The best books for teens: about love, friendship, life ... TOP 13 works worth reading for every modern teenager


There are so many good books. Among the interesting works, we can distinguish those that are certainly worth reading to adolescents.

Especially for the “Women's Opinion”, according to the results of a survey of the female audience, a list of books was compiled that was excellent for young readers.

The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The story of a boy from a distant planet has long been scattered into quotes. It can be safely called a real storehouse of wisdom. It’s important for teenagers to understand in time that “we are responsible for those we tamed.” From this fabulous story you can learn other lessons that come in handy in life. A distinctive feature of the book is the presence of copyright illustrations.

Treasure Island, Robert Stevenson

Pirate themes will always be eternal. Teenagers will be interested to read about the adventures of Jim and his comrades who set off in search of treasures. The work raises philosophical questions, which is also very important for the younger generation.

The Two Captains, Benjamin Caverin

This best book for teens tells the story of a simple guy Sani Grigoryev, who purposefully went to his dream - to become a pilot and find the expedition of captain Tatarinov. The work tells about friendship and love, betrayal and deception, fidelity and devotion. Several stories are intertwined into one, and with each page read, the characters get closer. The main motto of the book is "Fight and seek, find and not give up." These words are worth following in real life.

The Catcher in the Rye, Jerome Sellinger

The book about a seventeen-year-old teenager will definitely appeal to young fans of literature. It describes the rebellious mood of a young man who looks at the world with the maximalism characteristic of any young man. A similar approach is probably familiar to any teenager, which will allow him to find something very close to himself in the work.

Lovely Bones, Alice Seabold

Death is sometimes closer than we think. Suzy, who was the eldest daughter in an ordinary American family, dies at the hands of a maniac. Now the girl’s soul is watching the lives of relatives and friends from afar, worried that the killer is still living next to them. No one knows his name, and Susie cannot tell about it, because she died. The work holds in suspense until the very end.

"Before I fall," Lauren Oliver

This work, which also traces the theme of death, can also be attributed to the best books for adolescents. High school student Samantha just lived and enjoyed life, hoping to get a bunch of congratulations and gifts on Valentine's Day. But suddenly, everything went completely wrong as intended, because at night the girl died in a terrible accident. But in the morning Samantha suddenly wakes up as if nothing had happened. As it turned out, she returned on the last day of her life. She will live it several more times and will understand that her actions greatly affect the people around her.

"The house in which ...", Mariam Petrosyan

The book talks about a boarding house for the disabled. Here lives a young man named Smoker. He is being transferred to a new group, and the boy suddenly realizes that the boarding school is filled with mysticism. There is a parallel world here, and some pupils can move there. The smoker is left a year before graduation, and he begins to frighten life outside the boarding school. He has the idea of ​​going into that very parallel world. But does it really exist? Perhaps it was just the pupils who invented it?

The Chronicles of Narnia, Clive Lewis

A series of books tells the story of the adventures of four children in a fairy-tale world. There they had to fight with enemies, restoring peace and justice. But at the same time, the heroes of the work made new friends, the main of which was the kind and wise lion Aslan, who always comes to the rescue at the right time. The books tell about the struggle between good and evil, raise many philosophical questions.

The Lord of the Rings, John Ronald Roel Tolkien

Perhaps this popular work is familiar to everyone. Teenagers should definitely read the story of a brave hobbit Frodo and his friends who went on a trip to Middle-earth to fulfill an important mission - to destroy the ring of omnipotence. Many obstacles and dangers await the heroes, but the hobbits, elf, gnome and other characters do not give in to difficulties. They are ready to fight and defeat enemies, in order to eventually restore peace to Middle-earth.

"Girls Looking for Love," Jacqueline Wilson

In adolescence, I so want to quickly find my soulmate! Surely such a desire is familiar to all young girls. It is about such heroines that the work tells. Ellie, Nadine and Magda are the best friends who spend almost all of their time together. They communicate, have fun, share secrets and really want to attract the attention of the guys they like. Jacqueline Wilson has other interesting books that are worth reading to teens.

Strange Kids House, by Rens Riggs

Grandfather constantly told young Jacob strange stories that all adults considered ordinary fabrications and senile nonsense. Who would have thought that all this would be true! Jacob will have to face a lot of oddities and try to survive in the new world. The book is supplemented by photographs that excite the imagination and cause strange sensations in the soul.

Adrian Moul’s Secret Diary, Sue Townsend

Many teens keep personal diaries. Adrian was not an exception, who actively writes down his thoughts and feelings in a secret notebook. Teenagers will definitely recognize themselves or their comrades in a slightly unlucky kid. The book is written with a fair amount of humor, so reading it will give extremely positive emotions.

Scarlet Sails, Alexander Green

Many teenagers love to dream so much that sometimes they completely break away from reality. Is it good or bad? It is possible that Alexander Green’s book will help answer this question. Everyone considered the girl Assol crazy because she believed that the captain would soon arrive on the ship with red sails and pick her up. Sometimes miracles can be done with your own hands, and Captain Gray will clearly prove this.


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