

If you get a haircut on one of the unfavorable days, in addition to the above troubles, the haircut will turn out to be unsuccessful: it will not keep in shape, and the hair will become naughty and begin to shag. In addition to all of the above, the often result of cutting on unfavorable days is the formation of dandruff.

Favorable days for coloring according to the lunar calendar of haircuts for March 2019

4, 17, 28. By radically changing the color of hair that day, one can expect physical well-being, a rush of money.

5. People who are uncommunicative and want to increase their charm will help hair coloring. But you should not take colors that are very different from natural colors.

6. Toning hair using natural compounds will help strengthen social status.

7, 9, 15. Using natural dyes, you can attract financial stability, advance your career ladder.

10, 25. Painting in bright colors will allow you to successfully conduct future business negotiations and conclude a successful deal.

12. Increase sexuality will help change hair color.

14. You can attract luck with the help of clarification on this day.

16, 21. Any change in hair color will help resolve upcoming business disputes.

19, 20, 24. Success in business will bring hair coloring in natural colors.

22. Improving the general condition of the body will help painting in dark colors.

23. You can give your hair a red color or lighten them. Such manipulations will help to establish good relations with others.

27. You can change the color of the hair, provided that they are lightened.

29. Manipulations with hair can be done, but it is better at home with the involvement of someone close

30. Having dyed your hair dark, you can easily establish good relationships with superiors at work.

Bad days for coloring

1, 11, 31. Any change in hair color will provoke conflicts at work and with loved ones, financial problems.

9, 18. The result will not please you; moreover, difficulties in business may arise.

13. Do not go to the hairdresser, as a change in hair color will lead to a deterioration in the opinions of others around you.

26. Due to coloring, all business undertakings will fail.

When is it best to do a haircut according to the lunar calendar of haircuts for March 2019

Most women are attracted by perm. But only part is decided on it, because the rest are afraid to spoil the hair. In fact, to keep your hair alive and healthy after such a procedure, you should go to the salon, following the lunar calendar of haircuts.

The following days are considered favorable for waving in March:

1, 2, 7 to 11, 15 to 19, 24, 25, 31.

These dates are favorable not only for curling, but also for wellness treatments of the scalp with home masks, lotions, massages. But before such procedures, do not discard the need for facial cleansing.

But going to the salon on a day that is considered unfavorable according to the Lunar calendar, you risk not only the strength and health of your hair, but also that the curl simply will not hold, the curls will straighten quickly, and all your efforts will go to waste. To avoid such troubles, do not go to the hairdresser in the following days:

5, 6, 13, 14, from 20 to 22, from 28 to 29.


Watch the video: Lunar Hair Cutting. Thicker Hair. YVONNI (June 2024).